That's good.
I can be totally random...
I got killed by a level three because, as my back was turned, he replaced my Fishing Potion with a Super strong weapon poison.
well you see I didnt exactly get killed my a level three I got owned but i have a good reason for it.... I had just finished saving the world from giant 3 headed dragons!! And i was telling the level 3 what my reward was and he sort of wanted it so he killed me(You tell me how ur ganna have more then 1 hp have to kill 100 3 headed blk dragons!)
i was killed by a level 3 because we were both chopping a 110ft tall tree and he made a bird nest fall. That nest had a very sharp rock in it, not to mention it fell from the tip of the tree. It kinda landed on my head and pierced my skull....
I was killed by a level 3 because i told him to hold my super defense potion for a second. Of course he had 27 nitroglycerines in his inventory and forgot which one was my super defense pot. He accidently gave me a nitroclycerin so when i went to fight the dagganoth kings i drank my super set before i went in, and ran a few feet before exploding.
just a tip if you dont want to get killed by a lvl3: NEVER EVER play a sudden death round of golf/tenis with one; you'll most likely to wind up very, suddenly, dead.