I was in the wild with my lvl 3 friend...
And then the crazy deranged lvl 3 with rabies bites you in the leg, then you go crazy and start biting people, everybody is running and a mage casts a fireball, misses and lights varrock on fire, a noob runs out of a building and runs to lumby, and catchs it on fire, every1 in lumby is on fire and spreads to every other city in rs, the fire burns all the oxygen and everything in rs dies. then every1 in runescape spawns at lumby, the world rolls over because all the weight is in 1 spot, the world cracks in half and flies into the sun, which increases in mass until it implodes, creating a black hole, which attracts everything in the universe into it, the black hole takes everything back in time, 30 seconds before the sun imploded, so every1 is being burned up forever, except the noob.
27-Sep-2007 23:28:57