- Tutorial Island (though it did make a return for a little bit)
- First Lum Tutorial (very immersive)
- Second Lum Tutorial (unstable foundations)
- Troll Warzone (though several reworks)
- Ashdale
The highest tiered armor and weapons can actually found in Daemonheim.
True, the highest armor tier is 99, Only Primal Armor, Sagittarian Armor and Celestial Robes have that tier.
(Also I hope it is not against the rules to look up the english names? I never play the english version of the game)
Zaros was the last god to arrive on Gielinor.
EDIT: Clarification any form of new god in Gielinor counts. Also: Since it isn't certain if Sliske is a god, he is not a valid choice.
Jojo - Still cannot decide who's better:
27-Oct-2014 14:04:35
- Last edited on
27-Oct-2014 14:07:40
Sonja Grier
Also the answer above is correct, but the reason is somewhat wrong. Said April fool's event involved kicking a Cabbage from the Cabbage Field SOUTH OF FALADOR to Oo'golg.
The date 06/06/06 is infamous in RuneScape
Jojo - Still cannot decide who's better:
True, they where the leaders of the 'Morytania Campain'. In need of power they agreed to a deal with Sliske who, in turn turned them into wights after their deaths.
Deaths was once a Mortal called Harold Death, and was the first Human to die on Gielinor. He was then tasked by the Elder Gods to bring everyone who dies to rest.
Jojo - Still cannot decide who's better: