@Last dude: I think you got confused lol, yes all my grandparents are dead, but this is two truths and a lie, not two lies and a truth.
So your deducing that all my grandparents are dead is great, but then either my mom or my Dad being dead is also true, so I don't understand why you said "If I hadn't deduced that I would say #1". Are you saying that it's true, my Dad is dead, or false, my Dad isn't? XD
In any case, the lie was that my Mom's dead, she's very much alive.
My old man's gone :c
@Blue Asian: ...#3? #1? I wanna say both lol, can't decide, which is it? >_< #1?
#1: I am under 18
#2: I've driven a train before
#3: My mom drives trains as a job
Which is the lie?
The best things in life are h
dden. You have to seek them out!
#1: I can count to 10 in ASL, Danish, Korean, and German
#2: I can count to 10 in Russian, Italian, and ASL
#3: I can count to 10 in Danish, French, Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, and German
Good luck
The best things in life are h
dden. You have to seek them out!
^That is or everything is a lie, or everything is a true
Now guess - which of these 3 statements is the lie:
1.I was drunk by the time I've posted this
2.I was over-smoked by the time I've posted this
3.I was n a k e d by the time I've posted this
I'm not listed in any Penguins dedicated community, but still spying on you!
24-May-2013 21:19:12
- Last edited on
24-May-2013 21:21:56
Judging by your guess to my three statements (which by the way was wrong, I can't count to 10 in Russian, so #2 was the false one ;P), I'm going to say at least #2 is true. XD Also, your spelling and grammar is anything but atrocious, so I would say #1 is the lie and #3 is the other truth.
#1: I collect Pocket Watches
#2: I consider myself a Hipster
#3: I love Mate (the beverage, look it up on W*kipedia in case you don't know)
Good luck
The best things in life are h
dden. You have to seek them out!