Well you counted down on USA vs World Game so you are currently living in the United Stafs of America which would make you american.
Seeing as this is the RuneScape Forms you more then likely play RuneScape II.
So by process of elimination I say number two is the lie.
I play RuneScape II for more then 2 hours a day.
I play RuneScape II for less then 7 hours a day.
I Play RuneScape II for more then 3 hours a day.
Page 2, Post 9. The lie was 2, then ... but now I have already untrapped the penguin from w71 community. (Yes, don't say to Twillow)
I think that Nr. 3
2 Truths 1 Lie. Good luck
1. I have created 2 threads in Forum
2. One of the thread, which I have created is locked
3. I love to bump old threads in Forum Games section
I'm not listed in any Penguins dedicated community, but still spying on you!
03-Feb-2013 20:05:43
- Last edited on
03-Feb-2013 20:06:06
1. I own and wear a wind-up Pocket Watch on my person whenever I go out
2. I am over 20
3. Three of my grandparents would be over 100 were they alive today
Which is the lie?
The best things in life are h
dden. You have to seek them out!
I kinda looked at your last 3 questions, and it seems to imply that your grandparents are dead, so i will say. Although if I dint see it I would most likely went with 1 your dad is dead.
1. I Love Lamp.
2. I Love Carpet.
3. I Love Table.