Dynastiland invites all leaders of the Bos, and leaders of all nations with one of our embassies built in their nation or with another existing alliance with us to a Dynastiland 1 week old anniversary party to be held in my giant, luxury cruiser STV yacht. We will tour the fascinating lava currents that form caves of enourmous and beautifull nature right underneath our country. there will be a party on the first and last nights of our three night trip, and we will have a sumptuos banquet every evening provided by Dynastiland's finest chefs. Breakfast and lunch will also be served during the day.
the trip will start tommorow afternoon, all those attending must arrive in time for a luncheon that wil take place before we board my yacht, where we will explain the schedules, and all related security and safety procedures.
WHERE: At my palace in the capital city of Dynastiland (What used to be stockholm).
WHEN: Be there at noon so we can be under the crust bt 2:30 P.M
WHO: Any members of the Bos and nation leaders who have an embassie or other alliance with Dynastiland.
WHY: In celebration of our one week anniversary.
WHAT: we will be taking a three day tour of the beautifull lava currents just beneath the earths crust right below our nation.
Please come, we'de love to have you!
25-Nov-2008 01:18:48
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25-Nov-2008 01:20:12
It's great to be back in the capitol! All projects shall continue as planned. Also we have built 5 battleships of the 3rd fleet.
Project U.N.T.A.A.W 69%
Project Teleport 65%
The gate at Zango101 is at 50%. We are hoping to get it on soon so we can have a faster route to the system and the areas that lay beyond it.
Since the Immortia threat is tarting to die down, I shall declassify U.N.T.A.A.W
Means: Upgrades to Navy, Tanks, And Army Weapons
We have produced the 1st Nerosian Ocean Fleet. This is to patrol our homeland on Earth. They don't have shields. But they have 45mm thick plates of steel on their hull. 5 25 ft long guns. 23 anti aircraft stations and 10 torpedo launchers. The aircraft carrier has all that and a hanger that can support 20 planes. Both ships are 1/2 a mile long.
We have developed a new tank. This tank has 4 machines gun tests, 34mm thick plates of steel, and 1 1 foot long gun. They are very fast. They also have a laser gun under the main gun. They run on Masonic just like everything else is. They also can hold 10 other men down there before it gets crowded.
Army Weapons:
We have developed 5 new types of weapons:
LAR stands for LAser Rifle. This is slandered equipment on most soldiers. It fires a laser beam that can cut/burn the enemy. It has 2 options, burn or cut. It can fire 30 beams per minutes
RL means Rocket Launcher. This is carried for anti tank purposes. IT can fire 5 before having to reload
LMG means Laser Machine Gun. It is standard equipment for support teams. It can fire beams at a rate of 500 per minute.
The LLMG is a Light Laser Machine Gun. It acts like the LMG except you can carry it. It can fire beams at a rate of 230 per minute
THe kosnov is a military assault rifle. It is basically a laser rifle that is automatic. It can spit out 60 rounds per minute.
^add to it
These may seem powerful, but we are still developing them. We expect to finish developing them by the end of this week.
Oh and I will be happy to come to the party!
123x*z8 President of Neros(2)
Finished burning the Omega-034 Immortia Base.
12,000 Immortia Dead, 456 Terrorian Dead, 143 Injured, 24 MIA.
E6's in final stage of testing. All targets disentigrated.
Heavy army recruiting: 3,000 troops added.
Military: 44,602 Troops. 30,602 Naval/Space, 14,000 Ground.
Omega-038, Omega-039 discovered. Inhabited by large animals.
In process of taming animals as war weapons, they can breathe w/o oxygen.
Terroria has discovered a new star system! Handron.
We believe that this is where Immortia originated. However, there is bad news. We're detecting thousands, if not tens of thousands, of Immortia bases. Estimating 12-14 Billion Immortia terrorists there, minimum.
We expect that it will take us at least a week, if not more, to purge this system, and that's if a few other countries join in.
Project Shield Generator V2
If we are going after Immortia, Terrorian ships and cities will need shields. Shield Generator V2 can be worn as a watch or belt, and projects a 5x5 shield.
« NEWS »
(see Page 63, Post 1)
COMBAT, Porschestan - Citizens were outraged today when Djinnaken announces that usage of fossil fuels will not be tolerated. Porschestan is a very poor country from central Asia and the impact of this is enormous. The government, fearing an invasion from Djinnaken, closed all gas stations within the country. All motorized transport has been halted. The country's space program has been ruined. Porschestan has been reduced to horse drawn carriages due to the absence of better technology.
In other news, a terrorist group released a video today condemning the actions of Djinnaken and promising death and destruction if the bans were not soon removed. The Porschestan government condemns the terrorists and their actions.
Updates: Shield Generators - 70% completed
Renewable Energy - 20% (est. 4 days)
Radiation Deflector - 4% (est. 5 days)
Bass sound super amplification - 90% (est. 1 days)
Micro technology - 1% (est. unknown)
Long range bombardment missiles - 100%
New project: Island Defense 1.1
Island Defense 1.1
-Raises land near ocean by 1000 meters.
-All ports will be situated on artificial inlets, to be made in a later project.
=Prevents unnoticed invasion.
Well Rocco I would like to join in, but I'm waiting for the rest of the 3rd fleet to be finished. and project U.N.T.A.A.W to be finished. Though I already have the tanks and the laser rifles ready. So i might join in. Though I will send in 5 Battleships from the 1st fleet and 3 aircraft carriers from the 2nd fleet, and 4 transports, each carrying 5k troops to support in the attack. That is the most we can send though. But once either the entire 3rd fleet is finished or the NSs 123x*z8 is finished then we will send most of our ships.
Project Transport (almost forgot about this lol) 20%
Porschestan- If you can allow, I would like to send 10 scientist, bringing along some Masonite, to your country. This is so we can see if we can try to adapt your machinery to run on Masonite.
123x*z8 president of Ners(2)
25-Nov-2008 04:22:26
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25-Nov-2008 04:26:04
On the topic of renewable energy, we the dynastians would like to state that we are and have been entirely energy independent for a few days now.
We only use the massive ammounts of thermal energy found in molten lava to vaporize water to drive steam turbine generaters.
No oil, nuclear elements, or wind power is used.
also, project A.S.E.C.U.T.O.E is at 25% completion, up from the projected 20% completion, thanks to the cloning technology given to us by Neros.