1. SCARAB Tribe- The Scarab Tribe and the people of Porschestan are happy about the the exchange of culture, art, food, and money. However, a shocking discovery was made. It was shown that an oil company on the outskirts of Combay, called ***-Oil, was cheating, and only using 1/20,000 masonite in the oil, half the worldwide standard. Porshestan, we demand you punish the company and make them pay the few extra bucks... masonites cheap! If you dont we will attack the company, then Porschestan.
2. EMERALD Tribe- Mining Continues. We will leave soon though, we have more gems there than anywhere else, and we're afraid of attack.
3. LAKE Tribe- We are finding many lost Egyptians objects in the deserts.
4. WILLOW Tribe- We arrived to find Newfoundland and Terroria deserted. We have decided to investigate.
5. LUNAR TRIBE- Our hunting is successful.
-Hieros Gamos Continues.
-A huge rock is being converted into a rocket pod, which can take Nomads to space.
-Our Artisans are preparing for the arrival of all the gold and gems and fur.
-Our Butchers are preparing for the meat.
- We have ruled that the attempted theif of THE BOSTON FILES was an evil country.
All countries that are not superpowers are 2nd world
05-Dec-2008 03:28:03