At the same time, the mage's armour and weapon begin to glow pale blue from heat, then he is lost from sight as the light from the equipment is far too intense. Flames course along the ground, spiralling around him and twisting up into a giant phoenix.
Energy bursts out of the ground around the warrior as the armour turns red (I think) and he lets out a piercing, warped cry.
After a second of complete stillness, the music changes to 'born to do this' (as in daemonheim) and the two rush straight towards each other. from a distance it looks like a giant blast of red energy and a giant blast of blue fire colliding.
There is a metallic crash that resounds throughout the nearby mountain range, as sword hits glaive, and the two are seen standing there, struggling to gain the upper hand.
Behind Mad Guy, yet wider fissures open up, and huge pillars and walls similar to those seen in daemonheim rise up. The top layers seem to be frozen, underneath is a myriad of decorated, abandoned, and sections with red and purple glowings nearer the bottom.
Eight of these pillars rise up, surrounding the two, as well as a set of ornate walls similar to the warped walls.
Behind the mage, a blast of electromagnetic radiation fills the sky with aurora, and seems to make the stars shine more brightly as well.
Huge blasts of fire appear in the torches around the arena, glowing in all kinds of different colours, several of which technically don't exist, and forming a roof of aurora for their arena.
The two are thrown back, making sizable dents in the walls, although these quickly warp and patch up, as the bricks rearrange and fix themselves.
the two fighters go for another attack. Parried, with a blast of power that sends ripple patterns across the ceiling.
Clash after clash, the fighters keep coming back, neither one seemingly able to land a proper hit.
12-Aug-2015 13:40:36