A hexagonal portal? What that made me immediately think of is Bad News. And yes, those capitals are deserved. After all, who in all of Worm is described as using hexagonal portals?
Trust me when I say that that's something you want no part in.
In other news, Lac d'Arme has nothing to do, and his Shard has no name. Sadness. Meh, I'll just say that he's practicing with his Scissor Blades (both size/shape manipulation and swordsmanship). Why? Because he's Genre Savvy enough that he understands that there's probably someone or something out there that can nullify his Parahuman abilities.
Which brings me to a thing about his power that's worth mentioning: what he retains in the face of power-nullifying Trumps like Hatchet Face. Compared to other powers, his is, in some ways, slower to be blocked out; the power itself is just the learning, so without the power, he just can't learn more skills, and those he has fade over time. How much fades and how fast depends on two things: prior experience and whether or not he's using the given weapon (use without his power tends to give a slight experience bonus since he can't use his power as a crutch). The second one works because it helps keep the skills in his short-term memory, which isn't influenced by the skill degradation (but, once in long-term memory, it also fades in the way memories are wont; this, however, also aids in the metaphoric XP gain). So, just in case anyone brings in a power-nullifier, remember that he is still going towards the level where he'll be Brought Down to Badass at worst.
Also, just something for you all to think about: Fate/Stay Night's Servant Assassin can, through pure skill, perform three slashes at the exact same time with one mundane (if abnormally long) sword, and Lac d'Arme's power is all
Lord Yatagarasu, the Black Sun.
Thank you for giving me your power.
The sunlight that rains down on the Earth
is a nuclear furnace that will create new atoms.
My ultimate nuclear fusion will burn up
every body, heart, phantom, and fairy!
22-Jul-2015 02:56:43