
Prestigious Signature School 1

Quick find code: 55-56-190-62227830

Nop Rs

Nop Rs

Posts: 14,357 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Perfect jinx, but edit your posts damnit. :P
now make a one lined signature with your name and one word that describes you in messy text.

Needs moar flow
¨`*•›„¸¸,‹•*´..¯¨ˆ¹º like that
·›„„‹· wtf is this :P is it a crazy face?
OSRS Newb Help Initiative ',
¸.‹ *³ˆ;'°*• .„¸¸¸,.'
ˆ.,¸¸„:‹ "¨,¸¸,.‹´

14-Aug-2011 16:57:28 - Last edited on 15-Aug-2011 00:21:59 by Nop Rs



Posts: 8,184 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
ohhhhhhhhhhh u mean the periods at the right lol. all that logo making has made me block that part out =0

¨`*•›„¸¸,‹•*´..¯¨ˆ¹ºJinx is beastº¹ˆ¨¯..`*•›,¸¸„‹•*´¨
...........`*•›¸‹•*´....coz i said so....`*•›¸‹•*´...........

14-Aug-2011 17:35:21 - Last edited on 07-Sep-2011 11:36:37 by JinxSin



Posts: 2,849 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Username/Nickname: Nataku Sigs
Gender: Male
Do you have any experience? If so how much? about a year and a bit
Any reason why you want to make signatures? fun :D What browser are you using? (Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc) GC
Are · and . the same length for you? (IMPORTANT) same lengh
Have you read the rules? yes
Extra notes:
i'll let this place me in a year
..... ¨ˆ°*•›¸ ................. ,‹••›¸ ...................... ¨ˆ°*•›¸†¸‹•*°ˆ¨ ..................... ¸‹••›, ................. ¸‹•*°ˆ¨
¨ˆ°*•›¸ . „° .......... ¸‹••›;¸¸¸„‹' . ,-¹¯¹-, .. 'Nataku Epyon Wolf' .. ,-¹¯¹-, . '›„¸¸¸;‹••›¸ .......... °„ . ¸‹•*°ˆ¨
........ °„° .... ¸‹•*°*•›¸ . `-.,,,.-´. ,‹• .. ,', .... 'One Of A Kind' .... ,', .. •›, .`-.,,,.-´ . ¸‹•*°*•›¸ .... °„°
.......... °•=•° ..... °••° .............. `•=•´ . '›„¸¸¸„‹•*°ˆ¨ . ¨ˆ°*•›„¸¸¸„‹' . `•=•´ .............. °••° ..... °•=•°
¨ˆ°*•›¸ .... ¸‹••›¸ ................... ¨ˆ°*•›„¸¸¸„‹•*°*•›¸..¸‹•**•›¸..¸‹•*°*•›„¸¸¸„‹•*°ˆ¨ ................... ¸‹••›¸ .... ¸‹•*°ˆ¨
......... °••° .... „°„ .. ¸‹••›¸ ............ ¸‹••›¸ ....... Epyon Lust ....... ¸‹••›¸ ............ ¸‹••›¸ .. „°„ .... °••°
... ¨ˆ°*•›„¸¸¸„‹° .. °›;¸¸¸„‹° . ¸‹••›¸ . °„ .. °›„¸¸¸„‹° ..... ' ..... °›„¸¸¸„‹° .. „° . ¸‹••›¸ . °›„¸¸¸;‹° .. °›„¸¸¸„‹•*°ˆ¨
............................. °›„¸¸¸„‹° ..... °••° .............................................. °••° ..... °›„¸¸¸„‹°
my assignment form nop
……..°„°……..,-¹¯¹-,…….','….„°./\/A†@]{Ü $¦G$.°„….','…….,-¹¯¹-,……..°„°
The A is there because of the cursed censor

17-Aug-2011 12:41:09 - Last edited on 21-Aug-2011 02:24:08 by Lunatakuluna

Nop Rs

Nop Rs

Posts: 14,357 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Cookie I didnt see your last edit because we were on a new page. Once we are on a new page just post again don't edit a post that is way back because I will never see it.
For your assignment please write out the following sentence in all three text types
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

Nata please make a three lined signature with your name in messy, character reduce it.
I'm gonna stick you in third year for now.
> Good, except for this ,-¹¯¹-, You're making me sad nata, that has no flow :( Something like ,- ¹ˆ¹ -, would be better
Now make me a four lined unsymmetrical signature, with atleast 4 strikethroughs. Make each one look different.
>> Also, remember to mirror the periods onto the end
Jinx make a 2 liner with whatever text
make it flow
¨`*•›„¸¸,‹•*´..¯¨ˆ¹ºJinx is beastº¹ˆ¨¯..`•›,¸¸„‹•´¨
..........`*•›..‹•*´....coz i said so...`*•›..‹•*´
Nice, few things wrong though. This `*•›..‹•*´ I can't tell if its an inverted wave, or if its two lines that end on the arrow. I would change it to something like `*•›¸‹•*´
Also there are two mirroring mistakes, please fix.
> Still one left...
Beta perfect, except your messy a in lazy is technically an ae not an a. For your next assignment do what jinx had to do at the top of the page.
> Ok now make a 2 liner with whatever text
>> Alto :P
>> :/ ok well your 2-liner looks cool, but unfortunately it does not flow, do not repeat symbols unless necesary. Please try to make another one, except this time use waves for the base of the sig.
OSRS Newb Help Initiative ',
¸.‹ *³ˆ;'°*• .„¸¸¸,.'
ˆ.,¸¸„:‹ "¨,¸¸,.‹´

18-Aug-2011 13:43:11 - Last edited on 01-Sep-2011 11:39:03 by Nop Rs



Posts: 298 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
> Ok now make a 2 liner with whatever text
...//¯¨”*¤«¸»¤*”¨¯\\ßè†ã''š¸¸,,-^-,,¸¸ ‡wø. ¸.›^²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²”˜¨¨
¨˜”²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²¬-·;¸˜¸;·.,¸¸¸,.·;¸˜¸;·¤^ |îñér' \\¸¸¸„,.«•ˆ•».,„¸¸¸//
Alto's r cool. I play flute/picc/mace/whistle
(repeated 2's made a line; a 2-liner ;) )-jokes r not necessary tho... so...
'¸•*˜'•¸ßè†ãš¸¸,,-^-,,¸¸ ‡wø..¸.•*¨˜*‹¸¸›*˜¨*,
.'›,¸¸„; ,. -· ;¸˜¸;·.,¸¸¸,.·;¸˜¸;·¤^|ïñèr¸,.•ˆ•.,¸¸,‹'
to this?
¸•*˜'•¸ßè†ãš¸¸,,.‹^›.,,¸¸‡wø..¸,‹• *´¨˜*•›„¸¸„‹•*˜`*·,
'›„¸¸„: ,. ‹· ;¸˜¸;· .,¸_¸,.·;¸˜¸;·*´¨|ïñèr¸,.‹ˆ›.,¸¸„‹'
= = = = =
For your next assignment please make another two lined signature with your choice of text in leet, make it perfectly symmetrical.
‹;'¸*,•;*˜*•„*'˜*•¸¸•*˜¨ |\|0\x/ $¦12„ @ \x/@12 ¦$ |\|3\/312 ¨˜*•¸¸•*˜'*„•*˜*;•,*¸';›
„¸¸¸„›" .|>. "‹„¸¸„'·;ˆ¸ˆ;› 3\/3|\| -$¦12 @ \x/@12 ¦$ \x/0|\| ‹;ˆ¸ˆ;·'„¸¸„›" .<|. "‹„¸¸¸„
= ) first home football game was 9/9

19-Aug-2011 02:45:15 - Last edited on 17-Sep-2011 00:14:54 by betamonkey20

Nop Rs

Nop Rs

Posts: 14,357 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Much better beta just a few things that could be improved
¸,‹• *´¨˜*•›„¸¸„‹•*˜`*·,
'›„¸¸„: ,. ‹· ;¸˜¸;· .,¸_¸,.·;¸˜¸;·*´¨
For your next assignment please make another two lined signature with your choice of text in leet, make it perfectly symmetrical. Complete succesfully to be promoted. :)
Jinx, still one more mirroring mistake (its very big, and leaves a large gap)
OSRS Newb Help Initiative ',
¸.‹ *³ˆ;'°*• .„¸¸¸,.'
ˆ.,¸¸„:‹ "¨,¸¸,.‹´

05-Sep-2011 13:20:46 - Last edited on 05-Sep-2011 13:22:42 by Nop Rs



Posts: 7,177 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
¨`ˆ"ª^ Student Application
Username/Nickname: xMid-Luvs-Ux / Mid
Gender: I.. don't... know... (f)
Do you have any experience? If so how much? ohhhhh yes almost 1 year in november (:
Any reason why you want to make signatures? I want more practice<.<
What browser are you using? (Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc) IE or FF or GC (right now IE)
Are · and . the same length for you? (IMPORTANT) wait no · (i banish thou censor) is longer by like 1/32 a inch'o.O
Has you read the rules? umm yaaas
Extra notes: i absolutely love peanutbutter :) (:


06-Sep-2011 01:56:39 - Last edited on 08-Sep-2011 03:40:54 by [#Y143MTWEF]

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