((Tr-es hu-mble d-es Asu-Erus rebi-enue et-iam. So Dalnius would in Chthonics say, welcoming you back. I suppose I could get a copy of the revision, I made not long ago, only need to add abit.
It has been some time since the Sidereals were present in gielinor.
A villain named Gasten Catoblepas destroyed Karamja turning it mostly into an island covered in snow and a strange kind of pine tree. The other part, the volcano has erupted.
Zeb has died by Dalnius's blood which explodes in water. (can't remember if you witnessed that or not,)
Lexia and Cloud returned to there own time
Varrock which he destroyed has just been rebuilt as a city named Regulus
Elves, Dwarves, Even Goblins are being welcomed to the city for a unity of races.
The city is devoted to the time/space god Leon whom it seems has ascended to fighting villains beyond the scope of this RPG, or perhaps he is in some state of dormancy.
Regulus is ruled by an archonship, meaning nine leaders, or at least,
Annie, Dalnius, Rue and possibly Kairi are among the archons, the others are yet to be chosen.
Rue is nine foot tall, thin and aquiline ,of pale skin, waist length blue hair, yellow eyes, she is a Jhone, a summonable warrior comparable to Djinn, Afrit and Marid. The Jhone species is considered aligned with elves or Arefe as they are called in your universe, and enemy to vampires, although Rue doesn't want to kill any vampires unless nessessary.
Her full name is Incongrue Hyperenor Coresus Xenalina Unperseund Helledein Quintus, Domina de casu Quis.
Hamish the harpy just introduced has pale skin, dark cultist garb scaled to his size and
dark wings. He has a magic burnt wood staff called Ilden, it is alive it seems.
Since a time compression, objects from other times have appeared over Gielinor, along with that Dal-Nius has constantly been changing through his past lives, as humans, halve elves, bronze cyborgs, a fern and several Necromanchthon. He is currently a Necromanchthon again.))
08-Jun-2013 12:59:58