"Sadly...They were destroyed with my world..." Dalnius said. "Should I hide?" He asked distractedly. He knew in other universes there were all the people he had lost, but those universe had him as well…He was in every universe he had ever travelled to. Except this one. He was't in this universe, at least, He hadn't been until recently.
A new empire rose, far more quickly than any should. The Callista Cathedral a centrepiece in a city shapes like the wheel of a bike. Roads radiated outward in every direction. Already Al Karidian traders and druids from Taverly had arrived.
Three rings surrounded the Cathedral, the first had four separate areas.
The The Cathedral's entranced face north and its passage led one out to an expansive garden. Behind the Cathedral south a bazaar was half formed. East of the Cathedral a bank had come into existence. To the west a jail.
The second ring further out, surrounding the first had eight segments : North a cluster of Inns had rose, North West a museum was making note of what the previous city had been, South West a guilds for crafters and miners emerged, South a guild of cooking, South East hosted a hospital, East a magic guild, North East arose an encampment for a so far small militia.
The third ring surrounded the second and had sixteen segments hosting Clockwise on a compass : A rangers guild north, Wizards guild, Warriors guild, Summoners guild, houses segments five through twelve. A smaller market was the thirteenth, A council of trading, Guild of science and lastly a graveyard. Built respectively.
Smaller unplanned Islands of commerce, trade, teaching and housing had already sprung around the City, outside its massive stone walls.
Night had fallen, A patrol of Human and Jhone's swepts through the city. In a hundred years it would be said the order of the city had done it, summoned the book. A large black tome with gilt with yellowish metal arrived at the museum. Its title : Chth•Onia
30-Apr-2013 05:11:51