
The Search for the Partyhats

Quick find code: 49-50-990-62941274

Noob Twinz 5
Feb Member 2012

Noob Twinz 5

Posts: 640 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
He pulled them both onto the back of the dragon. It roared and glanced about, trying to see what had climbed onto its back. Before they had time to situate themselves properly onto the beast's back, it took off, over the secret island of Andrew and then off, over the ocean....

They flew for quite some time. They were nearing the Mainland and they would be safe and sound there, and they would be able to destroy the remaining partyhats.... But then something occurred to him: How were they to get off the dragon's back? Jump? It would not be prudent to kill themselves after all of this, only to lose the partyhats and unwillingly respawn in Lumbridge.

They were getting closer every second. Cities and villages flew past below them and Bill wondered where the dragon would take them. Back to its lair in the Wilderness? Even there they would die, for the dragon currently did not know what exactly was on its back.

"How are we going to get off of this thing?" Bob shouted from where he sat on the dragon.

"No idea! Maybe we could jump when it gets low enough to the ground!"

They continued over the land of RuneScape. They passed Lumbridge and Al Kharid, and then Varrock, the Grand Exchange, and now they were in the Wilderness. The dragon was getting lower now, and Bill knew it was going back to the lair from whence it came.

The lesser demons came into view and they were a mere twenty feet from the ground....

"Bob, we're going to jump right before it flies into the lesser demons! Right outside the gates!" Bill shouted to Bob, who was lopsided where he sat and clinging onto the dragon at an awkward angle.

"Okay!" he called back shakily.

Now they were fifteen feet, and then ten, and the gates were getting closer all the time. The lesser demons were looking up, and they could see what was on the dragon's back, licking their lips for the meal that awaited them.


They dove off the beast's back and hurdled headfirst down to the ground.

30-Jun-2011 23:14:30 - Last edited on 22-Jul-2011 07:04:41 by Noob Twinz 5

Noob Twinz 5
Feb Member 2012

Noob Twinz 5

Posts: 640 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
They spun in midair to make sure they landed on their feet, and then they did so, rather forcibly, mind, and they were safely on the ground.

The dragon smashed through the ground to go back to its lair and the demons, looking quite sad, fell down into the collapsing ground.

As they were walking south, Bob began chuckling uneasily. Bill turned to see what for, and Bob was holding a pile of teleporting runes.

"I guess I forgot I had these when were in the vault..." he laughed.

"Are you serious...? Are you really serious right now...?"

"Look, at least we're out of there and we have the partyhats. We're not hurt, right? Let's just teleport back to Varrock so we can finish these."

"We could have died back there! In the vault, on the back of the dragon--! You know what, never mind. Let's just go."

Bill took some of the runes for himself and the shot up into the air and soon they were back in the familiar city of Varrock. However, upon their arrival, an enraged bellow was emitted from the skies. Everywhere the screams came, from the buildings, the stalls, it even seemed as though the people were shouting too, and they all had the roar that was Andrew's.

"Andrew did this!" Bill yelled. "He knew we might escape so he alerted everyone! He has moderators here! The players are in on it too!"

Coming from all directions were moderators, heavily armored, looking deranged with pride and anger. The players were also coming in on them. They were cornered, they could not escape, and they were sure to face whatever means of punishment the moderators had in mind.

"Here! I still have some runes! Just teleport anywhere you can!" Bob said, fumbling with the stones in his hands and giving a pile to Bill.

Bill took them, and once more they shot into the air. Though this time they did not land immediately at their destination; they kept flying higher and higher, and the air was getting dense, it was difficult to breathe.

30-Jun-2011 23:31:10 - Last edited on 28-Jul-2011 18:39:05 by Noob Twinz 5

Noob Twinz 5
Feb Member 2012

Noob Twinz 5

Posts: 640 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
It did not look like they were still on RuneScape, but seemingly in outerspace.

They could hear voices, and the air was clearing again, and they could breathe. Now they were coming back down, but they were at nowhere that was on RuneScape.... Loud monster-like things were breathing smoke and they made strange noises like a trumpet, and then they fell from the sky and slammed into the street whereupon the loud, boisterous monsters rolled with their strange wheels....

As soon as they landed on this street, the monsters had begun roaring and swerving around them. They came in all sizes and colors: Huge and black, or tiny and blue. Several times an actual human stuck their head out of the side of the things and yelled, "Get off the road, idiots!"

They shuffled to their feet and looked about, still unsure where to go. Then a voice from their right said, "Oi, you two! Get over here!"

They looked over, and a man was beckoning for them to come over. He was wearing some rather fancy clothing, something neither Bob nor Bill saw on a daily basis.

"Yeah, you two! Get out of the middle of the road!" the man shouted again.

Bill hurried over, Bob right behind, to the man who was calling for them.

"Are you two crazy?" he said. "You might get run over!"

"What were those things?" Bill asked, looking back at the monsters.

"They're cars. Haven't you seen them before?"


The man eyed them suspiciously, with a hint of caution in his expression. He shook his head and then turned and walked toward a building, paying no attention as to whether Bill and Bob were following.

He led them into a huge building, in through a pair of doors over which there looked as though there were a sign, but it had been taken down for some reason. He continued through the front lobby, nodding at the man who sat at a desk at the end of the hall, and then down through a side corridor, doors lining the walls.

"Erm--" Bill hesitated, but the man did not stop walking.

30-Jun-2011 23:31:18 - Last edited on 28-Jul-2011 18:36:41 by Noob Twinz 5

Noob Twinz 5
Feb Member 2012

Noob Twinz 5

Posts: 640 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"Sorry, but we didn't exactly catch your name, sir?"

"The name's Andrew," the man said, his voice emotionless.

Bill stopped for a second, glancing cautiously at Bob, who did not seem to notice the man's reply. They kept on following this Andrew fellow, until they were at the end of the hall, where he took out a large key ring and fumbled through the keys until he found the right one. He stuck the key into a lock and then entered the room.

"So, where are you two from?" Andrew asked, sitting down at a chair behind a desk.

"Er, we're from Lumbridge, a... small village in Asgarnia."

Andrew chuckled. "Lumbridge? You mean from the game 'RuneScape'?"

"Game?" Bill repeated.

"Yeah, you know how it goes... 'RuneScape, the massive online adventure game by Jag--'"

Andrew suddenly stopped at the realization of what he had said, as well as the widening of Bill's eyes.

"JAGeX...? You mean, you're Andrew? THE Andrew?!"

Andrew looked completely dumbstruck, but then smiled. "That took you quicker than I had thought it would."

"We've destroyed all of your partyhats! You're not safe anymore, Andrew! You're finished!" Bill shouted.

Andrew laughed again. "If I remember correctly, Bill, you left all of them on RuneScape before you were teleported here."

"Bob! You idiot!" Bill said suddenly.

"What?!" shouted Bob, who had been staring at the floor. "How is this my fault?! You were holding them!"

"SILENCE!" Andrew roared. "You've lost, Bill. I can ban you now!"


"Yes!" Andrew laughed maniacally. He reached down under his desk and pulled out a bar of, what appeared to be, plastic. However, he split it in half and opened it, studying the contents of the inside.

"'RuneScape' is just a game! Once I ban you, you'll be teleported back to RuneScape, and you'll be gone!"


Bill charged at Andrew, who grabbed the split plastic block and dove out of the way, leaving Bill to tumble over the desk and into the curtains of the window that was behind the desk.

30-Jun-2011 23:31:27 - Last edited on 28-Jul-2011 04:40:37 by Noob Twinz 5

Noob Twinz 5
Feb Member 2012

Noob Twinz 5

Posts: 640 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"STOP HIM!" Bill shouted at Bob, who had resumed looking at the floor. Bob suddenly snapped back to reality, as Bill stumbled up from out of the curtains, and then ran at Andrew, who dove out of the way again, Bob crashing into a bookcase.

Bill was now on his feet again and climbed upon the desk, shouting "GIVE ME THAT THING!" He then lunged from the top of the desk and landed on the floor, missing Andrew by inches.

Bob now had Andrew cornered by the door, hopping from left to right, making sure Andrew did not get away. Bill was up again and ran for Bob. They tumbled over each other, falling onto Andrew, and the split block went flying into the air: It smashed upon the ground, pieces going in every direction. Andrew screamed, "NOOOOOOOOOO! THAT LAPTOP COST ME NINE HUNDRED AND NINETY-NINE POUNDS! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

Bill shot up, kicking Andrew as he did so, and then dove for the laptop. However, Andrew had also gotten on his feet, and chased after Andrew, Bob shouting after him. At once, all three of them dove onto the laptop, and before any of them could fall on top of another, they were gone.

Land of RuneScape-December 26, 2011...

They were flying through the time and space that brought them to this new world, and they could make out the land of RuneScape once more.

They slammed into the sandy beach of Catherby bay, the confused and wondering fishermen turning to look for the source of the ruckus.

Bill, Bob, and Andrew were blown away from each other, Bill and Bob landing on the small island of the shores of the beach, and Andrew being buried by sand; he was back in his terrifying, RuneScape form: Pale as an onion, noseless, and with long, grimy fingernails.

"Come on!" Bill yelled, and he grabbed Bob's arm and they shot into the air, teleporting, and seconds later they landed in Varrock center.

As soon as they had landed, a deep, booming voice echoed across the land of RuneScape.

30-Jun-2011 23:31:35 - Last edited on 28-Jul-2011 18:49:28 by Noob Twinz 5

Noob Twinz 5
Feb Member 2012

Noob Twinz 5

Posts: 640 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
It spoke in Andrew's voice and was calm and did not seem bothered by the recent hullabaloo it had encountered.

"Moderator Mark Michael Gerhard..." it said, and the many people wandering about the center stopped and looked up toward the sky. "Mark Michael Gerhard, come to me. Come meet me at the top of White Wolf Mountain. If anyone else dares to come as well, I shall gladly empty your bank, reset your skills, and ban you for life.... Mark Michael Gerhard - White Wolf Mountain...."

"Shouldn't we be going to find those partyhats?" Bob suggested, looking at Bill, who was still looking up at the sky.

"Oh--oh yeah, come on!"

Bob began to run down the east path, but Bill stopped him abruptly. "Bob, don't you remember? We teleported from here, Varrock center! They should be here!"

"Someone probably took them!"

"Er--dudes," said a person who had stopped to look at them. "You talkin' 'bout those hats over there in the fountain?"

"Fountain?" Bill and Bob said together.

"Yeah, the fountain. Some trolls came through here earlier and thought it'd be funny to throw the partyhats into the fountain.... No one cares enough to pick 'em up, 'cause they're practically worthless now.... Everyone was sellin' 'em and so the prices crashed."

Bill glanced over at the fountain in the middle of the town square. Partyhats in assorted colors sat in a pile in the fountain, being drenched in the water. Bob looked at Bill questioningly, raising an eyebrow, and then they walked over to them.

Bob picked one up, flopping it around flimsily. He hesitantly put his other hand around it, looking back at Bill, and then ripped it down the center: They were greeted with a high-pitched screech at doing so, and suddenly, the Varrock center was gone and they were standing on top of White Wolf Mountain, staring out over the village of Catherby, and they could see Moderator MMG trudging up the path to the summit of the mountain.

30-Jun-2011 23:32:45 - Last edited on 28-Jul-2011 18:48:59 by Noob Twinz 5

Noob Twinz 5
Feb Member 2012

Noob Twinz 5

Posts: 640 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Bill collapsed to the ground, breathing heavily, glancing between the fountain and Bill.

"Quick! Rip them all! NOW!"

Both of them began ripping the rest of the soaked partyhats down the center, and again and again they screamed, and every time they destroyed one, they were met with the same vision, however with each destruction, MMG was getting closer.

At last there was on left, and Bill tore it into shreds, and for one final time, they were atop White Wolf Mountain....

"Thank you, MMG. I am glad you could make it," Andrew said.

"Of course, my Lord. I could not refuse a meeting with you. Whatever it may be, I am certain it is important."

"It is quite important, MMG. Follow me."

Andrew turned and began walking toward the trapdoor, his black robes dragging behind him in the snow. He opened the door in the ground and then shimmied down the ladder into the warmer atmosphere underground.

The cavern was only lit with two flickering torches that sat in brackets on the walls. Andrew pulled the door shut tight, and then walked across the room, turning to look at MMG.

"By now, I am sure you are wondering, why I summoned you here tonight, MMG?"

"I am indeed curious, my Lord. Does this relate to the two players, who were they, Bill and Bob?"

"Yes it does...."

And then they were sucked back into their surroundings of Varrock. The wandering people who were once looking up at the sky for the source of the voices were now staring oddly at Bill and Bob, the former on the ground, panting still.

"We need to go to White Wolf Mountain, Bob. We need to hear whatever Andrew has to say about us."

Bob nodded importantly and helped Bill up, and then they teleported to Camelot.

"Why isn't there an update or anything, Bill?" Bob asked as they sprinted down the path toward Catherby.

"I don't know. I thought once we destroyed all of the partyhats we'd be able to get what we wanted!"

30-Jun-2011 23:32:52 - Last edited on 28-Jul-2011 18:48:08 by Noob Twinz 5

Noob Twinz 5
Feb Member 2012

Noob Twinz 5

Posts: 640 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"What if... what if there's more?"

"I don't think so, Bob. I'm pretty sure there were only twenty left when we had that vision earlier this year, Andrew seemed genuinely worried."

"Yeah, but what if the shards of the building aren't in anymore partyhats? What if we destroyed all of the partyhats, but there are other objects?"

"Let's not think about that right now, Bob. Let's just get to White Wolf Mountain."

They continued to run through Catherby, and then up the side of the mountain, where the wolves stared stupidly at their passing prey.

They reached the summit and they stood over the trapdoor. As Bob was about to open the door, Bill stopped him, and then nodded toward the ground. He dropped down and laid on his stomach, peering through a crack in the trapdoor, where he could just barely make out what Andrew and MMG were saying, and could clearly see what they were doing. Bob followed suit and they eavesdropped on the conversation between the CEO and the co-creater of RuneScape.

"... Yes, they have destroyed all of them, MMG," Andrew was saying.

"So why has there not been a system update yet? Why has JAGeX not yet ceased to exist?"

"Have you forgotten about our little secret? The partyhats were not all of them. I trust you remember what I told you when you became CEO?"

"Oh, yes, yes of course, my Lord. How could I have forgotten?"

"You seemed wary."

"I always fear for the safety of our Headquarters and fellow moderators, my Lord. You know that."

"I do," Andrew said, and he turned and walked slowly toward a torch on the wall, examining the flames closely. "However, I face an unfortunate complication. You see, I told you that secret when you became CEO, and I trusted you wholeheartedly."

"And I must thank you very much for that, my Lord."

"Yes, but the players... they have grown to... how should I say, dislike you."

"D-dislike me? How ever do you mean?"

30-Jun-2011 23:32:59 - Last edited on 28-Jul-2011 18:47:11 by Noob Twinz 5

Noob Twinz 5
Feb Member 2012

Noob Twinz 5

Posts: 640 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"I am not sure if it is you they dislike, or if it is the updates themselves. No matter...."

Andrew turned and walked over to a portrait that hung on the wall, a portrait of King Arthur, and he studied that closely as well.

"W-well, should we release more partyhats, my Lord?"

"No, that is not the problem. The problem is... I find you weak, MMG."

"Weak?" MMG repeated.

"You may give in to our players, which would have completely defeated the purpose of the partyhats. The players... and by extension, Bill and Bob."

"I do not understand."

"You may reveal our secret to them because you are weak. And by doing so, that would waste all of the hard work that goes into our updates, and further waste it by releasing content too early."

"Please, my Lord. I shall not do it anymore. Before I was different... I was a newbie, as the players put it. I have--"

"Enough." Andrew turned to look at MMG, and the latter was spluttering hopelessly. "Enough....

"I must say, however... you have been a good and faithful CEO, MMG... but only I can own JAGeX... forever...."

"My Lord--?"

Andrew swiped his staff through the air and MMG collapsed to the ground, hitting his head upon the wall and looking around groggily.

"Banning you... it is the only way. I regret it." And Andrew shot up into the air in his teleportation ribbons, out of sight.

"W-we should help him," Bob said, and Bill nodded warily.

They opened the trapdoor and climbed down the ladder. MMG looked at them wonderingly, looking extremely tired. Bill dropped to the CEO's side and looked into his eyes. MMG grabbed Bill's collar and spoke uneasily.

"He is... banning me," he said. "I will drop a potion, Bill... take it... take it when it appears.... It will be essential if you wish to defeat Andrew and--" he seemed to choke on his words for a moment-- "and the JAGeX Headquarters.... Drink it...."

30-Jun-2011 23:33:06 - Last edited on 28-Jul-2011 18:46:36 by Noob Twinz 5

Noob Twinz 5
Feb Member 2012

Noob Twinz 5

Posts: 640 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
MMG's feet began to bubble and fade away, and he coughed a few times, his eyelids drooping. He looked up at Bill, onto whom he still held, and looked into his eyes once more.

"Look at me...."

Bill stared back into the CEO's eyes, and there was a hint of sorrow in them.

"Look at me.... You have... Andrew's eyes...."

The hand that held Bill's collar disappeared, and the CEO of JAGeX faded away into oblivion; Moderator Mark Michael Gerhard had been permanently banned forevermore....

White Wolf Mountain-December 27, 2011...

Nothing was left of the former CEO but his infinity robes that sat in a pile on the ground. Bill fumbled around underneath the robes and pulled out a vial with a clear-blue liquid inside of it. It was thick and sludge-like, not like any potion he had seen before.

He stood up and turned to Bob. He shrugged carelessly and popped off the cork and then guzzled the half of the bottle of potion, handing the rest to Bob. Their surroundings began to bubble and shift, and they both sat down to watch the show before them.

They watched as a noob player, only level 10, was training on cows in the Lumbridge cow pen. He was hitting many 0s on the powerful little monsters that always gave them trouble when they themselves were newbies. This player, who was apparently Moderator MMG, died in the cow pen and lost the full iron that he wore.

They then appeared in Lumbridge, where MMG began dancing and asking for "phr33 st00f pl0x". None of the passing players complied, and MMG was left with nothing but his wooden shield, bronze sword, and tinderbox from Tutorial Island.

And then the scene shifted. They were outside the building in front of which they had fallen earlier, and MMG was crossing the street of noisy monster-cars and made his way into the building. He stopped to speak with the person at the front desk, seemingly asking for directions, and then hurried down the hall to the right.

He entered through a door that was marked "CEO".

30-Jun-2011 23:33:13 - Last edited on 28-Jul-2011 19:29:53 by Noob Twinz 5

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