***A Shadow in the Dark***
Many miles away, a tall, grey-robed figure swept across the dry dusty landscape north of Al-Kharid. Despite the stillness of the air, the cloak billowed wide as it moved with surprising speed across the ground. By and by, it reached the road to Lumbridge and turned unnoticed towards the guarded gate.
“Darn it Suron, I can’t stand this shift. I mean, I haves to leave right when me family are eatin’ dinner, then I ‘ent back ‘til who knows what time. I tells the Captain ev’ry flippin’…”
“Err, Rinald?”
“…time, me woman can’t look after me five girls and two boys all by ‘erself the whole time, it just…”
“…’ent fair. Then it starts hot and gets all freezin’ by midnight. What’re we…”
“What? What?”
“Shh. I thought I saw something on the road, back there, look that way.”
“I don’t see nuffin! The cactus?”
“Yeah. No, right by the cactus. See, in the shadow? Something’s there.”
“You crazy buffoon, I don’t see nuff-”
The runite throwing knife flew out of the darkness so fast that it had sliced across the neck of Suron even while he was still talking. Rinald threw himself to the ground, scrabbling madly for his whistle to alert the forces on the other side of the gate, but the dark figure was upon him instantly, looming over him.
“Opennnn thhhhhe ggggate,” it murmured.
The words, though scarcely audible, exploded like fireworks in Rinald’s brain. Petrified, he stumbled to his feet and unlocked the gate with fumbling fingers. The cloaked form swept by like a shadow and Rinald trembled in horror as the two guards on the other side met their swift doom.
“Tellllll thhhhem we cccome.”
He sank to the ground, slumped against the fence. Then without warning a knife slashed across his face and he collapsed, unconscious.
10-Nov-2006 08:27:22
- Last edited on
19-Sep-2008 03:03:49