
The Blundering Adventurer

Quick find code: 49-50-947-63609271

Sep Member 2019


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I obtained Korasi's Sword for the battle and ran in. Right away, the Pest Queen did a Special Attack. Unfortunately for me, I didn't know what her Special Atack looked like, so I didn't get to use my Korasi Special Attack in time. I was a 480. I had a ton of Saradomin Brews with me, a few Super Restores, and a Spirit Terrorbird full of Rocktail.
The beginning of the battle was ridiculous. The Pest Queen's Drones continuously healed her, and so the first while of the battle basically consisted of me trying to tank her hits while I wait for the Archers to kill the Drones.
I was going through supplies fast. It seemed that I didn't hit the queen too often... And then I realized that I had been forgetting to drink Super Restores after I drank a few Saradomin Brews.
The battle raged on. She was hitting very hard, and I was always under attack by the Elite Defilers that I had to defend the Archers from. By the time the queen's health was down to half, I knew I wouldn't be able to defeat her. I just didn't have enough supplies. When the Pest Queen had only one third of her health left, I had to teleport out.
Attempt number one on defeating the Pest Queen was a failure... TheSpiffiest wanted to show me something, so I Home Teleported to Lumbridge and waited for him. He came up to me. He had gotten Ancient Curses! Those will definitely be a help for staking! As we were talking, a player ran by calling us 'n00bs'. The player ran straight to the staircase, but I managed to see his name before he ascended it. It was Ewitsrobert! TheSpiffiest and i talked a bit more, and Ewitsrobert came down again, yelling 'n00bs!'. I had to tell Ewitsrobert something though... Something very important. I told him to come closer...
I told him he was a noob, and that I thought he ought to know. He laughed, and continued on his way. I said goodbye to TheSpiffiest and logged off.
Hopefully tomorrow will bring better news against the Pest Queen. I hope.
See you later!

05-Mar-2012 23:32:00

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--July 20, 2011--
Today was going to be the day. I was going for attempt number two on the battle with the Pest Queen! TheSpiffiest had told me that I should have Saradomin Brews in my familiar instead of Rocktails, so I made that small change. I also included more Super Restores. Now it was time for the battle!
I was scared... Possibly more scared than last time. Probably because last time, I had to teleport out, but either way, I was reluctant. I made my way all the way down to the Portal Room and stepped through. I obtained my Korasi and stepped forth into the battle.
Like last time, the Pest Queen immediately started a Special Attack, but this time, I knew what to do. I started distracting all the Elite Defilers, while making sure my health never dipped below 200.
The first half of the battle was slow, just like last time. But when the archers had finally killed off all the Pest Drones, I really started to hit hard on the Pest Queen. It was still scary though. Because I had to occasionally go out and attack Elite Defilers, the Pest Queen would use a Magic attack, which I wasn't praying against. At one point, I had about 200hp, when I noticed that the queen was about to perform a special attack. I quickly went for my own Special Attack, only to realize that I didn't have it charged.
I started drinking Saradomin Brews like crazy. I knew that this specia attack could easily hit 500+, and with my health at 200, I could easily be KO'ed. Somehow, I'll never know how, the Pest Queen struck, and I was still alive, standing at 42hp. I statred rinking more Saradomin Brews, but the Pest Queen hit a 180, then a 150, then a 130. I was flying through these Saradomin Brews now.
But then the Pest Queen let up a little, and the massacre continued. When she had only about a quarter of her health left, I had gotten into a rhythm. Every third time she tried to use a Special Attack, I wouldn't have mine ready, so I would have to tank it out.

05-Mar-2012 23:32:32

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Soon, I realized that I was going to defeat the Pest Queen. I had quite a few Saradomin Brews and Super Restores, and the occasional Pest Drone wasn't healing much. So finally, after a long fight, the level 599 Pest Queen was defeated. I was pretty excited. That was the most powerful boss monster I've ever defeated, not to mention my very first Grandmaster quest!
Now that I had my Korasi, it was time for phase two of my plan. It was time to get a Ring of Vigour. Those things cost 50,000 Dungeoneering Tokens, and I only had about 30,000. So, I was going to have to start Dungeoneering like crazy. I had to complete only two floors until I reset, so I completed those and reset my progress.
Now I had a really bad weapon for my level. I was using a Katagon Maul this whole time, so it was time to get a Gorgonite 2H Sword. I asked in Mining Golds, and im chuck said he would help. He, lilmk and I started a quick dungeon, and after some time, we had enough bars to make one. He made me a Grogonite 2H Sword, and it was time to leave! I bound it, thanked him, and left the dungeon.
It was time to start completing the easy Frozen Floors! On about floor 2, I came across Skaldrun for the first time. I'm not really sure what all that was about... I'm thinking that's the start of the Fremennik Sagas.
Anyways, Tankerchief asked around in Mining Golds if anyone wanted to go Dungeoneering with him, Brother Crow and Griffy8. I said I would go! They were going to do a Large Floor, on floor 28, so I couldn't pass up that opportunity. They were not going to start for a while though, so I still had time to do my small floors. In no time at all, I had achieved level 63 Dungeoneering! I completed floor after floor, and finally, the party was ready.
I hopped to his world, joined the pary and we started a dungeon... Right when TheSpiffiest asked if he could join. We had only just started, and a fifth player couldn't hurt, so we exited and he joined in.

05-Mar-2012 23:32:49

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Tankerchief had 99 Defence, so naturally, he was the tank. Brother Crow was almost maxed, so he was the keyer, while TheSpiffiest, Griffy8 and I simply helped clear rooms.
After a long time, we had opened every room, and it was time for the boss fight. This boss was a level 400 Lexicus Runewright. We stepped in. It wasn't a hard boss, but there were tons of books flying around. With every book barrage, I knew somebody was going to get killed eventually. Near the end of the battle, my prediction came true. Tankerchief unwittingly walked straight into the book barrage, and died almost instantly.
We killed the boss! The dungeon ended, and I recieved only 20,000xp. Mostly because of my three deaths. Two of which were from a Brute. I had been minding my own business when a level 131 Brute came up to me and hit a 531, killing me in one hit. That was dumb. Later, another one, same level, meandered by and decided to hit me a 716! I didn't even think that was possible until now...
Anyways, I couldn't do another large floor. They drain me mentally
So back to smalls I went. TheSpiffiest said he would join me for a few though, so he joined my party and we headed down into Daemonheim. We completed floors 28-31 extremely fast, but then he had to leave... So back to the Frozen Floors with me. Soon though, those floors turned to Abandoned Floors. I had just gotten level 64 Dungeoneering! I had to take a break. I had to go to the Duel Arena!
I headed over there, eager to test out my new Korasi. But instead of killing people like before, I was dying! I couldn't figure it out either... Magical Zing came along and he turned into a statue. Whoa! He had 187 kills and no deaths. Now that obviously means he boosted, but it's still impressive. So I wanted to fight him. I fought a few other people, mostly higher levels.
Magical Zing was ready for the battle though. He had brought food, and I didn't, but oh well. He is a few levels lower than me after all.

05-Mar-2012 23:33:00

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That first fight didn't go over so well. He was eating like mad, and of course, I didn't have any means of healing myself. So, I died. It was time for a rematch though... This time, I brought my own food.
The new battle started. After a while, I had drained him of his food, and I knew I was going to win easily. Magical Zing's health was below half, and victory was near! But then I thought about that perfect 187 kill streak... Did I really want to ruin that? I know if I was Magical Zing, I would hate to have my perfect kill streak go to waste. It was an easy decision. I ran to the forfeit trapdoor and forfeit the match. I just couldn't bear to see a perfect ratio like that go to waste... Magical Zing thanked me afterwards, so I think I made the right decision.
Migical Zing wanted to alch while watching me fight, but unfortunately, I was dying like crazy against these people! What had happened to all the people I used to be winning against? Eventually, I had to log off... I was beginning to feel a little irritated.
Thinking back, I think I know why I was dying much more. Last time, I was weilding a Dragon Dagger when I was advertising myself for duels, whereas this time, I was weilding my Korasi. This made more people with Korasi's come for me, which ultimately mde me lose more. Also, almost everyone who ever challenges me is at least 10+ levels higher. So I think I had better weild a Dragon Dagger as a disguise, then bring out the Korasi when the duel comes. Yes... That seems like a plan! Although, I still need that Ring of Vigour.
That was all for today! Thanks for reading, and like always, I hope you enjoyed it!
See you later!

05-Mar-2012 23:33:10

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--July 21, 2011--
Today was all-out Dungeoneering. I had about 10,000 more tokens to obtain, and I wanted that Ring of Vigour more than ever! On a side note, I found out today that the Anti-Poison Totem requires level 70 Herblore to weild...
When I logged on, I saw that Tankerchief was online. I joined his world. Maybe he would want to duo some dungeons with me! He was already in a dungeon with sme other players, so I decided to complete a few small floors myself.
It wasn't long until I had achieved level 65 Dungeoneering! I completed a few more floors until Tankerchief said he was ready to duo with me. I only needed floors 21-26 completed, so that's where we started. I keyed the first dungeon, and the second, and he keyed the third. On the fourth floor, the boss was Bal'lak the Pummeler. I had never come across this guy before. I had to say though, the Graphics Team did an awesome job on him. He looked truly intimidating!
I asked Tankerchief how to defeat him. Apparently, Bal'lak the Pummeler's defences increase the longer you battle him, so the tactic was to either teleport out halfway through the battle or to force the boss to stand on one of the green portals, in order for his defence to decrease. About a quarter into the battle though, Tankerchief disconnected, leaving me alone to fight. I didn't bode so well. The huge demon killed me, then killed me again, and then again for a third time. On my fourth trip to the demon, I finally managed to kill it, right when Tankerchief showed up. We ended the dungeon.
We completed a few more floors, until I had every floor completed. I reset my progress. Tankerchief only had to complete floors 12-16 and a few other odd ones, so we started on floor 12. I was really getting the hang of this keying business. I had my Law Runes bound to me, so I could teleport directly to my Group Gatestone Portal. I was actually keying dungeons fairly quickly.

05-Mar-2012 23:33:21

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Soon though, I needed a break from all the Dungeoneering. I went outside and went for a nice, long hour and a half bike ride.
After all that, I came back for some more Dungeoneering. Tankerchief was offline, so I started soloing the frozen floors. lilmk came along, and we completed one floor together. Immediately after that, he logged off.
I completed a few more small floors on my own, and actually managed to level again. 66 Dungeoneering! I was only 5,000 tokens off now!
I compleetd even more floors, until eventually, I simply couldn't any longer. I logged off.
I'm really starting to get into this keying business. I hope to some day be a really good and respected keyer. Practice makes perfect though
Thanks for reading, and see you later!

05-Mar-2012 23:33:30

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--July 23, 2011--
Today was the day. I knew I was finally going to get that precious Ring of Vigour! I was only 2,000 tokens away! I had been reading up on how to key efficiently, so now was the time to put those skills to work.
This time, instead of soloing small floors, I decided to do a few mediums. I started the dungeons. The first thing I had learned was the importance of creating your own Gatestones. I hadnt been doing this before, so I gave it a shot. Wow! It made things so much easier... I would simply leave it at a far corner with a locked door, or an intersection that had a few locked doors. I would memorize which doors were there, and once I had the corresponsing keys, I would simply teleport over there!
I also used my Group Gatestone in the same way. So for keying my very first medium sized dungeon, I think I did fairly well. I managed to complete it in 15 minutes. Now I know that it's more than possible to do that even faster, but because I was soloing, I not only had to key, but I also had to clear rooms for Guardian Doors.
I completed three medium sized floors in this manner. It was not time to see how many tokens I had. I ran down to the shop... I had 50,213 tokens! I could finally get my hands on that ring! I selected it, clicked buy, but was then stopped by the final confirmation screen. Did I really want to spend 50,000 tokens on this tiny little ring? I mean, I was a quarter of the way to a chaotic weapon... I pushed that from my mind. I had wanted this ring from the start, and now it was time to read the rewards! I clicked confirm, and that small greyish Ring of Vigour appeared in my inventory. Now this is what I wanted!
Phase Two of my plan was now completed!I have my Korasi's Sword, and Ring of Vigour! But now it was time to start phase three... Phase Three basically consisted of obtaining Barrows Gloves.

05-Mar-2012 23:33:39

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lilmk wanted to duel me now though. I couldn't resist. I grabbed a Ring of Duelling and teleported over. The match started, and before long, lilmk had killed me despite him being four combat levels lower. I'm not sure how he continuously manages to get through my defences... I've battled players much, much higher in level than him, and they still don't hit as frequently as he does.
I battled him one more time, this time without prayer. I managed to kill him! Now it was time to duel other people. Like I said, I had a Dragon Dagger as a disguise. It turned out that I actually used the Dragon Dagger though. I would start battles with it, poison the player, use a Korasi Special Attack, then switch to Verac's. I still couldn't manage to pull off a double Korasi Special Attack though. It didn't actually matter too much though. Most of the time, I could simply wait 30 seconds, then do another special attack.
My duelling was back to normal. I was defeating people like always! And, like always, the high level people whom I destroyed were getting very, very angry. Most of the time it's because I use protection prayers. I really don't understand what's wrong with it. I really don't. They are more than welcome to use their own protection prayers; In fact, I encourage it. I'm just training for staked battles.
One player got extremely angry. He followed me around caling me all sorts of names. He was level 118, so maybe he was just embarrassed that I had killed him
Anyways, before long, it was time to embark on phase three of my journey. I had three NPC's to free from Recipe for Disaster still: Evil Dave, Sir Amik Varze, and Skrach.
Luckily, I had my new Cat now, so hopefully catching those Hellrats would be easier.
Was it ever! I was catching them by the dozens! In as litle as ten minutes, I had tons of spices, and I had successfully freed Evil Dave from the clutches of the Culinaromancer.
Next up was Sir Amik Varze.

05-Mar-2012 23:33:51

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He was fairly easy as well, despite the somewhat lenghty quest.
The last one to be freed was Skrach. Around the middle of that subquest, the player had to light a fire underneath a tree, which grew on the far western coast of Karamja, far away from any bank. I got there, and realized I had forgotten a log to light! So I teleported to Ardougne, chopped a log, hopped on a boat to Brimhaven, and ran all the way back down the coastline back to the tree. Oh no... I had forgotten a tinderbox.
So I teleported back to Ardougne, withdrew myself a tinderbox, took a boat to Brimhaven, and once again, ran all the way back to the tree way far south. Finally, I lit the fire. Now what the player had to do was roast a Chompy Bird on a spit on the fire. I used my Iron Spit with the Chompy Bird, and tried using my Skewered Chompy Bird on the fire. Nothing happened. That's when I noticed the Demon Drill Sergeant whisking me away for basic training.
Seriously? You had to be kidding. This had to be some kind of joke. I was actually laughing at the unfortunate coincidence that this had all turned out to be. I completed the exercises, and sure enough, my fire had gone out. I stared at those evil ashes. I teleported back to Ardougne, chopped another tree, boarded a boat to Brimhaven, ran back down the coast, lit the fire, roasted the bird, and after about fifteen more minutes of questing, finished the quest.
J ame S PMed me then, congratualting me on my Korasi. I knew he was quite a high level, and I wanted to see if I could beat him. I challenged him to a duel!
J ame S was way harder to kill than I had anticipated. He had a Chaotic Rapier, and possessed an accuracy around the 99.9% range. Honestly, he hit with almost every strike. I died time after time after time again. Finally, we decided on boxing. He allowed me to keep my Bandos Chestpate on though. Even with that advantage, he still almost killed me. I managed to box him to death, while I had 42hp.

05-Mar-2012 23:34:00

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