Soon, I realized that I was going to defeat the Pest Queen. I had quite a few Saradomin Brews and Super Restores, and the occasional Pest Drone wasn't healing much. So finally, after a long fight, the level 599 Pest Queen was defeated. I was pretty excited. That was the most powerful boss monster I've ever defeated, not to mention my very first Grandmaster quest!
Now that I had my Korasi, it was time for phase two of my plan. It was time to get a Ring of Vigour. Those things cost 50,000 Dungeoneering Tokens, and I only had about 30,000. So, I was going to have to start Dungeoneering like crazy. I had to complete only two floors until I reset, so I completed those and reset my progress.
Now I had a really bad weapon for my level. I was using a Katagon Maul this whole time, so it was time to get a Gorgonite 2H Sword. I asked in Mining Golds, and im chuck said he would help. He, lilmk and I started a quick dungeon, and after some time, we had enough bars to make one. He made me a Grogonite 2H Sword, and it was time to leave! I bound it, thanked him, and left the dungeon.
It was time to start completing the easy Frozen Floors! On about floor 2, I came across Skaldrun for the first time. I'm not really sure what all that was about... I'm thinking that's the start of the Fremennik Sagas.
Anyways, Tankerchief asked around in Mining Golds if anyone wanted to go Dungeoneering with him, Brother Crow and Griffy8. I said I would go! They were going to do a Large Floor, on floor 28, so I couldn't pass up that opportunity. They were not going to start for a while though, so I still had time to do my small floors. In no time at all, I had achieved level 63 Dungeoneering! I completed floor after floor, and finally, the party was ready.
I hopped to his world, joined the pary and we started a dungeon... Right when TheSpiffiest asked if he could join. We had only just started, and a fifth player couldn't hurt, so we exited and he joined in.
05-Mar-2012 23:32:49