
The Blundering Adventurer

Quick find code: 49-50-947-63609271

Sep Member 2019


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Wow. I was going to lose my Bandos Chestplate and Abyssal Whip because my mouse froze. I watched helplessly as the Hellhounds took bite after bite out my my avatar. I thought about how awful it was going to be to watch my character die and not being able to do anything about it. But wait! was there a logout hotkey? Oh well, it didn't matter. I didn't know what it was. Wait a minute... I looked under the desk. Everything seemed normal. I checked back at my health. 92hp. I follwed the mouse cable to back of the cmputer and made sure that it was in solidly. I moved the mouse... and my cursor moved with it! I quickly ate some food.
Now apparently, the chances of recieving a clue scroll as a drop are significantly reduced if the monster is not your Slayer task. Oh. That's a bummer. I finished off my inventory of food and teleported out.
TheLoneCone was back on! I asked him to do a dungeon with me, and he agreed. We met in Daemonheim and completed two floors. He is extremely low level, and the bosses were always level 71: seven times his level. For that reason, it sort of ended up as me soloing the dungeons. Oh well. The company was always welcome!
A bit of a spur of the moment decision here: I decided to go free-to-play PKing. I gathered up my Rune weapons and armour and headed out into the Wilderness. I came to the place with the Hellhounds and Lesser Demons. Turns out, I had never actually been there before! I ran around, surprised at how much of a difference Agility actually makes. Ah, there was a a victim! In free-to-play, I am level 99. This player was 85. I started attacking him. I'm not sure if he was a bot or something... He never spoke, and he never ran. I made him mow through his food, and after a while, he started walking south. I wanted to kill him before he exited my striking zone! I chased after him, attacking.

05-Mar-2012 21:50:23

Sep Member 2019


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He was so close to dying... And then his name and level went white. No! That sucked. I ran out with him and logged into a High-Risk Wilderness World. There were lots of people there. I ran in, looking for someone to fight. I saw an archer and I started attacking him! He asked me to take my armour off, which I didn't do. This of course started a crowd of people calling me names and such. What the...? The armour is there for a reason people. It's a part of the game.
That's when the PJing started. Tons of people started attacking me when they could. I was tanking them fairly well, and a couple of times, my health dipped below 100. Luckily though, it was dinner time, so I ran out of the Wilderness. They followed, and although they didn't say anything, I'm sure they were typing furiously.
I logged back on and tended to some items. I had reached the 13M coin marker! IIn my clan, ITankedUrMaw asked for a Fletching assist. I was there in a heartbeat. He came to my world and and gave him my assist. 25,000 experience. Too bad I was only 2,000 away from 13.5m Fletching experience. But wait! I could always go to world 117 Daemonheim and offer an assist! I did that, and in no time at all, I got an extra 5,000 experience. I had done it! I've gained about 500,000 Fletching experience solely from assisting!
What to do, what to do... Ah! I would fight some more TzHaar creatures for Tokkul! I teleported over there, and soon after, a friend, I Macar0ni I, joined in. I was getting pretty stoked. I was close to both 82 Constitution and 83 Attack! I killed tons of them, and I actually got five Onyx Bolt Tips as drops! At one point, I had run out of food and was just going to kill one more monster.
He was at about half-health, and I was at 200. I knew it was risky, but oh well. I started hitting, but the monster hit too. He hit a 100, and I knew that he could kill me. But he was so low...

05-Mar-2012 21:50:32

Sep Member 2019


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I attacked him and missed. He attacked me and hit a 90! AHHH! I was 10hp away from losing my Bandos Chestplate! (I was still skulled). I ran away, praying that he wouldn't hit me. He swung his hammer... and missed. I was safe. I withdrew more food and got 83 Attack and 82 Constitution! I was done here for now, so I banked my items and teleported out to the Grand Exchange.
For the rest of the time I played, I flipped items while talking to Seriousruss. It was really nice talking with him after such a long time. I guess that goes to show that you never know what you have until you've lost it
Well, that's all for today! Thanks for reading guys (or gals)!
Good night! :)

05-Mar-2012 21:50:44

Sep Member 2019


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I started off again at the Grand Exchange, doing some flipping. Everyone there was chatting about the new Membership Loyalty Program. A lot of people were getting upset that Jagex wasn't counting previous memberships, but I honestly don't see what the problem is. I mean, that would be pretty unfair. I had read every single FAQ on the new system, so I knew pretty much every scrap of information there was about it.
One person asked me a question about it, and then the crowd hit. It was really odd. People came flying over to me, asking me all sorts of questions about it. Luckily, I actually knew that answers
One player asked me if I could escort him to the shop in Burthorpe. Well it was no problem at all! I told him to follow me and I led him out of the Grand Exchange. We ran all the way to Burthorpe, where I dropped him off at the Loyalty Shop. He thanked me, and I took a look around the shop myself. The emotes looked neat, although I wanted to wait until I had more points to save. I teleported to the Grand Exchange, where I merched some more.
I answered tons more questions about the Loyalty Program. Another player asked me what gear he should buy. We had a lengthy discussion on what weapons and armour he should be getting within his budget. I guess someone must have watched me answering all these questions because I got a PM from "Jag Corp Sky", who was apparently offering me Player Moderatorship.
I loved these people. You play along with them, making them think they're going to hack your account. I asked him why he didn't have a Gold Crown, and he said that he wasn't a mod; he just worked for Jagex. How come one of the messages of the week said that ALL Jagex stafff have a crown? He didn't answer that one.
I acted as though I was all into it. He told me to go to a website. Obviously, I didn't go. I told him I had logged in. 'Great' he said. Then I told him that I knew it was a hack attempt, and to go away. I reported him and walked away.

05-Mar-2012 21:51:36

Sep Member 2019


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What to do, what to do... It was time for some more TzHaar killing! I gathered up my gear and headed down there. There were quite a few bots down there, so I had to switch worlds a few times until I found a good world to fight them.
I was getting fast Tokkul! I killed them until my items updated. I had hit 14,000,000gp! Wow. The last time I was flipping, I had never gotten money this fast. This was awesome! I was getting about 100k+ per flip! After accumulating about 30,000 Tokkul, I headed back to the Grand Exchange to put in some new offers. Then it hit me.
Why was I waiting for more Loyalty Points? To get the most out of them, I should use them while the discount was in effect! I rushed over there and debated over which emotes I should buy. I wasn't really sure which one I wanted. The 'boring' ones, like the shake hands would be cool because almost no one else would have them... But then again, they would be boring. In the end, I decided on the "Talk to the Hand" emote (which looks good in a Slayer Helm or Octopus by the way) and the "Cat Fight" emote. They were pretty cool! Next month, I'll be able to get a lot more emotes!
I headed back to the Grand Exchange to tend to some items. I felt like it was time to get that pesky Bloodveld task out of the way. I got my Ranged gear and headed for the Slayer Tower. Once I reached the Bloodvelds, I realized that I had forgotten to bring my Slayer Gem! So I fought until my food had run out. I was actually getting quite close to both a Ranged level and a Slayer level!
I was just about to leave when Hoty571 PMed me. She and a friend (KnihtWing) wanted to join Mining Golds. Well unfortunately, Hoty571 didn't have the mandatory 1,000+ Total Level... But she still wanted me to invite her friend, who was outside the Camelot Bank.
Perfect timing! I Home Teleported and then teleported again to Camelot, where I switched worlds. I put on my trusty Octopus and looked around for Knihtwing.

05-Mar-2012 21:51:52

Sep Member 2019


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There, I saw him! He was running to the bank. I followed him and invited him. Mining Golds welcomed him with open arms! I talked for a while with him, while slapping him in the face with the "Talk to the Hand" emote. We chatted for a while, but then it was time to go. I bade farewell to him and teleported away to the Grand Exchange.
I flipped a little, and saw a player asking for help. I ran over to him and asked him what he needed help with. His name was Goronx. He had lost his Cooking Gauntlets, and didn't know how to get them back. I told him he had to go back to the man who starts the quest. He had forgotten where that was, so I escorted him there. From the Grand Exchange, it was a short run. We got there quickly, and he got his Cooking Gauntlets back! He traded me, offering 150k for helping him.
No... People get the terms "help" and "service" mixed up sometimes! I explained to him that I was just helping out a fellow player, and that there was no need for monetary reward. He thanked me and added me to his Friend's List.
I ran back to the Grnd Exchange and checked my Slayer Gem to see how many Bloodvelds I had left. Only 20! Gah... If only I knew! I geared up again and headed down there. Before I knew it, I had finally finished my task.
I teleported to Ardougne to find out what my new task was. After some boating and cart-riding, I ended up in Shilo Village, where I got my new task. It was 199 Fire Giants. I decided to kill them in the Smoke Dungeon.
I ran into the bank and grabbed my gear. I would get my food at the Desert Pass. I teleported to Al Kharidand ran south to the Desert Pass. I bought my pass and took a flying carpet over to Pollnivneach. Ugh... I had forgotten my food! I tried killing the bandits there for coins, but it was no use. I was stuck there

05-Mar-2012 21:52:08

Sep Member 2019


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I had to Home Teleport, get my food, then go back to Pollnivneach again! Finally, I got to enter the Smoke Dungeon. It has occurred to me that even though I've been in that dungeon quite often, I've never once seen a player completing the quest Desert Treasure in there. I started killing some Fire Giants. After completing the always-annoying Gravedigger Random Event, Zuos (same player as Fire Typhoon) logged on. He hadn't been on in ages!
He greeted me, and we statred chatting. Then I found out that he wasn't going to play anymore... That was a sad moment. I've been friends with him for a long, long time, and it's sad to see him go. We chatted about body building, despite other possible topics. He wanted advice on how to get a six pack, so I told him a whole variety of ways to increase ab strength. Eventually, he had to go. I said good bye for hopefully not the last time. I really do hope he decides to come back. I'll miss him incredibly if he doesn't...
I killed the Fire Giants until I ran out of food. I teleported back to the Grand Exchange and flipped some more. I hit 15,000,000gp! This was awesome! I've flipped about 1.5m today! I wasn't sure what to do... I got into a huge conversation with a Player Moderator. Her name was CursetheWind. She was being bombarded with questions by other people, and I helped answer them while having a nice chat with her.
I knew what I was going to do! I was going to get destroyed at the Duel Arena! I got my ger and headed over. My first battle was close. I was fighting a level 121, and although the odds were against me, I *almost* killed him.
I switched to a Duel Arena world. There was a player there claiming he would "Own All". I challenged him. The battle started! He whipped out some Dragon Claws, which I managed to Protect from Melee through. That made him pretty mad. I killed him, while he was still calling me a "Prayer Nub".

05-Mar-2012 21:52:25

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I really don't understand why people get so upset by people using protection prayers. They're a part of the game, so why shouldn't I use it? If they didn't want me to use it, why didn't they just disable prayers before the battle started? I'll never know...
I battled another player. This guy had level 99 Ranged... and I got completely destroyed. He hit through my armour easily! I died so fast it was unbelievable.
I saw TheSpiffiest! (Now Sir TheSpiffiest). He challenged me and the duel started. The battles against him always turn out the same way. I always sort of half-protect from his Korasi Special Attack, and die when he is at half health. Every time. I did a couple of battles. I think the reasond I kept on losing was because he had much higher levels (duh) and better gear. Sir TheSpiffiest gave me some great advice on what armour I should be wearing, so I vowed to battle him again once I get better levels and gear!
I tended to my items again and logged off. That was a lot for one day!
Well, thanks for reading!
Good night!

05-Mar-2012 21:52:34

Sep Member 2019


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--June 29, 2011--
Hello, hello!
I think it can now be safe to assume that I will start every day out with some flipping. It just makes sense! So after I flipped and flipped, I decided to go and finish off that Fire Giant Slayer task. I made my way to the Smoke Dungeon and started the killing. While I was there, another player came along and asked me what chest piece I was wearing. I let him know what it was (Bandos Chestplate), and we started chatting.
Chatting with him made the time go by much, much faster. Furthermore, I was so close to level 70 Slayer! 3,000 experience left... 2,000... 1,000... Yes! I had gotten level 70 Slayer! This is quite the milestone in my opinion. I had set a goal a long, long time ago to get to level 73 (For some reason, I really want to fight a Jungle Strykewyrm). I had set this goal around level 50, and now that I'm aout 72% of the way to my goal... Well it feels nice!
I still had a ton of Fire Giants to kill, and unfortunately for me, the other player had finished his task. I said good-bye and continued on. In the Mining Golds Friend's Chat, there was a good ol' heated argument going on regarding how the Concentrated Gold spawns. Now one player was getting pretty worked up. He was swearing, and calling people names. We were giving him warnings, except he seemed to think that we were warning him against him giving his opinion; not the case at all. It was the language that was the problem.
Eventually, another clanmate and myself managed to sort things out, and the argument abated.
I had finished my task! I headed back to the Grand Exchange and tended to some items real quick, and then teleported to Ardougne, where I hopped on a boat and cart and ventured to Shilo Village. There, I got my new task. I should have known it. Duradel was back to his mean old ways. My new task was 79 Iron Dragons. Sigh...
It had actually been quite some time since I had had a dragon task.

05-Mar-2012 21:52:49

Sep Member 2019


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So much time had passed since I had had a dragon task in fact, that I couldn't remember what to bring! In the end, I decided upon Prayer Potions, Antifire Potions, a Spirit Terrorbird and some random little knick nacks. I delved deep into the Brimhaven dungeon, where I started killing the Iron Dragons. I was praying for a Draconic Visage. I have wanted a Dragonfire Shield for quite some time, and I had enough money to buy one now... I would just be broke if I did.
In the Mining Golds Friend's Chat, a random spamming autotyper came in advertising his clan. Ooo! If I acted quick enough, I might be able to kick him! I found him on the list, ut it was too late. Someone had beaten me to it. I've been able to kick/ban players for a long time now, but I've never actually gotten a chance to use it. It's not like I'm power-hungry or anything-- I'm not. It's like this. Imagine that you know that you have a special power. You can fly! Only problem is, the Men In Black have put you into Gravity Boots, which prohibit you from flying. So you know you've got this great power, but you've never been able to experience it. It's kind of like that. Don't worry though. I don't plan on kicking someone just for the sake of it
I had been at Iron Dragons for some time now. I had filled my Spirit Terrorbird full of Dragon Bones, and I was just finishing off one more dragon. I saw the red warning message for antifire potions appear, so I took a sip of my potion. I wonder how much time my familiar had left... 30 seconds! I teleported quickly, but in that split second that I clicked it, I saw my familiar disappear, leaving all those precious Dragon Bones on the ground.
I spawned in Falador. No! How had this happened? I wanted those Dragon Bones! I knew that there was no way I could get them back now... That really sucked. Had the warning message even come up? I looked through the chatbox. Rats...

05-Mar-2012 21:52:57

Quick find code: 49-50-947-63609271 Back to Top