
The Blundering Adventurer

Quick find code: 49-50-947-63609271

Sep Member 2019


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I couldn't imagine dying now, after surviving 19 waves, and almost killing the Boss. Can you guess what happened? That's right... I killed him! I was overjoyed! My very first try, and I had beaten the whole D&D! The screen faded to black and I re-appeared at the entrance. I spoke to the NPC and claimed my reward: A tome.
I used it on Farming, of course, and gained 21,000 experience! I went ffrom level 52-54! The Troll Invasion D&D was tons of fun, and I can't wait to do it next month!
I was done here, so I Home Teleported to Lumbridge, ran to the bank and teleported to Varrock, where I went to the Grand Exchange. I merched a bit more and logged off.
Well, that's it for today! I hope you enjoyed the read! By the way, I had to type the entire Post #2 twice
Because of that time that my internet randomly disconnected, I now always highlight the entire post after I've typed it and click "Copy", just in case anything happens. I had done that to Post #1. When I tried to do it to Post #2, I misclicked and hit Paste instead of Copy. The whole content of Post #1 replaced Post #2. Argh! I felt like just punching the screen! I took a deep breath and retyped the entire passage. Yeah, that sucked pretty bad.
Well, good night everyone ;)

05-Mar-2012 20:44:40

Sep Member 2019


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--June 15, 2011--
Hi guys!
Today, I flipped and I flopped and I belly flip-flopped! You get the point. I was merching today.
It was a pretty good payoff too! Every flip I successfully completed gave me a profit of about 50k. So in total today, I think I profited about 800k.
I was getting bored, so I decided to lend an item. Some players in Mining Golds were going to the God Wars Dungeon, and I thought to myself "Ah, there's someone who could use a Bandos Chestplate!". I think I asked like five times, and not a single person wanted it! I stepped into the Grand Exchange's open air and yelled out that I was lending an item for free. Immediately, a player named "Btw Im Hawt" traded me. He wanted my Saradomin Sword. I lent it to him for three hours, and continued flipping.
I noticed a player asking around for a teleport to Camelot. Well I had a decent Magic level... I checked my spellbook to see what wunes I needed. What the!? You needed level 90 Magic! Luckily for the player, I happened to have a Camelot teletab in my bank. I withdrew it and gave it to him. He teleported away with a quick 'ty'.
I flipped more! And more... There really isn't a whole lot to discuss. A while later, like three and a half hours later, I saw Btw Im Hawt again at the Grand Exchange. I walked over to him and asked if he wanted to borrow my Saradomin Sword again. Nope. A player came up behind me. He was wearing an Octopus too! We danced together for a while, until I had to tend to my merching again.
More time went by... Eventually, it was time to log off. But before that happened, I switched into a free-to-play world. I felt like helping someone today. I started in the Grand Exchange, where a ridulous amount of scammers were. One player asked me for 1k. Usually, I don't approve of begging, but hey; it's 1k. I gave it to him and Home Teleported. No one there either... I logged off.
That was all for today! Merching is boring
Good night! :)

05-Mar-2012 20:45:03 - Last edited on 05-Mar-2012 20:45:40 by Grimwold2

Sep Member 2019


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I started out today with some more flipping! I'm really getting the hang of it. Hopefully, I'll be able to flip enough money to buy level 94 Magic! Well one of my usual items wasn't buying very quickly, so I checked my other items. Unfortunately, they didn't have that great of a profit bracket. So I started looking around for a new item to flip. After a while, I came across a good item. I flipped and flipped and flipped.
I was getting a little bored, so I lent my Bandos Chestplate out for five hours to a player for free. I flipped more!
I while later, a ton of Gold Bars started spawning in the Grand Exchange. I thought it was just going to be twenty or so, but after more and more started spawning, I had to get int this action! The Grand Exchange was a frenzy. People were running left and right to get at these Gold Bars. I actually managed to get an inventory and a half before they stopped spawning. I later found out that the player named "GeekSquad" had dropped them all, attemtping to form a heart.
I was still waiting for items to buy and sell, so I decided to do a bit of Smithing. I brought out my Goldsmithing Gauntlets and teleported to my house in Relleka. I took a boat over to Neitznot and started my smithing. After only two loads, I recieved a message that my iitems had bought/sold. I could tell smithing here wasn't going to work. I teleported to Varrock and picked up my items.
What to do... I used to cut the Choking Ivy behind Varrock Castle while I waited for my items to update, but now that I had level 80, I didn't really feel like it. I wanted to train a skill that wasn't at level 80. Odd, considering I felt okay with training Smithing. Hmm... I know! I'd train Agility! At my level, it's best to train in the Wilderness, so I gathered some food and pulled the Edgeville level, teleporting me deep into the Wilderness.
I teleported in, right beside a level 67 mage. I had no weapon and no armour, but the impulse to attack was too great.

05-Mar-2012 20:46:37

Sep Member 2019


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I started punching him, and to my surprise, I was actually managing to land a fair amount of hits. Unfortunately, he happened to have level 86 Magic (like me, althought he didn't know that), and he was casting Water Surge on me. I was starting to get a little low on food, so I ran to the lever to teleport out. Sneaky player had Telebocked me! I started punching him again, knowing my end was near. I tried the lever again, and I suppose the spell had worn off, because I teleported to safety in Ardougne. That was fun! I decided to get an actual weapon... Like a Rune Scimitar! I ran and grabbed one and teleported back, this time with a Prayer Potion and another full load of Lobsters. This time however, the mage wasn't alone. There was another level 67 player with a Rune Scimitar, and a level 88 player with full Ranging gear on. I went for the player with the scimitar first.
He barely even scratched me. I killed him within seconds! Now though, the archer and mage were both on me. I attacked the archer first. He was the only player with actual gear on, and I wanted a piece of that. The only problem was, every time the archer took a step back, the mage would attack me. This was pretty annoying. I had to constantly switch my prayer while eating at the same time. Eventually, they killed me. After I had used my Prayer Potion and lobsters of course. So they got a Rune Scimitar out of it!
I wanted to go back... with my Abyssal Whip! I really didn't want to lose that whip, so I made SURE that I wouldn't skull. I gathered more food and another potion. Now, Grimwold2, don't attack anyone! Let them attack you! You don't want to skull! I pulled the lever.
Ooo! There was that level 67 with the Rune Scimitar again! I ran over to him and attacked him, hitting a 120. AAHHHH! What did I just do!? I had prepared to NOT skull, and I had done the exact opposite! I sprinted for the lever, hoping to get there before I was teleblocked again...

05-Mar-2012 20:46:44

Sep Member 2019


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...And I made it! My heart was pounding. I know I could have just used the Protect Item prayer, but I really didn't want to take any chances. I wanted to go back again... But I had to wait for my skull to disappear. I never realized just how long it takes for that skull to go away. I stood at the Ardougne Bank for a long time, waiting. Eventually, some items updated and I teleported to Varrock. At the Grand Exchange, I was banking something when I noticed that my skull had finally gone away! I got my whip out and my potion and food. I ran to the lever again and pulled it.
The same three people were there. This time, I was smart enough not to attack anyone. The mage walked away and teleported out, as did the player with the Rune Scimitar. Just me and the archer... He told me to skull, which I refused. He asked me for a second time, which I again refused. He was actually getting pretty mad. I sat down. Then, out of the blue, he attacked me. I stuck on my prayer and started attacking. I wasn't hitting as often as I would have liked, but it was fairly constant. The mage teleported in and sat down.
The were a couple of times that the archer was so close to death that all I would have had to do is hit at least a 90+. After a while, the archer teleported out. Then, the mage started attacking me. I was hitting him pretty good with my whip. So hard in fact, that he actually had to teleport out too! I was the king of the hill!
Well I had actually intended on going to the Agility Course, but that interest had abated. I went back to the Grand Exchange and flipped some more. Once again, I was lost for something to do. Ah! I hadn't gone on a Farming run for a while, so I got out my items and teleported to Ardougne. Unfortunately, that patch had died... I teleported to Falador, and right away, my items updated! I teleprted back to Varrock, flipped them, and teleported to Falador again... Right when they updated again.

05-Mar-2012 20:46:54

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I teleported back to Varrock again, updated my items again and teleported back to Falador again... right when my items updated again. What was this? Some sort of glitch? Every time you go to Falador, your Grand Exchange offers update? I repreated the entire process again, and this time, when I went to Falador... They didn't update!
I ran to the patch and tended to my herbs, then to Catherby, then to the Morytania patch. I teleported back to Varrock, where I tended to my items again.
Well that was pretty much it! I feel as if I need to put my two cents in about the Forum Update though. I think that is is totally awesome. I love it! I think it's great that they made the Suggestions Forum into three different Forums! Yeah... I just really like it!
Well thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed it!
Good night! :)

05-Mar-2012 20:47:07

Sep Member 2019


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--June 18, 2011--
Hi guys!
I started outt oday with of course, some more flipping. Only problem was, it seemed that today, items were not buying/selling...
I'm always trying to find something to do while I wait for my items to update, so I decided to do some Slayer. I got my gear and headed for the Slayer Tower, ready to mop up some Aberrant Spectres! I was using my Saradomin Sword; I really wanted to get 80 Strength done and out of the way.
I started destroying some smelly ghosts. I had killed perhaps twenty smelly ghosts when a player named "Junure732" started crying for help. Mining Golds was hosting a Bandos Massing event (which I never go to), and Junure732 had forgotten to bring a rope, as it was his first time. So he felt that the best thing to do was to spam "Help me. Help. Help. Help me." all over the Clan Chat. No one else was going to help him it seemed, so... Grimwold2, to the rescue!
I Home Teleported to Lumbridge, sprinted to the top of the castle, withdrew a rope and fire and law runes and teleported to Trollheim. I sprinted to the giant boulder and hopped over to world 84, where Junure732 was. I logged on and traded it to him right away. He thanked me and hopped over the boulder. I teleported to Varrock. Grimwold2 awaaayyy!
I went to the Grand Exchange and tended to my items. PaartyHats wanted to go play Stealing Creation... Hmm... Why not? I Home Teleported again and ran to Al Kharid, where I entered te desert, took a carpet ride to the Bedabin Camp and ran south-east to the Pyramid. There, I switched my spells to Ancient Magicks and used another Home Teleport. This one, of course, sent me off to Edgeville, where I withdrew a Games Necklace and teleported off to the Gamer's Grotto. I hopped over to world 158 ans joined in a match with PaartyHats.
I was the first one onto the scene! I picked a few Class 1 clays for myself and made some basic equipment and one piece of food.

05-Mar-2012 20:47:29

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I ran around, looking for a suitable resource. As usual, there was nothing that great. I did spot a Class 4 Tree however. I ran over to it and started cutting it down. Well I tried to. I cut and cut and cut, but I never got anything with my little Class 1 Hatchet! So I cut and cut and cut, and finally, after what seemed like six years, I finally got a Class 4 clay. I sprinted over to the Creation Kiln and made myself a Class 4 Hatchet. I ran back to the tree and started cutting again. Thankfully, I was getting a clay every swing. After I got a full load, I ran back to the Creation Kiln and made myself 600 of both types of runes, Mage gear and some food. I started running around, eager to find a victim.
There were a bunch of people running in and out of the bubbles, so I tried freezing them with Ice Blitz, then damaging them with Smoke Barrage. Unfortunately, this tactic didn't seem to be working... I ran off, in search of new prey. Ah ha! There was someone! It was a level 97 Mage, all alone! I attacked him, and got his health down quite low until... Until a whole enemy team arrived on the scene. There was a level 127 Mage, the level 97 I was attacking, another level 119 Mage, a level 137 Dagger-Person, and a level 118 Mage. This did not look good. I ran back to my base, hoping to get there before I died. I was praying against Magic and casting Ice Blitz to keep the Dagger-Person at bay while I was running. Only 40 squares away from base! 30! 20! 15! 10... and I'm dead.
That sucked. I wasn't really sure what to do... The five-man team was hanging outside then entrances, so I couldn't really leave. I checked out what kind of weapons we had in stock. Ooo! There was a Class 5 Dagger! I picked it up and stuck on Protect from Magic and Protect Item and ran out into the mayhem. I went after the level 137 Dagger-Person first. She was tied up with another fight, and surprisingly, I actually hit every blow, and in the end, she died!

05-Mar-2012 21:10:38

Sep Member 2019


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A couple of Mages were on me now though. I ran back into safety before they could freeze me. I did this repeatedly, running outside, killing someone, then running into the base to heal. By the end of the match, I had gotten six kills! My team had failed pretty badly though... I only got 20 reward points
PaartyHats wanted to go boxing now, so I did a Home Teleport to Edgeville, grabbed a Ring of Duelling and teleported away. I met up with PaartyHats and started the boxing. He wanted to enable drinks though... Unlikely! After discussing whether he was going to be allowed to use a Super Defence or not (of course not), we entered the match.
Boxing really shows me just how little a difference each level you get makes. He was eight levels lower than me, and I was actually flashing at 138hp when I killed him. We had staked 5k, so I guess I came out 5k richer! I remember when Fire Typhoon always gave me my lost items back whenever I lost... So, I gave PaartyHats his 5k back.
I suggested that we did full gear fighting. We ran off to grab our gear. We met up again, and the fight commenced. I killed him fairly quickly the first round. He told me that my Bandos Chestplate was too good for his weapons. The quick fix to that? I simply took it off. The next fight was different.
He was ranging me, and with no platebody, he was hitting pretty constantly. I was hitting quite a bit on him mind you, and it actually seemed like a pretty fair fight. Who knew who would win? Both our hitpoints were really really low. I mean, I was at 33hp. He missed, I missed. He missed... and I killed him. I was in disbelief! I thought I was a goner for sure.
I was done dueling, so I packed up my gear and did the pain-staking task of switching spellbooks again. Back at Varrock, I updated my items and returned back to the Aberrant Spectres. After only a few kills, I got my favourite drop! I'm sure you all know what that is! A Hard Clue Scroll!

05-Mar-2012 21:10:49

Sep Member 2019


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I decided to just finish off the load of Abberant Spectres. That was done, so I started my Treasure Trail.
I went all over the place! I don't understand how people get a one step Treasure Trail. I've never gotten one below four steps. In the end, I got some pretty nice loot from it. I have to admit, I think all my bad luck in Runescape funnels away once I do a Treasure Trail. I always seem to get decent loot from them
I got a Rune 2h Sword, a Black D'hide Body and the more expensive item(s), 14 Purple Sweets.
It was time to go back to Slayer. I headed back to the Slayer Tower, and after beating the crowds of people, I not only finished my task; I got level 79 Strength!
I tended to my items in the Grand Exchange and headed to Duradel for a new task. I got 67 Suqahs. Not too bad! I used a Home Teleport and ran to Lokar, who boated me over to Lunar Isle. The slaughter of the Suqahs began! It had been a while sonce I had been to Lunar Isle, and I was surprised to see that the Suqah's level was not red anymore; it was orange!
I completed that task relatively quickly and tended to my items again. They weren't exactly buying/selling very quickly...
New task time! This time, it was 187 Bloodvelds. I got out my Dragon Hide and was abut to get out my Saradomin Sword. Then I thought: Wait... I do need level 70 Ranged... How about I just Range them? I bought some more Adamant Bolts (Forgot to buy Broad-Tipped ) and made my way to the Slayer Tower, where I promptly realized that I had forgotten a shield
Oh well. I started killing some Bloodvelds. But after only thirty killed, I realized that this just was simply not fun. I teleported to Lumbridge... and realized I was 160xp away from level 66 Ranged
I started killing every man and woman in sight! Finally, I reached level 66 Ranged! I headedon over to the Grand Exchnge and did some final tending. I spoke with PaartyHats for a while about dicing... I might do it, I might not.
Well, good night :)

05-Mar-2012 21:11:11

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