"What's the matter? I saw you all upset so I decided to come here and investigate." The man asked. Zenovia looks at the man. "It's Christmas Eve. You shouldn't be acting the way you are."
"It's nothing you need to worry about sir." Zenovia replied.
"Well, it is Christmas right? You should be smiling and- " Spero looks at the man and his eyes widen. Spero quickly grabs his scarf and pulls the man over to him with an expression of anger. The whole crowd watches with expressions of disbelief.
"S-Spero!? What are you doing?!"
"Don't come near us Alrous..! Stay away from Zenovia or I will hurt you." Spero quietly growled at the man.
"How rude. I'm not this Alrous character you speak of. I was merely trying to spread some Christmas joy. I guess Christmas joy is hard to come by in these troubled times." Spero lets go and the man walks away. But as the man turned around, all Spero saw on the man's face was this big smirk. A smirk that Spero knows off Alrous. After a while it was 8pm, it was a very silent night. Children move a table next to the Christmas Tree and put milk and cookies for Santa and are sent to bed. They tightly close their eyes waiting so frantically for good old Santa Claus to arrive.
After the night, it was December 25th; it was Christmas morning! The feeling of joy spreads in the air, children race downstairs and see golden boxes of wonder and joy right underneath their tree so colored by their lights. Spero wakes up and looks out the window and watches the joy and happy feelings spread in the air. Zenovia walks into the room and walks behind Spero and taps his shoulder. He looks back and Zenovia had a present and a note in her hand.
The end
is only
the beginning...
25-Dec-2008 16:35:06
- Last edited on
31-Dec-2008 11:12:08
Serene End
"Zenovia? You didn't have to get me anything." Spero said. Zenovia shakes her head side to side.
"It isn't from me. It's from a man wearing a hooded robe with green eyes. He told me that he knew you and told me to give you this."
"A hooded man?" Spero begins to think. He remembers a guy wearing a hood. "Yeah. He told me something very important. But why would he give me a gift?"
"He gave me a present too."
"What did you get?"
"A golden necklace with Saradomin's symbol on it." Spero opens the note and reads it. It says...
"Dear Spero and Zenovia,
Remember that you can do anything if you try, no matter what the challenge is. I know in my heart that you can defeat Alrous. I give you note and these gifts for you to know full well that you and your sister are not alone and that I'll be always there to protect you.
Just always believe in your friends and yourself and you're unstoppable. Never give up on anything you try. Remember, you're only a failure if you say "I give up". I know that you can change this world, I know you can defeat Alrous, I know that you two can end this war. Your mother believed so firmly of you two that she knew that you two would grow up into great people and I can very much tell that her words were not wrong.
So with that said. I'm sure you know who I am now. I'm just making sure that you two are alright and are safe afterall a father needs to know if his children are alright. I love you both and I miss you both very much. Never think you're alone for a moment.
I hope the best of you two and Merry Christmas.
Spiro Forseti
P.S: Spero, the gift I gave you was the sword you always had when you were younger. And I can guess that Zenovia knows what her gift is. If she doesn't, it's her step-mother's necklace that she told me to give to Zenovia when she grew up and since she's 21 I guess that means she's grown up."
The end
is only
the beginning...
25-Dec-2008 16:44:56
- Last edited on
31-Dec-2008 11:16:38
Serene End
That was what the letter wrote. Spero and Zenovia were in disbelief that they got a letter from Spiro.
"Dad.." Spero mumbled
"I..can't believe this.." Zenovia puts on the necklace.
"I guess miracles do happen even in this troubled time." Spero clenches his fists. "I promise that I will stop Alrous and free this world." Zenovia shakes her head up and down once.
"We'll stop him together." Spero looks at Zenovia and smiles.
"Yeah!" Spero and Zenovia look out the window with a smile on their faces. Outside the door, Spiro has his ear next to the door to listen. He smiles with his eyes closed with a tear running down his left cheek.
"This is great to hear. Do the best you can, Spero, Zenovia." Spiro mumbled to himself.
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Well, it's New Year's Eve. Time to celebrate the coming of the year 2009 and spend your last moments with 2008. Of course, I've been busy too but not with The World in Flames but with a new project.
Oh well, I won't be getting chapters up until the end of the New Year Holiday. So with this said...
Have a great New Year everyone!,
The end
is only
the beginning...
31-Dec-2008 11:09:00
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07-Jun-2016 23:37:10
Serene End