
RP - Survivors of Sunnymoor

Quick find code: 49-50-896-65656653



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"Hiya Mark," James was surprised to see Mark had been up and about so early, apparently searching for berries considering the pile he had in his top, "We have a pan somewhere don't we? Could just stick them in there I guess," James suggested, the pan having been used for cooking dinner on the first night before everything fell apart.

"Mark, a couple of us were about to set off for water, you up for coming? Me, you and Zach will walk to the river and Ashlyn and Allen can search for some more firewood as Zach suggested?" James explained, picking up several containers as he spoke.

((I split the groups like that as Blue and Captlasky have been around less than us three and it means we can get going.))
I'm just a Smiths try hard

29-Jul-2015 23:27:01



Posts: 16,946 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
((Just because I go a few days without posting doesn't mean I'm inactive.))


"About that firewood..." Allen began. "Do we really need such a huge stock of it? Until the weather gets colder we really only need it for cooking. But to cook we need food first. I mean, don't get me wrong, it is important - it just seems like you're making it a bigger priority than it needs to be."

He opened the wrapper on his snack bar, resisting the urge to criticize Zach for having food in his tent. But food was scarce, and you had to take what you could get. No use biting a hand that is feeding you. Speaking of food, Mark had just brought in a tonne of berries. Mark seemed to know what he was doing when it came to identifying plants, even more so than Allen did himself, so he wasn't going to question whether or not they were poisonous.

"Anyways..." He looked over at Ashlyn. "Let's go get some firewood then." Finishing up his granola bar, he pocketed the wrapper - still mindful of the need to protect the environment despite the apocalyptic conditions. Then, he picked up his pack and walked out towards the woods, stopping only at the clearing to look back and see if Ashlyn was following him.


((What time of year is it?))
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

30-Jul-2015 02:53:14



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((I know, I didn't mean it in an accusatory way so sorry if it came across that way, and same time of year as now.))

"Well, the fire burns out quite quickly once it gets going and if we get a big stock then we can put off finding more for another few days, that was my thinking at least," James explained in response to Allen's comment. It was true that the fire only had one vital purpose until the weather got colder which was to cook food, although it did create a bit of light on a night and it was always nice to sit around a fire, especially if the mood is low as would be expected in the situation they were in.

"Well, just grab what you think is right, it's a group effort at the end of the day," James said as the pair left for firewood. Despite the fact James loved being in control - simply so that he knew everything that was going on and wasn't left wondering - he had to accept the fact it would be a group effort to get by and his word could sometimes be wrong.

As Allen and Ashlyn left into the woodland, James stood and waited for the others to collect their containers and bottles, eager to go and get something done.
I'm just a Smiths try hard

30-Jul-2015 03:11:12



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Zach gathered whatever containers he could find, looking for ones with lids and caps to keep the water tightly inside. Carrying a pot of water back would be unwieldy and he wouldn’t be able to carry as much. He also kept in mind that coming back the bottles and containers would be much heavier, and only gathered what he thought he could carry back once full of water; though that still amounted to enough to keep his arms fairly full. *Kay. I think I’m ready,” he said, moving to join James.

((Where is Sunnymoor located exactly? Like what part of the world?))

30-Jul-2015 15:26:44

Mar Member 2023


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Ashlyn mostly took a backseat in the conversation after her original appearance. Several others showed up, some of them bringing food. She hadn’t noticed how hungry she was until she opened the granola bar and took the first bite. After devouring the entirety of the bar, she followed Allen’* example and tucked the wrapper into her pocket.

Everyone else made plans, but Ashlyn just nodded along with them. No sense trying to argue what was actually a somewhat decent plan, and besides, she just wanted to do something to help. So a minute or two later, James decided Allen and herself should go gather firewood while him, Mark, and Zach went to collect containers and fill them with water. This seemed more efficient than sending everyone to do one task, so Ashlyn was pleased with this level of efficiency – at least for now.

She grabbed her backpack, which was empty since she dumped the things out in a neat pile in her tent, and followed Allen. He stopped momentarily at the edge of the clearing, but the girl continued past him and into the shade of the trees. “
Do you think we’ll find anyone else?
” Ashlyn asked, her tone giving away that she was legitimately worried about it. She realized this and cleared her throat, before making another typical “Ashlyn” joke.

What if all of us need to pair off to repopulate ?
” She laughed, not caring if it would make Allen uncomfortable. She actually would probably find it funnier if he did turn awkward about it, but her earlier thought was still weighing heavily on her mind.
I just play FFXIV at this point. DC: Crystal

30-Jul-2015 18:24:09



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Would they find anyone else?

That was a question Allen had already asked himself, and he was fairly confident in his own theory. He spotted a pile of dry, rot-free branches nearby and walked over to pick them up. He returned carrying them under his arm, and was just about to answer her question when the next one came up.

"Um..." It caught him off guard. Was she being flirtatious or just trying to make him uncomfortable? Since he had a low opinion of his looks, he assumed it was the latter.

"A bit young to be considering that, aren't we?" He asked, letting out a slightly nervous chuckle. "Pregnancy is one of the greatest issues among teens, after all." Or at least it used to be. "Besides, we don't even know if we're the only ones yet. It would be pretty awkward for a rescue team to show up only for our parents to find out we've all started families."

Seeing this as an opportunity to quickly moved on, he continued. "I do think we'll find other people. Seven billion people in the world and we're the only ones left? I doubt it. So I'm sure there are others out there - we just need to broaden our search."

"As for how they disappeared, I'm not too sure about that." He stopped again, this time at a birch tree, and began peeling some of the bark off. "Maybe some hidden disaster made everyone in the area leave without telling us, and in that case we should probably leave too. Or maybe aliens are involved somehow?" That last sentence was said in more of a joking tone.

Satisfied with the amount of bark he had collected, he continued walking. "The only way to find out is to explore. We aren't going to learn anything sitting here, picking up sticks and eating berries."
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

30-Jul-2015 19:25:52 - Last edited on 30-Jul-2015 19:26:26 by NotFishing

Mar Member 2023


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Ashlyn had collected some dry kindling which she shoved into her backpack. She laughed once again when Allen chuckled nervously. “
Well, yeah, we’re young for what we’re used to. But if we really don’t find anyone, we’ll probably have to live like the Middle Ages or something. Probably even earlier than that. Don’t forget, unless we can find where those seven billion people went, we don’t have access to hospitals or medicine. That means if anyone here is asthmatic, they only have whatever’s left in their inhaler before they’re screwed,
” she said, realizing too late it was probably something amazingly dark to say. Coming from the usually cheery girl, it might be surprising, but she couldn’t take it back.

And anyway, we wouldn’* want anyone getting pregnant until we’ve settled ourselves enough. They’d be a liability,
” Ashlyn added, conveniently dodging the idea that she might be one of those pregnant girls. She’d never liked kids and had decided long ago to leave motherhood to those who might actually have a good chance at raising them. Even now, if it was decided they’d have to start families, she’d be hesitant. It** probably be more “ I have to do this for humanity to have a chance ” than anything.

Ashlyn continued collecting firewood, though Allen’s idea of exploring stuck with her. “
We could get a team together to go look around. Like, leave some people back at camp to stabilize it and a couple of us could try and see what we can find out,
” she said, in a wildly less joking tone than previously.
I just play FFXIV at this point. DC: Crystal

31-Jul-2015 14:03:09



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((North England, so far away from London.))

"Alright, cool," James turned and started to walk towards the slope which would lead them to the stream. It was steep but the other way down but be a long path that crawled slowly around the narrow valley and would take a much longer time. Personally, James preferred to just descend the slope, although maybe climbing back up would be a bit more difficult with the water and they might have to walk the long route.

"How you all feeling today?" James asked as cheerfully as possible. Of course, he didn't expect people to feel brilliant but it was a polite thing to ask and would create a bit of conversation. James was carefully placing his feet as he descended to avoid tripping on roots or rocks; after all, if someone fell and broke something or got injured in another fashion, then they were a bit stuck. Who knew if there was anyone else alive, never mind hospitals or doctors? "Watch your step, we don't want any broken bones."
I'm just a Smiths try hard

31-Jul-2015 14:58:54



Posts: 16,946 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
((Wait, our characters are British?

Can I change my guy's backstory or something then? Make him come from Canada or something so that it doesn't feel out of place for him to use North American slang.))


"Well, I do like the idea of living in the Middle Ages..." Allen said, stroking his chin. Then, he gave a deep bow. "Sir Allen Riley, at your service!" He spoke as if he were a knight. But, his tone went back to being serious. He put the birch bark and some of the smaller pieces of firewood in his pack.

"I don't think supplies will be a problem for the immediate future. There's now dozens of abandoned stores in the area. Assuming they didn't take all that stuff with them when they disappeared, there's hardly a shortage. It's like a zombie apocalypse, but there's no zombies and supplies are much easier to come by." He zipped up his pack and put it back on.

"I'll talk to the others about leaving. But splitting up the group may be a bad idea - what if the exploring group doesn't return? Or something happens at the camp and there's nothing to return to? Again, assuming that the supplies haven't disappeared with the people, the entire group could probably live off of what they scavenge if we do leave."
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

31-Jul-2015 15:17:04 - Last edited on 31-Jul-2015 15:18:04 by NotFishing

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