“You have misunderstood one major thing about me. My opinion of you is mostly concerned with this discussion and how you have brought me to it. I don't like you. I doubt I ever will. It is not jealousy, nor me being petty. It is a simple fact that we are incompatible as people.”
--I did*’t actually bring you into this discussion. You turned up, remember? In fact, you even got to pick which subjects you wanted to talk about. But when you began to devote more and more of your time talking about such and such is ‘conceited’ or ‘vain’, one can start to wonder if this is an obsession, or an unreasonable grudge.
”Ensuing insults from us both aside, you have failed to recognise that originally I did not insult you. I gave you a fair opinion. Do not make out that I did nothing but provoke you with unreasonable comments, because that is not true.”
--Originally you did*’t. I never said your original post was insulting. But I remembered being astounded when I see this, and thus I believe the discussion has turned a corner.
“Finally, the quotes. No, of course, me reading them means nothing. I'm not going to argue against their opinions. What bothers me is that you have collected them and put them in prime position to be read before the story, neglecting any criticism you may have had. Had you left them where they were in the thread and I read them there, then fair enough, I accept that people enjoyed what I didn't, but you didn't do that. Therefore, it is a way of influencing new readers into a particular mindset - that the story they are about to read is "one of the best on the forums".”
--As well as appearing to be sarcastic and derisive, one could equally wonder why these words *What bothers me’, ‘neglecting any criticism you may have had’ were necessary at all.
23-Jun-2011 20:59:56