I understand how you prefer white weapons to fire arms. It really depends on my mood. It must be really sad that the cavalry can no longer obliterate the archers! That was the best thing, when you charge with your cavalry from the back, and the archers flew 3-4 times their height.
The sea battles in Rome aren't worth anything, but the sea battles in Empire look insane. It would be an incredible experience to actually fight in one (In-game). I've seen "trailers" for it, and to me it seems far more advanced, graphics wise, than battle in Rome.
Financial development definitely is one of the main keys to winning a game in Rome. I never really knew that until my older brother played an "Economical game" where he just stayed on the Sicilian Island and gained money. I tried it after wards with the Brutii, keeping only my two first towns, I had managed to gain above 1 million. I know it's not a lot but for two cities its not too bad =P.
On Rome you can't simultaneously play the campaign, we just claimed ultimate rights to play a certain Roman nation, and the others were not allowed to play it without their permission. Cheesy I know, but we were younger, and property mattered.
We recently had a "race" to see who would dominate the world in the fastest amount of time. Game time, my eldest brother beat me, but real life time I beat him. Meaning that I had finished the game before him in hours, but he had won in numbers of turns.
16-Mar-2011 20:14:25