Are you writing a new story, English? I have finally returned to the forums and would LOVE to read it. Heh, heh, get it? Since I've been eavesdropping and already know the title of the new story you've been writing. So essentially I just lied two sentences ago wondering if you were writing a new story, because I knew you were writing a new story. Isn't that weird how "new" and "knew" are sounding really abnormal in this paragraph, esspecially in the phrase, "I knew you were writing a new story," kind've like, "Sally sells sea shells by the sea shore." I guess not that strange, though I could've said something that tongue twistery (is that a word—no it's not, I'm almost quite positive, in fact). Have I been rambling? That wasn't sarcasm, but I don't quite know the right word. What word would you use if you're saying something that you already know. Anyways, I have been rambling. Actually this is meant to be funny, or my idea of funny. But I guess a joke isn't funny when you explain why the joke was funny, which is almost a paradox, though also isn't, in a sense. Like the joke, "Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side!" and then someone would laugh and say, "Oh my God, that is so funny because he said something that isn't funny, so that it would be funny." and then the joke is no longer funny. Is funny starting to look strange? I notice that if I say a word out loud over and over again it starts to sound weird, like it really isn't English. Just the other day I was thinking the word stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop. See? Doesn't it look like the "op" doesn't belong? Or maybe it's just me. Or maybe it's everyone. Or maybe you want ME to stop writing. Or maybe you want me and everyone to stop on this thread and reply to your story. To be honest I only have 114 characters left. But now I have less, so I should post something about your story so this won't be spam. I think your story is so—
25-Jul-2010 06:37:51