=}--- Chapter 64: The Little Cottage ---{=
As seen in chapter 58; The Lvl 135 (Ben) and Miss Emotes are back together, but why?
Lvl 135: Hunni, whos outside?
Miss Emotes: Just some of my friends, dear! =]
T3h P3ngu1n: WTF? You + lvl 135?
Lvl 135: OUTSIDERS! Please don't let them hurt me please please please...
Scenic: Seriously?
Miss Emotes: Ben and me are just for each other okay? =] *hugs Ben*
Cowhide: MOO!
Miss Emotes: You can all come in apart from you cowhide, im afraid you'll have to stay outside =/
Cowhide: MOO!@! *stomps*
Everyone enters the house and notice all the posters and pictures of Mega Noob and Giant Noob:
Scenic: Are you obsessed with Giant Noob or something?
Lvl 135: I'm not obsessed i'm not obsessed, Mary, make them go away! *cowers*
T3h P3ngu1n: He's like 40 and hes getting upset over a game, lol
Miss Emotes: No Ben, don't hide away! We were making so much progress =/ anyway how did you lot get here?
Scenic: Well we got caught up in this massive blast after this big battle *tells the story*...
Miss Emotes: What? That battle two years ago? That was ages ago =S
T3h P3ng1n: Two years ago? I swear its only been a few days
Miss Emotes: No its been two years, runescape has changed in that time =O
Scenic: In what way?
Miss Emotes: Well, Andrew, the creator controls everything in RS now; from tutorial island to GWD, he seems to be more like a dictator now =/
Andrew*: And what do we have here? LOL bug abusers going into pfriddas? Time to use the ban hammer for the first time! *teles*
Scenic: So i'm guessing there are riots in runescape daily now?
Miss Emotes: You would think that but everyone now loves the skill nerfs and other things like that
, we are not fooled by that illusion however
T3h P3ngu1n: I see
Cowhide: MOO! MOO!
Lvl 135: Oh wtf Andrew's here? We are getting a RS knighthood! This is my lucky day yay!
Scenic: Wait hold on this seems a little weird, i've never heard of them giving out knighthoods before...
27/27 120 skills achieved!
26/27 MoA Pets!
Completionist - 3.7b Total XP
Twitter: @Jacoob_RS
08-Jun-2011 22:51:20
- Last edited on
11-Jun-2011 03:56:09