
Giant Noob

Quick find code: 49-50-887-58516707



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=}--- Chapter 64: The Little Cottage ---{=
As seen in chapter 58; The Lvl 135 (Ben) and Miss Emotes are back together, but why?
Lvl 135: Hunni, whos outside?
Miss Emotes: Just some of my friends, dear! =]
T3h P3ngu1n: WTF? You + lvl 135?
Lvl 135: OUTSIDERS! Please don't let them hurt me please please please...
Scenic: Seriously?
Miss Emotes: Ben and me are just for each other okay? =] *hugs Ben*
Cowhide: MOO!
Miss Emotes: You can all come in apart from you cowhide, im afraid you'll have to stay outside =/
Cowhide: MOO!@! *stomps*
Everyone enters the house and notice all the posters and pictures of Mega Noob and Giant Noob:
Scenic: Are you obsessed with Giant Noob or something?
Lvl 135: I'm not obsessed i'm not obsessed, Mary, make them go away! *cowers*
T3h P3ngu1n: He's like 40 and hes getting upset over a game, lol
Miss Emotes: No Ben, don't hide away! We were making so much progress =/ anyway how did you lot get here?
Scenic: Well we got caught up in this massive blast after this big battle *tells the story*...
Miss Emotes: What? That battle two years ago? That was ages ago =S
T3h P3ng1n: Two years ago? I swear its only been a few days
Miss Emotes: No its been two years, runescape has changed in that time =O
Scenic: In what way?
Miss Emotes: Well, Andrew, the creator controls everything in RS now; from tutorial island to GWD, he seems to be more like a dictator now =/
Andrew*: And what do we have here? LOL bug abusers going into pfriddas? Time to use the ban hammer for the first time! *teles*
Scenic: So i'm guessing there are riots in runescape daily now?
Miss Emotes: You would think that but everyone now loves the skill nerfs and other things like that :) , we are not fooled by that illusion however
T3h P3ngu1n: I see
Cowhide: MOO! MOO!
Lvl 135: Oh wtf Andrew's here? We are getting a RS knighthood! This is my lucky day yay!
Scenic: Wait hold on this seems a little weird, i've never heard of them giving out knighthoods before...
27/27 120 skills achieved!
26/27 MoA Pets!

Completionist - 3.7b Total XP

Twitter: @Jacoob_RS

08-Jun-2011 22:51:20 - Last edited on 11-Jun-2011 03:56:09 by Jacoob



Posts: 5,151 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lvl 135: Nah lots of people have got it before, like excl got it like 10 times! *runs to open the door* He's with his guards too hes genuine
T3h P3ngu1n: Okay whatever
Andrew*: You actual noobs!
Lvl 135: Omfg Andrew my saviour, gemme modship plz plz plz, knighthood plz!
Andrew*: Lol Ben you noob *uses Ice blizzard* Guards arrest them all for bug abusing!
*The master of all hacking appears*
M.H: LOL THIS IS TOO FUNNY, Dave you gotta reset his stats! :D Lvl 135: WTF are you doing here?
M.H: I'm on the winning side Ben, something you'll never be on!
Background noises: OOOH!
M.H: See! We even have background noises, you can't even afford that!
Lvl 135: You traitor! I trained you, like my skills!
Andrew*: Oh yea, speaking of your skills...*deducts the lvl 135's stats so that now hes lvl 1 with all of his stats at 1*
Lvl 1: I'm still better than you all! I can KO you!
M.H: In your dreams! *hacks the game to make a lvl 2 goblin appear* Now...FIGHT TO THA DEATH!
The goblin 1-hit KO's the lvl 1!
M.H: Dave, did you make him respawn in banland?
Andrew*: Nah he won't go far being lvl 1 :D It'll be like at least 2 years before he could threaten us
M.H: No, you dont know Ben - He nolifes a lot i'd say a week
Andrew*: Wanna bet?
M.H: Yea like 500M, no what am I saying, with the new GE tax rule on players we earned billions :D so 5Billion gp
Andrew*: Okay, deal *shakes hands* Wait, hold on a minute where did the other people go?
M.H: Oh crap, we did it again, we need to stop betting and walking away thinking that we're done, oh well at least we owned Ben!
27/27 120 skills achieved!
26/27 MoA Pets!

Completionist - 3.7b Total XP

Twitter: @Jacoob_RS

10-Jun-2011 14:40:07 - Last edited on 11-Jun-2011 04:22:09 by Jacoob



Posts: 5,151 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
=}--- Chapter 65: PVP Battle ---{=
Seal: Wow, I told you this was going to happen, they now have their revenge *sips tea*
Knight: It's disgusting...It's...
Commentator: THE 26K-MACHINE!...It is the result of many 26Kers pooling their money together which results in this modern state of the art machine that can move around very quickly while it has a massive gun that sticks out at the top of its armour-like casing...
Seal: Thats a tank you noob, now where did I put my Rune armour...
Chessman: 26K machine? Why dont you call it a tank
Commentator: Because thats what Jagex named it and I get paid more when I call it the correct name :D
Pker 1: Retreat to Ardy market, its multi there!
Chessman: I don't think thats a good idea
All the pkers run back to the market with the 26K-Machine following them and then massive barrage and exploding sounds are heard
Seal: I think we should check the market now the sounds are dying down
All 3 characters run to the market and see:
Knight: Oh crap. It looks like the pkers couldnt do any damage to it at all
26K-Leader: You're next! *charges*
Seal: Chaps, what do we do?
The 3 guys speak to each other quickly and come up with a plan!
Chessman: Split up!
Commentator: And the battle for ardounge is not over yet as there are 3 guys left to fight the machine!
Knight: Ok here goes *throws his anchor at the tank which alerts it*
26K-Leader: You want some noob? I'm going to kill you to get the giga-gee-pees
Seal: NOW!! *both Seal and Chessman jump onto the machine and open the trap door*
Chessman: Okay! *uses his yo-yo to hit the self destruct button in the machine* Run!!
26K-Leader: OMFG Noobs! Get out quickly!
Seal: Now where did I put my tea? Oh there it is *throws tea onto the leader which makes him drop back into the machine and then it explodes*
Commentator: AND BOOM! The pkers win again! The reinforcements arrive just a little too late!
Pker 5: So you guys defeated machine without waiting for us?
Seal: Er...
27/27 120 skills achieved!
26/27 MoA Pets!

Completionist - 3.7b Total XP

Twitter: @Jacoob_RS

11-Jun-2011 13:25:49



Posts: 5,151 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Pker 6: That means you have ridiculously high EP right?
Chessman: I guess so
Pker 7: My kill *DDS specs Knight*
Pker 8: Me wants loot too *Barrages Seal*
Seal: Oh ffs typical pkers, hey wait I feel weird
All 3 characters end up being teleported to the GE
Knight: Hmm that was weird and that guy seems very very rich and the last time we saw him he was a noob and hes on the same combat lvl...
Mathpwns: Too much MATH! :D
27/27 120 skills achieved!
26/27 MoA Pets!

Completionist - 3.7b Total XP

Twitter: @Jacoob_RS

11-Jun-2011 13:28:05 - Last edited on 11-Jun-2011 16:42:09 by Jacoob



Posts: 5,151 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
=}--+ Chapter 66: Zaros V Zammy +--{=
???: Life is unfair hunni-buns!
Surok Magis: Who said that?
Lucien: It could be the only one and truely ZAMMY! Give me a hug!
Zammy(Zamorak): K babes *hugs*
Lucien: Did you get that pink vest top I sent you in the mail?
Zammy: Yes it was wonderful! Feels just like i'm 1600 again! So anyway guys and gals, we have a big battle today :D *shakes hysterically* We face the zarosian losers, and we will beat them because we are just awesome!
Enahkra: Zammy! You're back <3 *hugs*
Zammy: Erm...Who is this again? Is it Zemmy dressed as a female again?
Enahkra: No its me Enahkra!
Zammy: Who's that?
Enahkra: Remember, we took long walks along the desert together, before you were a god, we were telling each other how much we love each other
Zammy: Really? Well...erm...just wait in that tent and i'll be there in a second!
Enahkra: Oh Zammy, I will!
Zammy: Guys, I think we all know what needs to be done with...her.
Khazard: Hey guys, im sorta new to this ritual stuff, so I kind of got my army here with me...
Cheddarnoob: This is very interesting *thinks that zammy will do the obvious thing and sacrifice Enahkra in the next ritual*
Zammy and all of his followers apart from Enahkra surround her tent and charge up a magic spell.
Lucien: Everyone ready?
Everyone: YEA!
Lucien: RELEASE!
All followers release the spell and it sends Enahkra and her tent flying up in the air to some place unknown.
Zammy: Damn we finally got rid of all the females in our clan
Zemouregal: You said it bro! Now what shall with do with this little noob?
Zammy: Er which one? Khazard or Cheddar?
Zemouregal: Khazard :D , I know what to do with Cheddar *moves towards cheddarnoob*
Cheddarnoob: Um no! Chessamagius!
Zemouregal: *eats cheese without any problems* mmm, spicy! You do know that mahjarrat can't be killed by normal attacks you noob *grabs cheddarnoob*
27/27 120 skills achieved!
26/27 MoA Pets!

Completionist - 3.7b Total XP

Twitter: @Jacoob_RS

11-Jun-2011 13:35:39 - Last edited on 17-Jun-2011 15:37:33 by Jacoob



Posts: 5,151 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Surok Magis: So Zammy, like, I helped you all get rid of her, so like, can I have like mahjarratness please?
Zammy: No, hunni-buns you have to be born one
Surok Magis: OH COME ON! I swear thats not true, i've followed all your ways; i've been doing bad deeds in your name, especially those deeds behind the dark alleys in Varrock...
Zemouregal: And readers, this is why I wanted to get rid of that city!
Surok Magis: Shut up zemmy! I own varrock now, i'm just that pro! I'm a better zammy supporter than you'll ever be!
Zemouregal: Lol yeah right you wannabe mahjarrat, I'm the strongest mahjarrat therefore I am the best supporter, also I am amazing :D
Zammy's Son: NO! I AM THE BEST SUPPORTER! I'm Zamorak's Son!
Zammy: Oh no not again and i've just dealt with Iban...
Zammy's Son: Zammy! *hugs* Wanna have some father-son time? Pwease? I've missed you! I got 99 magic recently but I had no gratz from you, please congratulate me?
Zammy: **** off you're not my son
Zammy's Son: But...but...but when I was doing the desert treasure quest I got told by Azzanadra that I'm your son :D
Everyone else laughs in the backgorund
Zammy's Son: Whats so funny? I know like all of Runescapian lore, wait a minute, I thought you were banished?
Zammy: Look you noob, its called glitch potting also ancient magicks here is called blasphemy and Azzanadra is a zaros follower, now go away!
Zammy's Son: But...but...Zammy I love you!
Zammy: Well...
Lucien: Guys is it me or is this chapter turning into a massive soap opera, aren't we supposed to be fighting those zarosian noobs right about now?
Zammy: Lucien, babycakes, SHUT UP, gosh, you made me break a nail too, ugh!
Zemouregal: Seriously, no way can this guy be a dad *laughs*
Sliske: Wow finally we can start the ritual first! *does whatever he does to start it* Ok Nexie! CHARGE!
Lucien: Wait is that Nex? Oh crap =/
To be Continued
27/27 120 skills achieved!
26/27 MoA Pets!

Completionist - 3.7b Total XP

Twitter: @Jacoob_RS

11-Jun-2011 17:51:25 - Last edited on 17-Jun-2011 15:47:03 by Jacoob

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