um heres a bio, sorry if im too late, i've only read to page 7
Name: Cam
Age: 11
Appearance: Well.. 11 year old boy, brown and black hair, red eyes, skinny, long arms and tall. um....
Boy or Girl?: Boy
Attitude: Thinks everything is too much work *shikamaru anyone? *
Friend of Cow, enemy of Cow, or don't care? : Friend
Noob?: Not really.. maybe level 30?
Really-strong person?: 1/4th
'ZOMG A REVENANT COW!!!!' person?: no..
Do you like waffles??: ZOMG YESH
Do you like pancakes??: ZOMG YESH
Do you like frenchtoast??: only french toast STICKS
Do you know the Do you like waffles song??????: DO DO DO CANT WAIT TO GET A MOUTHFUL WAFFLEZ!
Do like chocolate cake??: No...!!!!! i dont like chocalate >.>
Short history of character: Home town was destroyed by Red dragons, parents and family dead
Anything else: Likes to fight alooooot. Can do a sweet trick with a dragon scimitar where he tosses it up and makes it land in his enemies shoulder
I hope i can be a main character! ^^
24-Jul-2009 18:59:46