Hello. It's great to see you posting again after your short hiatus. Thank you for posting: I appreciate all comments.
If you wouldn't mind, could you please identify some aspects in which my prose could improve? You have so far said that it is worse than my poetry (a statement that I do disagree with, reciprocating its opposite instead), but you haven't really mentioned anything other than my vocabulary.
On the topic of my vocabulary, I must disagree. I think that there is a very discernible difference between the vernacular choices and the prolixious tendencies. I have no trouble at all saying that my prose is verbose: it is something that I have no real intent to fix for general purposes. Something to be considered, and which I would not have expected you to realize, this thread having no introduction and all, is that this piece is written in the Victorian Franco-English style and is more a rough draft than anything. To give background information, this era was one in which books were read as sheer entertainment, but they were expensive. If, then, one could find a book that was so convoluted and dense that it would take more than a simple passing glance or skim to analyse its contents, it was desirable.
I do not know if you have read my other pieces, but this one, I can actively assure you, does not represent the status quo. If you would like a greater judgment on my ability to write extended prose, I suggest reading "Lunar Eclipse", "A Christmas Tale", "A Children's Tale", "Darker Times", and "A Message in a Barrel". Some of these are no longer on these forums, most of them are unfinished. I plan to repost a few of them (with limited variance from the original) in the near future, so, if you can, please keep an eye out.
I would really love to hear more comments stating not merely that there is a difference in quality but what it is and how to begin its remediation. Thank you again, though, for taking the time to read this tale.
23-Sep-2010 14:57:50