Don't forget about the nearby settlement that needs your help. Here, I'll mark it on your map.
Anyways, on that note I would like to announce that I have lost interest in Into the Void and as Demons Weeping. Azi, you can go ahead and use the Inquisition however you see fit. Emo, I would ask that you carry on as if Gary was never a character.
Sorry, but I'm not enjoying either RP and I don't feel particularly motivated to carry on.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.
I know it's a bit rich for me to ask for a post - but chasers, did you want the first post? Or are we waiting for me because Glenn is busy swimming with the vines?
At the moment I'm having trouble picturing the scene, and depending on whether I post first or last could drastically change Gwen's reaction.