How far into cybernetics is the technology in Void? I'm assuming it'd be pretty advanced, but I'd rather hear it directly from the horse's mouth, rather than making up someone else's lore.
Also, how would cybernetics fare against Technosis, both in an owner with it, and against other people with it?
Also; hey George! Long time no see!
14-Jan-2016 16:27:29
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14-Jan-2016 16:28:11
Cybernetics would be fairly advanced during this time, Some cybernetics could include introducing a weave into the skin that toughens it against bladed weapons. A human can only withstand 10 G's. All pilots and military personel would have Cybernetics that dramatically help them with resisting G's (This would include your character, Lasky)
Cybernetics fair better with Technosis, rather than biotics, they can't really be hacked, that being said, cybernetics can be overloaded, causing extreme pain, wherever the cybernetic is planted. Cybernetics also have the tendency to give people migraines when added to the brain. This is because the body thinks this is a foreign object.
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy!
Welcome back George. Oh, and I'm Az*garath, but I changed my username to Azi Azi as my previous username was always censored, and 99% of the time, everyone calls me Azi anyways, but Azi was already taken. fyi, "azi" means "dragon" in some Ancient Mesopotamian language, or something like that.
George Rozas
Greetings and whatnot. Seems I was gone longer than I anticipated...
... Definitely longer than you planned.
Do you have our elder scroll?
(Making obscure references from nothing. One point for me.)
*nerd voice* ERM.... ACTUALLY, if you're quoting Harkon the exact wording is: "I trust you have my Elder Scroll?"
That right there is a volcano, which shouldn't be found anywhere near corn
*nerd voice again* ERM... ACTUALLY, it is not unusual for people to build farms near volcanoes, as many tend to have excellent soil. There is actually this volcano in Italy, which people believe will one year erupt, but because the soil is so good none of the farmers want to leave.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.
14-Jan-2016 21:23:37
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14-Jan-2016 21:24:39