Oh noes >.< but I'm glad you're back and better than before! Also, respect to you working overtime lots, it takes a tough lady to do that. The longest I've worked was twelve hour shifts for three weeks straight, working as a security guard out in the middle of nowhere in a work camp for pipeline security. I made good money but oof, it was exhausting, as the hour were 6pm to 6am and totally screwed up my sleep schedule.
I also had a really bad flu a while ago, it was the sickest I've been in a long time. I'm still phlegmatic but doing better. Then, while thrusting a lightbulb into the garbage, I slit my thumb open and it bled like hell, like a dripping faucet. I even saw small white chunks under the skin, not sure what those were, but the meat was chunky. I needed six freakin' bandaids to stop the bleeding, then a few wraps of micropore tape to seal it, and by that time I basically painted the sink red. I never realized just how dangerous a dumb lightbulb could be! I dipped my wrapped thumb in isopropyl alcohol to ensure it stayed clean. Whenever I cut the bandaids off, I noticed my thumb was clean and didn't smell bad, so at least that's good.
And, to top it all off, I spend almost four hundred dollars to upgrade my gaming computer and then, a few days afterwards, it died XD so much for that.
22-May-2022 07:30:50