I was unable to RP today, I had around three hours of sleep last night, making the twelve hour shift harder than usual. I am also quite behind in my novel and editing my LoZ fanfic. I will try to post in all RPs at the latest this weekend.
Sort of. As an update, I seem to have recovered and should be able to RP tomorrow in Omega and Vampyro, assuming nothing distracting happens, of course.
I got Azi's post up. I spent some time pondering how to get the information in Erik's last post set straight.
I also noticed a plot hole already in the with Erik's scenario : I forgot that Leshy are stationary.
XD The last post I did needs to be edited.
I have no idea how I should have worded this post, and which order the sentences should go in to make sense. I'm only one guy. Should I have written it another way?
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy!