Ok. I was just making sure. Are you feeling better from being drunk last night?
Feeling much better, no headache. Just tired. My sleep was wonky last night. Weird dreams. I dreamt that I was still in high school, had been assigned the right teachers, only to find out later that it was a mix up and that I had been going to the wrong classes for most of the year, then it switched to something about the original Assassin's Creed game, mixed with AC:1 Guards in a classroom setting where I had to assassinate the teacher to get a passing grade in the class.
Weird, weird dream, lol
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy!
Ok. I was just making sure. Are you feeling better from being drunk last night?
Feeling much better, no headache. Just tired. My sleep was wonky last night. Weird dreams. I dreamt that I was still in high school, had been assigned the right teachers, only to find out later that it was a mix up and that I had been going to the wrong classes for most of the year, then it switched to something about the original Assassin's Creed game, mixed with AC:1 Guards in a classroom setting where I had to assassinate the teacher to get a passing grade in the class.
Weird, weird dream, lol
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy!