Of course, yes; there's also 'white lies' which can be rationalized for goodness sake.
Yeah, that's a good point, too. If I recall correctly, Rory basically wanted revenge, but followed basic tactics. He can work with others, which makes sense, as he's a former criminal and gangster, so he'd be open to working with a team.
But, as you alluded to, it's mostly a morally neutral zone. How we grow up determines who we become, after all.
Speaking of which, are grey zone RP characters a good idea? I just realized that maybe they are not. Lots of my RP characters represent something. For example, in Into the Ashlands, Griselda is most certainly a sociopath. Octavius has ADHD. Xavakuun, like Rory, seem to have alexithymia. Caspara has anger problems.
Maybe, after all this time creating and working with characters, giving them certain mental disorders wasn't ever a good idea?
21-Apr-2019 05:08:18