Everyone who has joined the RP I created , I just want to say with sincerity, thank you. I thought that maybe 1 or 2 people would join because I had noticed how "dead" this section was. It has already gotten farther than I ever thought it would. I hope that we can keep it going. You have free reign to do whatever you want in your posts - and I'm not trying to be redundant but there are really only 2 things I wont allow, No Foul Language / Cursing (Even in the RP) / and do not control another persons character - You may interact but leave all reactions/words to them please.
I see people around without completed posts on my not yet dead thread. I’d complain if you not posting didn’t mean I’d have to worry about writing one too...
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.
Yes, it's very cool you managed to revitalize this forum. I also did not expect George or Fishing to appear. I spent lots of time and effort on big RPs but they didn't work out. I certainly can learn from you.
I am also waiting for others to post in Inferi's RP. I will post soon in Asgarnia, if I must, but I'd rather let everyone have their chance to interact with the barbarians and Haraldur if they wish.