Anyways, Inferi, I've been thinking, and I believe we need to talk more about your character's role in the company.
Would it be reasonable to say that she has been performing menial tasks around the company, such as fetching water, helping with the wounded, assisting in pitching tents, and so on (which I'm assuming it done with Wulvash's permission?) Little things to show that she can still be useful, even if she is a non-combatant. I'm under the assumption that she has registered with the Company - even if she does bring a massive Drakonian with her, they would still expect her to help out where she can.
Also, George, would Wulvash have told Vanick anything about her backstory? It's something Vanick would have asked him about, just to make sure his company won't be harbouring any fugitives or anything like that.
He may also have been concerned that your character was keeping her for some... indecent means.
Yes, she'd do that if Wulvash told her she needed to, or if he told her that she should listen to the orders of whoever handed out the assignments.
She's...rather inflexible when it comes to who she'll listen to, since there's only one person on that list unless she's otherwise told.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.
For some reason I keep thinking I'm waiting for someone else to post, only to discover that's not true.
A post will be up shortly.
If you mean me, I think I'll keep to the sidelines for now. I don't want to insert a character that I'm not happy with, yet I can't bear to let the theme go.
Yeah, Wulvash would certainly have told Vanick the circumstances behind how she came to be with him. Definitely not about her magic, but exactly why she treats him like her master despite his constant protests and exasperation, yes.
I am Inferi.
I mean, there's no reason not to tell him that she can use a fair amount of Hydromancy. That might not be a bad idea, since if she needs to use it at some point it won't be a "hey, you lied to us about her being useful" type of thing.
Of course, if he's not trying to put her in any danger, it would probably be a better idea to stick with what you said and not do it.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.
Yeah, if Vanick knows she has Hydromancy, she will be expected to fight.
If he doesn't know, then he's fine with her just hanging around and performing menial task, since Wulvash's own skills make up for her lack of known combat prowess.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.
Yeah, after about 2 seconds of actually thinking I retract that statement. She's not a good combatant, regardless of her actual skills.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.