It was worse when I was working at Q-Ply, I would sometimes be awake two nights in a row, which was always horrible. British Columbia is like the “wild, wild west” of Canada, as there are truckers up north who work sixteen-hour shifts, and then the logbook is a book of lies. Sometimes, I’m so tired I can’t even sleep, and that’s terrible.
Hm, are you drinking enough? If you are so sensitive to heat and blood loss, it may be you are dehydrated. I forced myself to drink more lately, and realized I sleep much more. Sometimes, a little more water is all you need.
Well, 50 is still a pass!
I like physics, math and science, too bad I suck at all of it. As for formulas, you just gotta memorize them, which is hard, especially for me as I have a bad memory.
OK, so you don’t study like crazy, nvm, I take that back. Heh, I also basically never studied in elementary school or high school, failed a few times in high school, but passed everything in the end. Oh OK, I did not realize your joke, nvm about that!
I have not lifted since moving, just too sick. I once bench pressed two hundred pounds, just one rep, though.
Indeed, wakkace is a sneaky male.
19-Dec-2017 20:15:37