Hehe, didn't realise it was halloween until I heard two tiny knocks at the door. Naturally, I got up and opened the door... just to find I was being held at nerfpoint by some kids from down the road. Luckily, I stocked up on apples for just such a contingency.
Hehe. They won't be back next year, that's for sure.
XD this made me laugh. I'm too poor to support Halloween, being jobless for about a year now, save for a nine-day temporary job.
Hopefully, no one's been put into a candy coma (I got that little joke from Honest). Anyways, since November has come, I will be working on my new novel, so RPing will be a secondary thing for me. Thus, I speculate working on a novel will reduce the time I post by about 50%, or maybe even a bit more. Nevertheless, I will attempt to post for APTtS tonight or tomorrow.
Change of plans, I will be driving northward to the next city, to help my dad search for homes, trailers, that sort of thing. If he does plan on getting a new house, I may be gone all day for that, and so may be delayed for another day.