and then the escapades slowly escalate, such as the Te*can leaving random bits of meat at night and attracting thousands of hungry yeti, who then attack Stoneheart.... sounds like fun, don't it?
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy!
D F Angel
World War Z teaches us that you should infect yourself with a fatal disease in order to combat the zombie infection.
Angel, did you just reference World War Z (the movie) without specifying it was the movie you were referring to, and not the book?
This crime will not go unanswered.
I figured the film would be more well known. I don't even associate the two, seeing as the only thing they share is the name and the fact that zombies exist, but that's where all similarities end. Which is a shame really, because they could have called that movie anything, but that's the way Hollywood works.
Anyway, I'm sorry for my prolonged departure, but my personal life loves to make a mockery of me. I see Venom's made a thread, I look forward to reading through it. Is there anything else that's been happening on these forums in the past three weeks or so that I would've missed?
Hags be hagglin', gods be god damn crazy, it's all happening ogre at Into The Fire
Actually, they've ruled out anemia and my WBC count was fine, so I doubt it's leukemia. So far, I know it's
anemia or mono. They decided to test for a bunch of things (lupus, MS, etc.) last time, and I'll get the results on those back soon (though they don't think it's anything as serious as that, but they depleted the list of things they think it might be).
Thanks, everyone. Like I said, it doesn't seem to be anything wrong with my blood, though. Or, well, anything at all, if one looks at my test results alone. Like, literally all of my levels are normal, and yet I'm still clearly not healthy. I just defy all laws of logic, something we've all known for ages.
Clearly things are not well for you, though. Are you getting sick randomly with things humaans don't usually get?
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy!
Well Blue, at least the results are not getting worse. Like I said, maybe drink cacao, but boiled beets are also very healthy for your blood, but they, well, kinda make the toilet red. But hey, I wish you the best, doctors know more than me, so do what YOU feel is best!