Pink 4 Twink
And so, Nin's Antithesis enters the stage.... Well played, Rozas!
also, that's cool, Venom. Considering that Nin has a horde of undead, including 2,000, however T-rex's I think that the war party is going to have a tough time. Maybe instead most of the warlords unite against Nin and send their armies after him and the war party joins in with the warlords. and both armies are at an impasse- think of it as trench warfare in WWI, neither side makes much progress wiping the other out. Nin's strategy is to stay on the defensive- none of his army will fight back, unless Nin orders it. Conversely, perhaps, none of the warlords want to risk their armies against a well-defended target. keep in mind that once Nin dies, his army dies with him. Maybe Lana has her sights set on Nin. in which case, our lunatic necromancer ass hole villain
never see it coming! *Steals and eats Annie's cookie*
I'd speak more on this, but if I did I would be lazy, revealing the plot before it happen, and procrastinating from posting on Karrus/doing homework.
Ramsay Bolton is the king we deserve.
In which case, the expeditionaries might need a healer in their ranks *cough cough* (I'm only posting one character for this RP) considering since healing spells damage the undead. I'm leaving the idea up to you guys.
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy!
In which case, the expeditionaries might need a healer in their ranks *cough cough* (I'm only posting one character for this RP) considering since healing spells damage the undead. I'm leaving the idea up to you guys.
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy!
13-Sep-2015 22:52:28
- Last edited on
13-Sep-2015 22:53:15
Pink 4 Twink
Pink 4 Twink
In which case, the expeditionaries might need a healer in their ranks *cough cough* (I'm only posting one character for this RP) considering since healing spells damage the undead. I'm leaving the idea up to you guys.
Nah, healing magic is a cop out. The thread's gonna end when everyone dies of malaria after taking two steps into the forest.
Ramsay Bolton is the king we deserve.
I just though of something for KOK So imagine a rather narcissistic Te*can in the Mountains of Home just taunting King Eodis to try and attack him. The thought of a flying birdman must be infuriating to the Grays. something worth adding if only for comedy relief?
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy!