Oh, you didn't choose HP as a skill? You die right now.
Well, if it is in fact based very heavily off the in-game events and whatnot, I won't be knowledgeable at all and you'll have to provide everything useful. However, I'm sure you know that.
The vibe I'm getting from what you're saying is that it'll be a "low level" thing from start to finish. Sure, it'll end higher than it started, but it would never get to a point where anyone is actually considered "powerful". That might not be a problem. However, I won't deny that, when something starts out small, I like it to end big. *insert **** jokes here* It might not matter depending on how the thing goes, but that's just my 0 cents on it at this point in time.
I'm not sure how you'd be doing mechanics, whether it be strict adherence to the rules of the game or if it's a bit more free and more similar to the way the majority of threads go. If I'm going to be doing anything, I'd prefer it to have less mechanics established in a game, since those are fairly prohibitive in writing format.
I am 100% sure there's more I should be saying, but I don't feel like thinking of it right now.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.
27-Apr-2016 14:04:35