I agree with Level. Length is a personal choice... Unless you are writing for a competition and are limited by the parameters. But we really don't have a straightforward answer because each writer writes differently. Again, as Level said, do what feels right.
But in all honesty, don't go too terribly long unless absolutely necessary, especially for your first one. When starting out you
make mistakes, it's inevitable, and having a piece that's lengthy and bloated with errors can be a bit discouraging. I know. I've been there. So start off easy, start off with a pretty comfortable length that you feel gets your point across, then get it critiqued and examined, learn from the criticism, correct what needs correction, and then step up with the next idea.
Vivid imagery and detail is always difficult when first starting out, because it's more than just adding words to what is already written. It's... A way of thinking, a way of processing the images floating around in your head. It's takes practice and patience. I have long since stopped thinking in images, and instead hear the narrative. Not that the images aren't there, but in my thought process I see and hear the words first and
the image forms. I form the image from my words, instead of trying to form the words to the image, and if I don't like it, I tweak it. And tweak it. And tweak it. Until it finally gets where I want it.
Adding detail at any point won't be easy, but don't give up! Keep at it and I'm sure you're going to whip up a masterpiece!
Best of luck and happy writing!
09-May-2014 15:58:10