And although it's pretty much natural for all writing, whether you know it or not (if only because it's so heavily featured everywhere), then I'd get familiar with the Circle of Heroes.
There's a good TEDEducation video on it. TubeYou "What Makes a Hero". It goes over the basics.
27-Mar-2013 23:59:41
- Last edited on
28-Mar-2013 00:02:03
Smok Taunter
If you use Word, then it'll autocorrect straight quotation marks (which the forum doesn't currently recognize) into rounded ones, which it's more than happy to accept.
Awesome tips. I love writing stories and RuneScape has always been a place where i've wanted many of them to take place.
-Ascertes, King of all the Hallowlands and the Everchosen of Saradomin.