"That's right isn't it? Ahh, well, I guess I'll introduce myself now then." The man rose back up and straightened out his cloak with a nice patting down. "You've more or less never heard of me, but I'm known as Tash, the future ruler of this world." His deep, powerful tone made it sound like he was very proud of himself.
"Future ruler of this world?" asked the boy who was baffled as to whether this man called Tash was speaking the truth or not. "Are you royalty or something? 'Cause I don't think I've ever heard of a world ruler, plus you don't really look like royalty."
"Silly child," mocked Tash, "I said the future ruler. Meaning that in time I will enslave this realm and hold it for my own pleasures. As for how I'll accomplish that, you already know the method."
The boy had been thrown for a loop. He already knew the method? What could that possibly mean? He had never tried to take over the world. What kind of madness was this man telling?
Magenta stepped into the conversation. "You're just joking, right Sir?" She was standing to the left of the man with a now saddened facial expression. "I mean you can't really be serious about taking over the world...can you?"
Tash smiled and extended an arm to reach to her. "Of course I can be serious," he said as he ran his palm over the top of her head. "And if your friend hasn't figured it out yet, I intend to accomplish it with these." He placed his hand into his satchel and retrieved a number of runes.
The boy felt like a rock just hit him. Of course it was the runes! What else could be powerful enough to enable a single person the dream to control an entire realm? With their still unknown powers and potentials, if this man could master them he could easily find away to enslave all of mankind.
11-Feb-2008 18:05:16
- Last edited on
14-Feb-2008 00:33:39
Lost King