
the Noob Chronicles! (v2)

Quick find code: 49-50-82-55605298

Dec Member 2005


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41: going down
Rekko, Scott, and xp set Zolo's chair and Zolo down.
At the other end of the room was Regirox and Drizzen.
Regirox: hey guys!
Drizzen: no happiness, slave! *pokes Regirox with a spear*
Regirox: ow..
Blaze: whos going to defeat them?
Rekko: I will!
Rekko starts to charge but trips over himself.
Rekko runs back to Zolo.
Rekko: Zolo! get him!
Zolo takes the shotgun and shoots it at Rekko, and it went through him again.
Dezzer: who did it hit this time..?
Blaze: going down again! *falls*
Sunny: I'll fight him.
Drizzen: ha, how can you defea- ow!
Sunny has an armed sniper rifle.
Drizzen: ow *blam* stop *blam* jeeZ! *BLAM* cmon, please * blam* owwwowowwow! *blam* *falls*.
Regirox: I'm free! *kicks Drizzen in the head.
Read: pwnage >:]
Scott: yup.
Darkstorm: shouldnt we help Blaze?
Dezzer: no, were having an enjoyable moment, helping him would ruin it, and your doing te same. ZOLO, same routine!
Zolo takes the shotgun and shoots Darkstorm, it went right through him.
Church: who did it hit this time?
Blaze: oww.....
Eclair: Church, help him.
Church: *sigh* fine.
Church takes the shotgun and blows it through Blaze again.
Blaze: *_X
Blaze comes into the room again 5 minutes later.
Blaze: Doctor, im cured!
Church takes the shotgu and kills him again.
Blaze comes back 5 minutes later
Blaze: now that was just unnessasary.
Xp: fire number 3!
Blaze: wha- BOOM!
Blaze comes back and takes the shotgun from chruch.
Blaze: stop it! *throws the shotgun on the ground, it auto fires Blaze in the foot.
Blaze: oh come on!
Read: I know what'l make us all feel better.
Dezzer: what.
Read: kicking Drizzen repeativly!
Scott: hurrah!
everyone starts kicking Drizzen.
Drizzen: ow, ow ow ow ow ow ow *blam* owww!
Every past character from the noob chronicles comes in.
everyone else: let us kick him.
Drizzen's eyes widen in fear.
Me: alright, lets end *kicks* end this * kicks* chapter. *kicks*
Drizzen: oww.......

04-Feb-2008 00:44:02 - Last edited on 27-Jul-2008 20:08:09 by NewLuvStory

Dec Member 2005


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42: Part 1, the noob makes his move
As they all walked on, they appeared in..the wilderness..?
Read: where are we?
zolo: meh.
Dezzer: stop saying meh, Zolo.
zolo: ...
They all walk on.
Rekko stares at read.
Rekko: What do you think of read?
Dezzer: >_>
Rekko: shes hawt!
Dezzer: Rekko..we DO have a mission ya know.
Rekko:Im gonna go make my move.
Dezzer: idiot..
Rekko: hey Read,wanna go out with me?
Read: <_< no noobs. *points to a sign saying read does not date noobs*
Rekko: plz?
Read: no.
Rekko: plz plz plz plz.
Read: no begging noobs either. *points to another sign*
Dezzer walks over to Rekko and slaps him in the back of the head.
Dezzer: Rekko, dont be an idiot..
Rekko: :( Read: *smiles at Dezzer*
Dezzer: *smiles at read*
Read: wanna make a rmv (runescpae music video)?
Dezzer: sure!
Rekko: can I come?
Dezzer and read: NO.
Rekko: plz!
Dezzer: *points to sign saying no annoying people*
Rekko: but im not annoying, im a noob! cmon, i'll be your best friend!
Dezzer: go bother Scott and xp!
Chapter cut. im splitting this chapter into 2 parts. Ha!

04-Feb-2008 00:46:30 - Last edited on 28-Jul-2008 20:35:16 by NewLuvStory

Dec Member 2005


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42: part 2, the Vid
Dezzer and read are now at the bridge in aradouge that devide the east and west. (dont ask how they got there)
Dezzer: so what song are we doing for the vid?
Read: dont worry about it. just stand here. *points to center of bridge*
Dezzer walks over, still wondering what the heck he was doing.
Read: over there.
Dezzer: here?
Read: no, there.
Dezzer: here?
Read: THERE. okay, after I do the snowman emote, do an air guitar.
Dezzer: alright.. (wow, Rekko was right, she is pretty hawt)
Dezzer starts to Play air guitar but Rekko jumps into the scene.
Rekko: Im here! *falls over*
Dezzer: uh..Rekko..
Rekko: wow! you guys were really hard to find! it was like you were hiding from me or something! :D Read: Rekko..Alright I have a perfect place for you!
Rekko: where? okay Dezzer get out of the way this is my big scene.
Dezzer: *Dezzer looks at read confused*
Read: okay Rekko, heres where you need to be. see Lumbridge on your map? you need to stand waaaaaaaaaaaaaayyy over there.
Rekko: alright, will you be able to see me from there?
Read: yeah, i've got you im my shot..
Dezzer: (wow shes hawt AND smart.)
10 minutes later..
Rekko is still standing in lumbridge.

04-Feb-2008 00:46:31 - Last edited on 29-Jul-2008 01:32:00 by NewLuvStory

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43: green ugly monster
Read: okay, now were going to Yannile to meet a dude who can do the mage emote.
Dezzer: some dude?
Far away in lumbrudge.
Rekko: *waves franticly towards aradouge.* did you get the shot?!
no answer.
in Yannile..
Read and Dezzer walk up to Mage Dude.
Mage Dude: so read, you had to bring your boyfriend with you?
awkward silence.
read ignores the question and moves on.
Read: so do you have your mage cape with you?
Dezzer: ~ who is this idiot. wondr if hes going to put some moves on read..~
Scene finishes.
Mage Dude: hey Dezz, rub my boots for good luck.
Dezzer: ~ maybe i should mark my territory and p--s on them you piece of c--p.~
Mage Dude: get rid of dezzer and we can go hang out.
read: *looks at a sign* [Read does not go out with Noobs, choobs, or froobs..or idiots.]
Read smiles at dezzer.
Dezzers imagination: *mage dude turns into a gnome, and Dezzer kicks him over a field goal.*
Dezzer: that guy was an idiot..
mage dude: im still here!
Dezzer: well go away.
Mage dude: No, im not going any- Crash.
Rekko comes in crashing on top of Mage Dude.
Rekko picks up a mage cape.
Rekko: hey guys! look what I found. and did you get me in the shot?
Dezzer and read: O_o

04-Feb-2008 00:46:31 - Last edited on 11-Aug-2008 18:40:38 by NewLuvStory

Dec Member 2005


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44: Torok and the Jagex Layer
blaze,nice,Zolo, Scott, Xp, Sunny and Regirox were walking in the wilderness when suddenly..
Torok poked his head out from the gruond.
Xp: Torok?
Torok: of cource I was alive, I was banned not murdered..
Scott: how was it?
Torok: well, its a jail cell.
Nice: that bad?
Torok: no, seriously, its a jail cell. they lock up the banned account into small cells.
Sunny: thats terrible, but how did you end up here?
Torok: well, apparently, the Jagex company has a secret hideout underground in the wilderness that looks like the bat cave.. The whole wilderness.
Blaze: what about the underground parts like the chaos tunnels?
Torok: sadly, when the game designers made those tunnels, there was a design flaw and the tunels went through the company walls..where the restrooms were.
At the Jagex restrooms..
Level 107: is this where the giant rock crabs are?
Jagex Mod: go away. *raises newspaper.*
Back to Torok..
Sunny: can we take a look at whats inside?
Torok: sure.
everyone slowly crept in to the find a bunch of people with radios.
Zolo: what is this?
Torok: its where they monitor all the chatrooms.
Blaze: wouldnt they be using computers for that?
Torok: they like the radios a lot..
Mod 1: Riot in central falador! move out!
Nice: whats happening..?
Torok: the Jagex Elite Army. They got ban rifles.
one of the guards misfires and hits Mod 1.
Mod 1 dissapears and reappears in a cell.
Mod 1: awww...
Torok: lets move on..
Torok opened a door.
Heres the top secret graphic design room. from the designs of the drawings you can see how awesome and secret they are.
Scott: and here you are, showing them to us..
Torok: moving onnnn! O_o
Torok opened a door.
Torok: and here we have the leader of the corporation mod Andr- wait..we cant say names without permission. well lets just call him MOD.
Xp: hey MOD!
MOD: did you finish your homework?
xp: im 19..
MOD: go to your room
xp: where is that here
me :O _o

04-Feb-2008 00:46:32 - Last edited on 21-Aug-2008 19:37:29 by NewLuvStory

Dec Member 2005


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Chapter 45: New World Order
Read: Go to world 65,meet me in Lletya, theres this awesome place with very few people around. We can finally finish the vid.
Dezzer: Okay..(thinks to self: finally alone time with Read, YAH!)
Rekko: Listens in..MUHAHAHAH..I'm heading to where? Starts with an "L"?
(Read and Dezzer arrive in Lletya among mage trees and cute little critters)
Read: Stand here, near the mage tree, and do the emote blow kiss, and your line is "Love"
Dezzer: *stares blankly at Read*
Read: uh.. Dezzer?
Dezzer: *shakes head* ready..sort of..
Read: after I do snowman, say your line.
(Read does snowman, dezzer blows kiss and yells out HAWT!)
Read: -_-..uh..the line word is Love?
Dezzer: Did'nt I say that?
Read: err no..
(A small rabbit comes hopping up to Dezzer)
Dezzer: awe.. its sooo cute... c--p! it bit me!
Read: O_O
Dezzer: Read, I think somethin is strange bout this place.
Read: What the hell..?!
Rabbit: New world order! New world order! Jagex has givin us power over humans! This world belongs to us! You are not welcome!
Dezzer: Thinks to self...Well i guess that first kiss is'nt gonna happen now..
Read: Dezzer move ur tail and hop to w22!
(Back with Rekko..)
Rekko: This does'nt look happy and peaceful..
*stares at postcard of Lleyta, then looks a large Lava Maze of fiery hell.*
Rekko: um... *turns head around to see a rev heading at him.* O_o .. Dezzer?!! Read?!!!
Read and Dezzer land in Lleyta Wrld 22
They look at each other then the bunny. The bunny twitches his nose and wiggles his ears.
Read: See if its a friendly bunny Dezzer.
Dezzer: i hafta?
Read: Yes!
Dezzer: whispers to himself..Where is Rekko when u need him?
*Dezzert feelin almost brave grabs a carrot and slowly stretches out his hand to the bunny*
Dezzer: Does the New World Order want a carrot?
the bunny grabs the carrot and hops off.
Rekko finally finds his way to Lleyta still World 65
Rekko: Dezzer? Read? Where you at? Awe, look at all the cute bunnies..wait huh? Ahhhh! :(

04-Feb-2008 00:46:45 - Last edited on 16-Jan-2009 21:17:27 by NewLuvStory

Dec Member 2005


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Chapter 46: Negotiations
(at the Jagex Lair)
Torok: So, yeah. this is it.
Zolo: *raises hand*
Torok: Yes?
Zolo: Why are you giving a tour of the place that is trying to imprison you..?
Church: good question.
Blaze: and why is Xp doing algebra..?
Xp: what do you mean I have another page!?
MOD: Do this or no dinner.
Xp: *grumble* better get some freakin dinner..
Eclair: Torok, the army is-. What are you doing..?
Torok: *trying to load a rocket launcher* Preparing for negotiation.
Eclair: with high grade artillary?
Zolo: Yup. *loads shotgun*.
Behind them, is Church with a sniper, Sunny with a crossbow, and Blaze with a..a tank.
Eclair: and what are negotiating for?
Torok: Xp..and our freedom..and all the popcorn chicken in the fridge.
MOD: *megafone* What do we get?
Blaze: *readies the cannon* To keep your dignity!
MOD: We want the shotgun!
Zolo: You can keep the bullets whenthey're in your spines!
MOD: can we get a sacrifice!?
Sunny: we'll give you Church!
Church: Why me?
Sunny: when have we ever needed a medic?
Church: *shoots Zolo in the knee.* convincing enough?
MOD: How about the tank?
Torok: how about you just let us go and keep Xp!?
Eclair: *smacks Torok in the back of the head.*
Torok: I mean with Xp.
MOD: How about we just shoot you an end it?
Blaze: it wont wor- Blam!
Blaze accidentily blows up half the army with the tank.
MOD: *turns head*
Xp: nows my chance! *takes wooden baseball bat and slams it across MOD's head, knocking him out.
Xp: run! I knock*ed him down! break for it!
Torok: run!!
Scott: * walks in with a soda * whats going on?
Eclair: dont question this just run!
scott: O_O okay..
Suddenly an explosion goes of in the top of the tunnel, and Rekko goes through.
Regirox: Why are you here..?
Rekko: I was retreating from the "furry plague".
Torok: don't insult his stupidity just keep running!
Multiple rabbits come chasing through the hole.
Rabbit: New world order! New world order!
Me: ending

04-Feb-2008 00:46:57 - Last edited on 15-Feb-2009 00:09:41 by NewLuvStory

Dec Member 2005


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Chapter 48: Gold Crowns and Furry Evil
*Everyone is running away from Jagex and Evil Rabbits*
Scott: Run for it!!
Rekko: *Rabbit is latched on his head* Get it off of me!!Gaaahhh!!!
*Rekko continues to run around in circles like an idiot.*
Eclair: Quickly! Over the Wilderness Ditch!
*Everyone attempts to jump over the ditch*
Torok: *jumps halfway and thn slips back into the ditch*
Rekko: *still being bitten* I can't make it! Go on without me! X_X
Church: Your 2 spaces and one swift movement of your mouse to just clicking "Cross Ditch".
Rekko: I was so close! Oh the irony! *crumbles into a fedal position.*
Zolo: Should we leave him there?
Xp: no, then we'd have to make an excuse of why he's dead. I'm too lazy to make that up.
Scott: same here.
Sunny & Eclair: Are you both serious?
Zolo: I'm allways serious.
Xp: He's right. He hasn't made a joke in this entire Chronicle. He Just keeps shooting Blaze in the kidneys.
*A shot goes off in the distance*
Blaze: I need a transplant for a new liver! *falls over*
Xp: right on cue.
Dezzer: Whats going on. -_-
Darkstorm: Where have you been, Dezzer?
Dezzer: Nowhe-Why is Rekko being eaten by Rabbits?
Rekko: I'm still here...Why wont anybody help meee..
Torok: *looks back* We can't answer that.
Dezzer: Well why the hell not.
Xp: Because we have no will nor do we have the brainpower to come up with an excuse.
Dezzer: Of course.
MOD: Rabbits? Evil Rabbits? Moderators! Prepare to debug!
*The rabbits soon start to dissapear.*
Rekko: *rabbits dissapear* I'm saved! *gets hit in the back of the head with a Barrelchest Anchor by MOD*
MOD: Your all banned.
Dezzer: I just came here-
MOD: Don't interupt me.
Dezzer: But I- *sigh* whats the point. -_-
Scott: What are we being charged with?
MOD: hacking, scamming, non-licenced pike slapping-
Rekko: my bad.
MOD:- stealing, murder, harrassment...
*MOD keeps going on.*
Eclair: Lets jsut walk away slowly.
*Everyone walks off while MOD has his moment.*

04-Feb-2008 00:46:57 - Last edited on 24-Oct-2009 03:28:12 by NewLuvStory

Dec Member 2005


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Chapter 49: The 2nd to Last Chapter
Dezzer: I think we made it away from them.
Eclair: Yeah..MOD will be busy for quite some time now.
Xp: Do you think were finally done?
Dezzer: What do you mean.
Xp: We've been through hell for 49 chapters straight. Do you think it's finally over?
Darkstorm: I honestly don't think so.
Regirox: We've all been through this story for more than 5 chapters, and I can honestly say, the writer still probably wants to torture us.
Me: *appears* Damn right. *dissapears*
Sunny: I think we should consider who started all of this.
Scott: Who would be dumb enough to actually start all of this..Besides the writer whom I think should not kill me.
Sunny: Well, who started all of this. Who was in the first chapter?
*Rekko is whistling awkwardly in a corner*
Dezzer: It was Rekko.
Torok: Of course.
Rekko: *sigh* I'm sorry I stole all of your wallets and framed Torok for setting that one pet store on fire. Happy?
Eclair: Wait..What?
Rekko: That wasn't what you were mad about?
Blaze: Nope.
Zolo: We meant that you have been by far the greatest Noob in all of Runescape.
Rekko: Don't forget the greatest fisherman of pike. In the end it only matters about the pike.
Rekko: Well it does in my eyes! *holds up pike like he found the Holy Grail.*
Dezzer: I'm done with this. I swear, if another random person comes across causing trouble, I will bash their head in with a tire iron.
*Suddenly a large gate opened up from the ground, and a person came out of the gate/portal/thingamajig.*
Fred: I am Fred! You must come with my to V3! It is of dire importance!
Rekko: How can we trust you?
Fred: We have catering..and pike.
Rekko: PIKE!!!! *runs through portal without question, and everyone slowly follows, shameful of what has just happened.*
Fred: Dezzer, aren't you following?
Dezzer: *sigh* I'm sure I'll be dragged in. But I need to do something first?
Fred: What?
Dezzer: *smacks Fred with a tire iron and walks in casually*

04-Feb-2008 00:47:13 - Last edited on 04-Dec-2009 22:45:31 by NewLuvStory

Dec Member 2005


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(( *message preserved from Febuary 3rd, 2008* : You may now post! :) ))
Chapter 50: The End of v2

The first Noob Chronicles Thread was originally made on December 22nd, 2007, where I originally was planning to make it a one-shot thread, only 16 chapters.
Noob Chronicles v2 was released on Febuary 3rd, 2008. This is where I began my legacy for writing these stories.
Now, Noob Chronicles v2 comes to an end, and I have to thank all of you for your superb dedication to this thread. This chronicle would be long gone and dead, if it were not for the fans of this story. I have to say, I was not a great bumper of this thread, and fact, I got lazy on going to these forums, not coming back for months at a time. I thank you. All of you. You saved this thread, and for that I am truly grateful. I'd like to honor some of those fans and inspirations in this post.

To Southsam, who's support early on inspired me to be a forumer.
to Capt Chekaka, Who's story inspired mine.
To Wes Russel, who showed me Runescape.
To SunnyFlash, a grand friend.
To FredFred, Who has been a bumper of Noob Chronic for such a long time.
To Killer, who's insanity brought many laughs to this thread.
to Eclair, who was an early supporter of this thread from early on.
to 123xyz, for whom without this person this thread would have died out.
To Scott, who on and off as a member, continued to read these stories, and I hope he still reads them from time to time.
To all the fans and supporters out there who have not been mentioned, thank you.
I'll see you all on V3.
Your fellow forumer and creator of Noob Chronicles,

04-Feb-2008 00:47:24 - Last edited on 04-Dec-2009 23:01:09 by NewLuvStory

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