“I’ll tell this story, I am Chief!” Eckhard’s voice boomed. He began to explain to them the untold history. Anastasia thought back to when they were attacked in the elven lands since she had Overlord present at the table, was it because they feared the god Karamthulhu, was it because they understood the danger? The tribes in Karamja seemed to be aware of the legend and danger as well, and so did this village of barbarians. So far it was only isolated, and relatively uncivilized people who knew about this. Why?
“Wait a goddamn minute.” Aiden said as he tried to wrap his mind around the 'history’ the chief had just told everyone.
“You’re telling us, an ancient fish god is angry and returning to this realm with undead legions and squid to reclaim his land?” Caden finished. Forrest began laughing.
“I guess der ain’t many other ways ta explain this stuff though.”
“And if you go in... Mister...?”
“I’m Forrest, man nice to meet you.” he shook Moric’s hand, and nearly crushed it with his tight grip.
“Moric, nice to meet you too,” he slung his hand to get the blood flowing again “Forrest, your friends say you can be stealthy and quiet when you want to. So we want you to enter the city, and observe the undead, see what they’re doing. We also want you to see if anyone else is alive, and so on.”
“I can do that.” Forrest nodded.
“Mean while we’re just going to hang tight here, and wait for the messengers to return from Falador.”
“And protect the village! We live only twenty feet from a river, it’s perfect for Overlords and their undead minions to come in and take over.” the Chief’s voice echoed out.
“And if we can get their attention on us, instead of Varrock, we could pull off a rescue mission.” Lowe suggested.
“Yeah, that’s a perfect plan, me and Caden and Moric can stay behind with the Chief and his family to hold down the fort, and then Anastasia, Forrest, Ko, and Lowe can go in all stealthily with some of your most quiet hunters-”
02-Mar-2010 06:01:35