
The Amethyst Library

Quick find code: 49-50-80-60871629

Dec Member 2023


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Be well, Trey.

Welcome to The Amethyst Library.

First off, this is a writing guild. That means that we are NOT a clan. There's only one person who'll be embarrassed if you propose an alliance, post your stats or ask us to join a war or other similar event. No prize for guessing whom.

Anyway, welcome to the eighth TAL thread, my second. The ownership of TAL began with Phil, and immediately took off as the predominant RSB writing guild. From there, when Phil retired, Draken came into power. When Draken left, Roshinda, one of our most talented writers took over. Returning for Torpeh's ‘The Pairs’ Competition’, Draken decided to retake TAL, and did so with Roshie’s blessing. From then on, Draken relocated The Library to the Stories Forum, under a new, rankless system. Shortly after, Draken had to unexpectedly leave the forums, and passed TAL into Fred's control. A few months after Fred’d retaken TAL, Jagex passed a rule that, from that point on, allowed ranked guilds back into the forums, and Fred brought back our roots: The Old TAL. Fred handed it down to me shortly thereafter, and I unfortunately allowed it into a state of severe disrepair, something which I now seek to remedy with this remaking of it.

We welcome all writers, be they experienced or just starting. The only real requirement is to have a story that is alive in the forums.

25-Apr-2010 04:03:45 - Last edited on 16-Jun-2013 07:40:42 by Poller5

Dec Member 2023


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Men are created equal, but writers are not. For this reason, there are ranks. A low rank should not discourage you – it should encourage you to try and get a better one. Unfortunately, I can't accept anything in script format. This is simply because ranks are judged on the quality of description, use of grammar and so on, which is hard to look for in a script. Similarly, I won't accept any "Something meets Runescape" stories, or stories based on Real Life. We want your story to be in a world of Runescape, not a computer game. There is no plan to change these rules, though if you feel you’ve a story that is serious and well written that falls into any of those categories, by all means talk to me and we may be able to work something out.

Any Maestro of the guild may handle applications, but only I can appoint new Maestros.

This thread isn't designed for recruitment - instead it allows those who want to enter to do so. Nowhere does it say ‘OMG We r teh l33t join us Pl0xxxx’. If you don’t want to join, and don’t want an honest and not necessarily glowing review of your piece, or won’t accept a rank you feel to be “below” that which you deserve, do not apply. A Maestro’s word is final, and while I could overturn it if I felt so inclined, I will not do so unless I feel something is seriously wrong.

If you’re joining TAL, you’re joining a community of writers, and we expect you to stick around and chat with us (heh, even if I’ve failed at this in the past). Maybe even organize something ingame for us to do together (WNO*s – or Writers’ Night Outs – are usually very well received by the community), but activity is important. Too many times have I seen someone post simply to be rated and then never return. I don’t want to see that and I don’t think those who enjoy TAL for its community do either. Being a member of TAL is about much more than just your rank.

25-Apr-2010 04:03:54 - Last edited on 16-Jun-2013 07:40:52 by Poller5

Dec Member 2023


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~*The Aims of the Amethyst Library*~

The Amethyst Library is a gathering of the authors of the Stories Forum, the most literate clique of the RuneScape community. The stories forum is a particularly unique part of the RSB (Runescape Boards), with a great pool of talent, and, at one point, an amazing community. While the talent may still be here, the community has regressed in recent years, something that this guild is seeking to redress.

Those who come here will find others of their mindset, others who enjoy writing, whether they gain enjoyment from creating with their mind, or receiving compliments from others who read and enjoy their work. We are happy to welcome any writers, be they new or old, of any level of skill. The key goal of the Library is for every member to improve themselves through their membership.

I ask that anyone who comes here do so in good spirit, and avoid pointless arguments, especially those that may lead to flaming. However, constructive debate is actively encouraged. Think you can convince someone that Noob Stories are more important that prose stories? If you happened to be named Capt Chekaka, go ahead and try it out.

Feel free to make any discussions based on writing or the writing forum, as this is what this place is most about -- fostering the talents of the many authors of the forum.

The Library is open to any Novelist or Maestro to advertise one story. I will put down the story with which you applied, unless you specifically tell me otherwise.

If you are applying, write your favourite sports team in the additional information section. Only put that information, nothing else. Mind you, choosing a team I don’t like may well result in a lower rank. Scratch that -- it definitely will. Be warned.

If you are completing the advancement form, write down the last letter/number of your username is in the additional information.

25-Apr-2010 04:04:03 - Last edited on 16-Jun-2013 07:41:01 by Poller5

Dec Member 2023


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~*Ranks and Requisites*~

To obtain a rank, you must fulfill all the listed criteria. There is a signature that accompanies your rank; feel free to make use of it, as long as it corresponds to your current rank. Using it in posts seems to have fallen out of common practice, but do post it on the first page of your stories, so that people know how good you are. Be proud of your rank: it shows both your ability, and your willingness to improve.

The only real requirement for this is to have written something comprehensible. Should you happen to receive this rank, your main goal should be to improve yourself.
Signature: <Penman of The Amethyst Library>

Ten story posts and a good plot is all it should take to become a Scribe. This rank is for the average forum author, and a position whence to grow.
Signature: -< Scribe of The Amethyst Library >-

A poet and a storyteller. To achieve this rank, you need to be descriptive in your writing and be able to captivate your audience. This rank is for strong authors who are starting to reach their potential.
Signature: -<~ Bard of the Amethyst Library ~>-

The Novelist is a great writer. If your plot isn't raising questions, if your characters aren't developed or if your writing isn’t poetic and powerful, then this rank will elude you. It is a position worthy of respect, a truly prestigious rank.
Signature: -<~>- Novelist of The Amethyst Library- <~>-

Know this, this is not a rank for the weak. If you wish to be a Maestro, you have to be one of the best writers around. You need to have a story in which you demonstrate an almost flawless grasp of spelling and grammar and an intuitive understanding of your craft. Your plot must dazzle readers, your words enchant them: you must truly be a maestro – a master. Should you achieve this rank, you are the creative peer of the greatest authors ever to grace these forums.
Signature: -<~*****;- Maestro of

25-Apr-2010 04:04:24 - Last edited on 16-Jun-2013 07:41:11 by Poller5

Dec Member 2023


Posts: 11,421 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
~*Application Form*~

IF YOU WANT TO APPLY: Please read everything on the first page of this thread.

Either I or one of the Maestros will handle applications.

Take note: The additional information section exists for a reason. Choose what you write wisely.

When filling in the advancement form, put in everything, regardless of whether I know it or not - chances are, I can't remember and don't want to trawl through to find your application form.

If you don't do all of this, I’ll remind you with progressively harsher reprimands until you get it right.

~ Application Form ~

<Start Copying Here>


Story to be ranked on:

Number of STORY posts on said thread:

Quick find code:

Additional information:

<End Copying Here>

~ Advancement Form ~

If you feel that you have improved enough for your rank to increase, don't hesitate to use this advancement form. However, don't overload us with re-applications, as unless your story has grown sufficiently, it will be denied outright*

***;Start Copying Here>


Current rank:

Story to be ranked on:

Number of STORY posts on said thread:

Quick find code:

Additional information:

<End Copying Here>

25-Apr-2010 04:04:35 - Last edited on 16-Jun-2013 07:41:20 by Poller5

Dec Member 2023


Posts: 11,421 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
~*The Newsboard*~

Welcome to the newsboard. It's horribly out of date, but kept here for posterity's sake.

~ Guild News: ~

21/7/2006 - The Amethyst Library is created.

21/8/2006 - TAL endorsed awards announced - Check back in December of ‘06!

14/10/2006 - The first thread reaches 2k, the second thread is posted.

14/1/2007 - Phil retires, Draken takes over.

16/1/2007 - New thread is made; Draken's rule of terror begins.

10/2/2007 - Congrats to Draken, Roshie, Humbug, Terra and Dream, TAL finalists in the Short Story contest.

13/3/2007 - Let's all give a big congratulations to Terra (Qazwsx3740), our latest Maestro. Everyone should take the time to read through his story.

8/4/2007 - Congrats to Draken, Terra and Dream for being finalists in the Short Story contest for a second time running. Congratulations also to Maia for placing in the top ten.

17/4/2007 - Roshinda makes a new thread after Draken's retirement.

17/4/2007 - Two TAL members, Draken AND Maia, tie for first place in the second story contest.

7/10/2007 - Draken retakes control of The Amethyst Library. Do not adjust your computers, everything is fine. We are in control now, there is no need to fear.

14/7/2007 - In response to a thread made by Draken, Mod Mark H has announced the next story contest to begin on the 2nd of November.

8/9/2007 - The newest Short Story Contest has begun. The theme this year is Christmas, and there are two contests, short story and pantomime script. The best of luck to everyone entering.

11/1/2008 – Smurf Black won the third Jagex-run Short Story Contest, with his story The Slay Ride, while Maia Smith won the First ever Pantomime story contest. Dreamweaver has also won a third award – The Christmas Cheer award, with his story Don’t Eat the Chicken! Big congrats all around.

25-Apr-2010 04:04:47 - Last edited on 16-Jun-2013 07:42:02 by Poller5

Dec Member 2023


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18/2/08 – Mod Tron has introduced a new writing contest – the 100 word story-fest! The four finalists included Yrolg, Capt Chekaka, Dougling, and Wet Rainbow. How about a round of applause!

4/3/08 – The four finalists of the previously mentioned contest battle each other with their quills with one last-round piece!

14/3/08 – The winner of the contest is announced – Capt Chekaka! *Claps.* His two entries for the contest were posted and stickied, as well as his full-length, completed epic, Disruption. Hurray!

27/3/08 – Tron comes back with yet another contest, "Valour". The finalists included Yrolg, Roshinda, Capt Chekaka, Forest Fore, Gamefreak318, Torpeh, Ferikx, Rune Wolf12, Chuklz, and Fargrist. Congratulations all!

3/4/08 – Fred decides to hand down TAL so that he can spend more time on The Academies and his writing. Thus ended his monopoly.

6/4/08 – I recreate TAL and my reign of terror begins.

24/4/10 – Following a period of severe inactivity, I recreate this thread during a renaissance of the Story Forum community. Life is good.

This is probably missing quite a few contests, as well as other things. A record of the contests and their winners can be found in the Hall of Fame sticky at the top of the forum.

25-Apr-2010 04:04:57 - Last edited on 16-Jun-2013 07:42:14 by Poller5

Dec Member 2023


Posts: 11,421 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
~*The Library*~

This post is open for any Novelist or Maestro to advertise one story. You must ask for your story to be put here, and make sure to update us on name changes and dead stories. Any and all Maestros and Novelists may ask to have one of their stories added here.

Some threads are listed merely for nostalgic reasons, to remember some of our former greats.

--A Paper Shield-- by Hellophil
Quick find code: 49-50-6-17915239

'~'_>Pyrotechnic<_'~' by Lordofdraken
Quick find code: 49-50-297-50486991

Nildi of Keldagrim by Dreamweaver
Quick find code: 49-50-957-32282822
Short Description: The Elder Dwarves of Keldagrim are well known for keeping to themselves. So it is a great surprise when Nildi Crystalweaver turns up in Yanille, clutching a parchment as grotesque as any could imagine.

0oO•° Teirulu °•Oo0 by Humble Hoare
Quick find code: 49-50-17-28301134

-=± Outlander ±=- by Roshinda
Quick find code: 49-50-803-41843837

In Bad Company by Elitemage14
Quick find code: 49-50-404-42876830

(») Legacy of the Three Kings « by Aurok(e)as
Quick find code: 49-50-438-56004608
Short Description: Dallion has lost everything. His father and his life. Your average 12 year old boy was just an outcast child in Draynor Village. Now he is a Maringol, a guardian of the fortune worth all of Runescape, the Legacy of the Three Kings.

Echoes of the Gods by Chuk
QFC: 49-50-675-54807496

Aeraie's Shorts and Poems by Aeraie
QFC: 49-50-243-63006894

25-Apr-2010 04:05:19 - Last edited on 16-Jun-2013 07:43:59 by Poller5

Dec Member 2023


Posts: 11,421 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
~*The Library, Continued*~

If you are a current Novelist or Maestro, simply post giving me the name, QFC, and a brief summary of your story. When you are accepted as a Novelist or Maestro, the story you applied with will automatically be placed here, but can be changed to any other story of yours at your discretion.

25-Apr-2010 04:05:32 - Last edited on 16-Jun-2013 07:44:09 by Poller5

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