
~A Dance With Death~

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It was as if Nastasha and Jamin’s minds and bodies were connected. Their defense seemed impenetrable as husband and wife fought back to back. In turn, they both instinctively looked for cracks in their six opponent’s tactics. Every opportunity for a kill was taken. As one switched to offensive, the other partner became defensive. It was if they shared two perceptions in one mind, like two persons in one.

Despite Nastasha and Jamin’s intensity and ferocity, they both reluctantly noted that in the past two hours, no other enemies had been eliminated. They had successfully killed all but six, but then a female human joined the Royal Hand from the sidelines.

The addition was a Sangoma, a healer. The moment the enemy female Sangoma arrived, she immediately began giving medicinal assistance from the outer reaches of the battle.

"Brilliant." Nastasha noted. Their trackers had wisely kept the Sangoma hidden until they were absolutely certain of Jamin and Nastasha’s strength. If the Sangoma had arrived with the rest, Nastasha would have immediately identified the power type, and destroyed the healer first.

Unsuccessfully, Nastasha and Jamin had tried repeatedly to eliminate their rival’s advantage. But now after five hours total of combating, Nastasha was exhausted. Previously Jamin and she had been traveling for weeks, and the past two nights without sleep. One look at Jamin confirmed that he was nearly at his limits. Though their physical fighting style appeared unwavering, Nastasha could feel Jamin wearing down, and vice versa.

"Their healer must die if we are to win this fight." Nastasha’s attention was drawn to an attacker on the right. Reflexively, she examined his body language. His movements indicated he was the weakest of the remaining group. "And he’s coming to take me on?" Surprisingly, the man moved closer and swung his blade toward Nastasha.

23-Nov-2010 01:03:47 - Last edited on 20-Jul-2011 02:21:18 by Mttimeo



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A plan quickly formulated in Nastasha’s mind. In one quick motion, she blocked his sword in a shower of sparks. Both weapons bore down on one another, causing a squealing grated sound to fill the air. Nastasha’s strength was far superior, so she used her larger weapon to forcefully point his blade toward the ground. Without allowing him time to break free, she landed a punch in the side of his jaw. The man’s neck twisted sharply sideways and his feet abruptly lifted off the ground. He did a small twirl in midair and landed a few feet away in a heap.

“Ouch.” Nastasha murmured to herself. Immediately, two hooded opponents came between Nastasha and the man as the Sangoma rushed to the scene.

“Lahh! Thhe brook ma jah!” The man moaned aloud as he spat blood and bone shards into the dirt.

“You know broken bones will self-heal! Fool, quit whining.” The Sangoma growled at the man who was groveling in the dirt.

But when the man turned to face the Sangoma to reply, the truth of Nastasha’s gruesome work was revealed.

The side of his jaw looked like it had melted off; the skin and bone where Nastasha had punched, was completely pulverized. An inner healing spell is worthless if there are no bones present.

"Break that back into place." Nastasha thought smugly.

The healer wasted no time. Her hands began glimmering bright green as she lightly pressed them to what was left of the injured man’s jaw. Her total focus was on the man before her. This was the only chance Nastasha might get, and she was going to take it.

“I’m taking it.” She said over her shoulder to Jamin. Approvingly, Jamin nodded as he continued to clash swords with the others.

Nastasha felt her every heat beat as she took off toward the healer, breaking away from Jamin’s back. She would kill the Sangoma then quickly return to Jamin before their enemy’s could have time to retaliate.

23-Nov-2010 01:04:20 - Last edited on 20-Jul-2011 02:24:45 by Mttimeo



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Time itself seemed to slow down. The two men who were guarding the Sangoma took stances as they saw her intent. Nastasha immediately calculated around their defense. She rushed at them in a zigzag motion. Her every move was faster than wind. When Nastasha was only a few feet away, she focused a small amount of energy into her legs. With renewed strength, she leaped over their heads in a graceful dive-flip. She landed directly behind the Sangoma.

Without hesitation Nastasha thrust her sword downward.

But her sword never made contact; it stopped midway, barely three inches away from the healer’s neck. Nastasha stared unbelievingly at the smirking woman before her.
“Well played, but it wasn’t enough.” The Sangoma’s voice mocked her. She then reached out and barely touched Narcedalia’s leg. “Bind.”

As soon and the word left the woman’s mouth, Nastasha felt a crushing weight constrict around her legs and arms, forbidding their movement. She struggled to pull away, but the spell already had her in its grasp. Nastasha quickly collected herself, and waited for their first move. But no advance came toward her. A sudden horror made itself known at this surprise. Nastasha whipped her head up toward Jamin. “Curse the Emperor! No!"

Jamin was fighting for his very life, him against five enemies.

“Jamin! I’m coming! Stay strong!” Nastasha yelled to him, but no matter her struggle, her legs and arms would not move. Although her body was exhausted, she fought against the iron like spell that encased her limbs.

As Jamin turned to glimpse what had befallen his wife, the hooded leader Donovan took a chance, and thrust his sword through Jamin’s back. Jamin gasped aloud in disbelief as the sword drove straight through to the other side of his chest.

23-Nov-2010 01:05:09 - Last edited on 20-Jul-2011 02:26:31 by Mttimeo



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With a twisted smile, Donovan withdrew his bloody sword out of Jamin’s body to stab once more. As he thrust down, Jamin twisted in a quick motion and deflected the sword. But in turn he exposed his back to those behind him. Nastasha closed her eyes forcefully as two swords cut into Jamin’s body. With a grunt, he landed on the earth kneeling. Jamin raised his sword defensively, but ineffectively, he was already past his limits. He couldn’t defend himself.

Memories flickered and flashed though Nastasha’s head, of the blissful days and years she had spent with Jamin. He was the first being she ever trusted. Jamin was the steadiest thing her life knew. He did’t deserve this pain... Nastasha reopened her eyes to see him lying in the dirt, covered in blood.

Her heart… had it suddenly lost its beat? Why wasn’t Jamin getting up?

Reality was swift and ruthless as Nastasha’s breath choked in her throat. Pain, so much pain began swelling throughout her body. Hot, wet tears began rolling down her face. She wanted to reach out and touch Jamin, to heal him, to hear him laugh again, to tell Jamin she loved him. In a desperate and crazed attempt Nastasha struggled violently against the invisible force that held her. She screamed out Jamin’s name... begging him to get up.

“He’s dead! Try all you want elf, you can’t move.” The female healer huffed at her with a sweaty face; apparently this spell was taking a lot out of her. “Zarb! Hurry up and suck the essence out of the elf!” She rasped over her shoulder.

Nastasha’s mind re-snapped back into place at the sound of an adversary’s voice, years of training forced her mind to think rationally.

One of the men began limping toward Nastasha, his eyes glimmered with triumph.

“Mission of the Royal Hand accomplished. All we must do now is bring her back.”

23-Nov-2010 01:05:46 - Last edited on 20-Jul-2011 02:28:58 by Mttimeo



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Nastasha gritted her teeth. These humans had stabbed her husband, and now they were going to take her back to the king where her child would be discovered, and then-

Horrifying realizations suddenly hit Nastasha like crushing blows to the chest.

Her child would be taken from her.

Her child would grow up without knowing a father.

Her child would never get to meet the person who meant everything to Nastasha.

Every bit of pain inside her went numb. For the first time in her life, Nastasha felt helplessness. She felt the fear of losing the two persons she loved most in the world. What would be left of her if everything worth loving was taken from her?

Slowly, a creeping, boiling rage began seeping into Nastasha. She had been trained to never let deep emotions such as anger show. But those words were useless bather, pushed to the furthest reaches of her mind. Nastasha wanted to kill these humans; she wanted them to be torn apart. She didn't feel anger; she felt pure bezerk rage. Nastasha began shaking as it slowly consumed her from the inside outward.

“How dare you…” Nastasha whispered.

“Speak up if you want to say something elf!” Said the man who now had his hand extended toward her, preparing to extract what was left of her essence.

“How… DARE YOU!” Nastasha roared at him. She could feel it now, gradually at first, but then every cell in her body began to burn with energy. With every heartbeat, an engulfing fury amplified throughout her core. Her arms or legs were encased in what seemed like steel, but she could still use magic.

Fear flickered across Zarb’s face, but he still kept coming with his arm extended.

Nastasha eyes focused on that outstretched arm. “Burst.”

Zarb's extended arm abruptly and violently exploded into a burst of red blood, white bone, and blue energy.

23-Nov-2010 01:06:26 - Last edited on 16-Jul-2012 20:54:00 by Mttimeo



Posts: 220 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Once released, the insane energy inside Nastasha became unrestrainable, like the opening of floodgates. She felt its beastly power; she embraced the energy as it seeped out of every pore in her body. Every fiber in Nastasha’s body evolved as the inner beast awakened.

With a piercingly unnatural howl, Nastasha wrenched her arms free of the binding spell. A sound like glass shattering was heard so clearly that some of the men covered their ears in tenderness. The female Sangoma screamed and recoiled in agony as the spell was forcefully broken.

With newly freed arms, Nastasha reached down in a swift motion and grabbed the Sangoma’s throat in a vice grip. The healer’s eyes bulged with terror and her hands clawed at Nastasha’s grasp. Nastasha tightened her grip as the Sangoma gurgled. Suddenly disgusted by this human, Nastasha threw the Sangoma with a flick of her arm. The Sangoma‘s back slammed into a tree four meters away with a loud crack. She slid down with a heavy thump, unmoving.

The leftovers of the spell on Nastasha’s legs abruptly released. Nastasha glanced at the man at her feet whose jaw she had demolished earlier. He was frozen to the spot in fear.

Nastasha narrowed her eyes at the young individual.
“Run Jaden, abort!” One of the other humans yelled at the younger person.

A loud smack sounded as Donovan stuck the one who had spoken. “Cowards!” spittle gathered in the corners of his mouth as his body shook with rage. “Stand and fight or I will kill you myself!”

Nonetheless, the young man stumbled to his feet and fled. Nastasha did not give chase, that particular human was of no interest to her. She flicked her golden colored eyes to Jamin as he lay in the bloody soil.

Something in Nastasha cracked. Over the ages, she had seen hundreds of her comrades die, but Jamin…

No more did Nastasha know who she was, she only felt the need for vengeance. The desire of revenge consumed her entire being, down to the very core of her soul.

23-Nov-2010 01:06:57 - Last edited on 20-Jul-2011 02:33:47 by Mttimeo



Posts: 220 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Then Nastasha locked her eyes on the man who had killed her husband, Donovan, the leader of the group, the man Jamin had vowed to personally kill.

“If I die today, I die for Emperor Zenotis! May the black demons have vengeance upon your cursed essence!” Donovan’s words spat furiously toward Nastasha as he raised his sword defiantly.

Donovan’s confidence and threat seemed to awaken the remaining men. They regained their stances, only this time, in a defensive position. Their eyes glanced at one another, unassuredly.

Nastasha barely moved what seemed like one step, and she was in the midst of the five men.

Blood created delicate patterns across the ground as three men were instantaneously cut apart by Nastasha's sword.

Seven down, two to go.

Now they were afraid. The two remaining men stumbled backward. The relentless Donovan’s gray-blue lips moved to form words, only Nastasha heard nothing. The drumming of her heart was all she heard.

Donovan’s partner suddenly decided that Nastasha was too much, and he turned to run. He only made a few strides before Nastasha appeared behind him and gracefully ran her sword through him.

More liquid red patterns blossomed across the earth.

Eight down, one to go.

Only one left. Nastasha turned to face Donovan, Jamin’s killer.

She rushed at him in a blur; surprisingly Donovan raised his sword and blocked her blow that would have cut him in half. “Ha-ha!” He sputtered. “Your fast but I still blocked your-” He was cut off as he suddenly noticed Nastasha’s hand on his chest.

Donovan free hand pushed forcefully against Nastasha’s side, “Get away from me! You cursed-!” His screech was cut short as he began coughing up blood.

Nastasha gave one small smile as she murmured. “Erupt.”

Donovan opened his mouth to curse her, but all that proceeded from his throat was blood as every major organ in his body simultaneously ruptured.

23-Nov-2010 01:07:22 - Last edited on 04-Oct-2012 02:44:37 by Mttimeo



Posts: 220 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Nastasha watched Donovan lifelessly fall to the ground. The lust for inner vengeance was satisfied. Gradually, the rage and consuming energy began to subside. Like the slow cooling of red coals. But soon, all that was left was the heart wrenching pain...

Nastasha slowly staggered over to where Jamin lay. She sank to her knees as hot tears created fresh streams down her face. Her hands began glowing bright green as she reached toward him. Despite his superiorly crafted armor, it hadn’t been enough. Their enemies had indeed been merciless.

After every wound on Jamin's body had been healed and closed, Nastasha waited. Jamin still didnt move. Still, she waited. Time had no meaning for Nastasha, she didn't think, didnt move, she only sat numbly as she held Jamin’s limp hand to her trembling lips.

As the sun began reclaiming the sky, golden colored clouds greeted the earth with breath taking beauty. For only a moment, Nastasha took her eyes off her husband to look upon the majestic beauty that asserted the sky. Vibrant red and gold clouds spread across the firmament, like the sun had grown fluffy wings to display to the earth beneath. Radiant light began revealing the night’s bloody activities, as if grieving the blood that had been shed in its absence.

Nastasha gently closed her eyes to the world. She had known the truth the moment her eyes witnessed Jamin’s stabbing. Jamin’s core essence had been struck. Donovan had known exactly where to strike for the unhealable kill.

The sudden return of grief hit Nastasha once again as she let her tears wet Jamin’s cold hand. Her whole body shook and quivered as if a demon was being contained. She did not care if her body was blazing from the over-powering use of essence; it was her heart that she wanted to rip out. The only thing she had to hold on to in this world…. was gone. The only one, who had ever really mattered to her… was dead.

23-Nov-2010 01:07:53 - Last edited on 20-Jul-2011 02:41:18 by Mttimeo



Posts: 220 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Nastasha’s misted golden eyes lingered on the bodies of her dead enemies the sunlight had revealed. She could have killed them all, but she had let one live, to return and tell the Emperor Zenotis of her doings. Part of her screamed to run after him, and then other half knew better. She had finally regained control over the beast inside her; it would be insanity release again.

“It has been four years since I last released my full power.” She told herself. "Why hadn't I killed them all?” Nastasha’s whole body began shaking violently again. She was having trouble containing the inner desire in her to chase after him, she could do it, it would be quick, and he wouldn't feel anything until it was too late. Nastasha doubled over in pain, and gasped for air as her face brushed against her armor plated knee.

The physical pain was bearable. It was the memories…The memories kept replaying over and over, tormenting her, begging for things to have been different. They smothered her more than any wound ever could. “He was the one who pulled me from the dark path I had been walking. He was the one who kept me safe from myself.”

A slow and gentle wind blew around Nastasha, bearing the smell of the battle with it. It was a sickening smell. But with it, a voice whispered inside her head. “Jamin would of never of let you unleash your inner darkness while he still had breath in him... Jamin died trying to protect you and his child.”

"I will kill them, all of them… But now I need to get to a place of sanctuary.” Nastasha said quietly with her face still resting on her knee. It wasn't really that necessary, but because of the child, precautions had to be made.

“If they ever find out about this child, they will come after me, after the child.” She shuddered and closed her mind to the face’s that would stalk her offspring. “This child must be protected at all costs. That is what Jamin wanted.”

23-Nov-2010 01:09:07 - Last edited on 20-Jul-2011 02:43:53 by Mttimeo



Posts: 220 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Jamin's face looked so peaceful, like he had only gone to sleep. Sucking in a breath Nastasha began focusing the last reserves of her energy. Bright orange colored static ripples emitted from her hands as she pressed them to Jamin’s armored chest. Jamin’s body began glowing brighter and brighter; soon his body was covered in rays of brilliant illumination.Then with a sudden powerful flash of white, Jamin’s body vanished.

Yes, the very last memory of Jamin that Nastasha now carried was that of an angelic, radiant beauty.

The earth that had once held Jamins body was now charred black, the last remaining evidence Jamin had ever lain there.

Nastasha closed her eyes and lowered her head, in respect for her husband.

23-Nov-2010 01:09:35 - Last edited on 20-Jul-2011 02:45:15 by Mttimeo

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