For as popular an inn this place was, it was utterly abandoned. There were two other occupants at the moment, or at least that is what Ryan was told. The Inn was also only a few blocks away from the New Roy Western Bank, which was the most frequented bank in the Country. Ryan shook his head, shoving his idiotic thoughts of theft out of his head. He took a large gulp from his drink, and commenced to walk upstairs.
“Strong...” Ryan muttered as he wobbled up the stairs, feeling slightly lightheaded from his one sip. He walked into his room, and sat on his bed. He took another, smaller, gulp from his glass and set it in a dresser that bordered the bed.
He laid back on the bed, and his eyes drifted over towards where he stored his clothes. His gaze caught sight of the sleeve of his disguise, which he had secretly stored in his bag. He forced himself up and walked over to the dresser, pulling the black shirt out of the dresser. He looked back in, and pulled the pants out as well. He looked between the clothes, and sighed. “Meh...” He groaned, and he commenced to change into the black-cloth. After he was dressed in his black top, bottom, and boots, he slipped the complimentary “Do not disturb” sign onto the door, and walked to the window.
Ryan had always been good at landing, and he had no concern about the second story drop from which this window would take him. He secured his knife to the built-in belt of his pants, and pulled his hood over his head. He let his legs go out the window first, followed by the rest of himself. He arched his back backwards, then whipped it forward as he reached the ground, landing on both feet and one of his fists. He looked up through the shade of his hood, and bolted forward through the back-alleys of New Roy, towards the bank.
Night fell, and Ryan drew near the bank; his instincts driving him. He reached the bank, and stood against the back wall, listening to the chatter within.
There was much.
The Questing Clan of RuneScape!
05-Dec-2009 06:47:32
- Last edited on
30-May-2010 05:13:20