
Dreamweaver's Assorted Tales

Quick find code: 49-50-691-49415905



Posts: 1,017 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Well Dream that was better, of course you put in Temple Knights. Which is a cheap shot cause who doesn't like them?
And as Die put it *Wants more of The Emergancy Call*

06-Oct-2009 20:38:17 - Last edited on 06-Oct-2009 20:39:08 by Tava60

Aug Member 2003


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.o~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~o.
<~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ TWIN TREES ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~>
'o~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~o'

I entered the park this morning and greeted Sir Tiffy Cashien as I always do, but today he had some news for me. Most surprising news!
"Did you hear, Wysin? Queen Ellamaria of Varrock has had a splendid garden grown," he exclaimed, "A work of which the gnomes themselves would be proud. They say she even has a magnificent white tree."
The colour drained from my face. "A white tree, you say?" Gasping, I slumped onto the bench next to him. "A white tree. Incredible." We sat there for several long minutes in silence, but I felt his eyes on me. "Tiffy," I said at last, straightening up, "Let me tell you a story."

'"It was ten years ago, almost to the day, though I remember it as if it were last week. It was the middle of the night and I was just getting home, hoping she would be asleep. But before my hand could lift the latch, the door flew open and there stood my fiancée, furious.
'"Wysin," she screamed, "You were at the apothecary again! And the hebetudinous guttersnipe that works there?"
'I looked aghast, hoping for verisimilitude. "Ella, my lov..."
'Rage burned in her eyes. "Do not take me for a fool, Wysin. Your inculcations of affection are hollow. How long has it been, you wretch?"
'"No, it's not like..."
'Ellamaria, my wife-to-be, wheeled inside and slammed the door, but not a minute later, she was back, a bag in each hand.
'"You disgust me, you and your cowardly imbroglio. But it is over. I am leaving immediately and I expect never to see you again! Ever!"
'"Where to? It is past midnight? Ellamaria, let me..."
'She spoke softly then, but with absolute resolve. "Roald is taking me in. I should have gone to him years hence. The prince is a better man than you will ever be."

07-Oct-2009 05:20:44 - Last edited on 07-Oct-2009 05:20:53 by Dreamweaver

Aug Member 2003


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'I sank to my knees, the reality of my actions finally sinking in. "I deserve no more, yet I beg of you, please accept a last humble gift before you leave."
'I dashed to the back garden, expecting her to be gone before I returned, but whether from a shred of caring or mere curiosity, she had waited. I opened my hand and revealed two large, pearl-like seeds.
'"In this, the obsequy to our relationship, I have one final pleading request. I shall keep one of these seeds, but the other is for you. These were to be your wedding gift, but now all I hope is that yours becomes an incunabulum of reconciliation. The day you set this seed to soil, I shall know you offer forgiveness. I will grow its twin here, in the earnest hope that we may one day meet again."

[One Hot Stud]
'For a brief moment, her hard features seemed to soften. Then the beauty presented in every inch of her delicate face locked itself away and was replaced by a mask of seething rage.
'"No Wysin! I shall not take this! When you asked me to marry you, I said ‘yes’ because I knew that your love would never end. I would grow old and my beauty would fade, but you would love me as much as the day you proposed."
'My beloved, filled with an ecumenical mix of emotions, looked down at me, her nares flaring. "But I was wrong. The man I am betrothed to now dismisses me like some toy."
'Ellamaria turned away from me. She was trembling, and despite her efforts to hide it, crying. I reached out automatically to console her, to let her know I still did, and always would, love her. I gently touched her hand and she gave a startled cry. She spun around and slapped me with enough force to push me off my feet. Those two delicate pearls were knocked from my grasp and spilled to the asperous ground,spinning into the darkness. A rustle of soft silk and then nothing but the lonely chirp of a single cricket echoed in the early morning air.

07-Oct-2009 05:24:09

Aug Member 2003


Posts: 3,790 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
'I thought about chasing after her as I stood up and dusted myself off, but even then I knew she would not forgive me. She had given me nothing but love and devotion, even with a prosperous Roald wooing her, and I had broken her heart.'

Sir Tiffy threw a handful of crumbs onto the ground, hoping a friendly pair of red-breasted ducks by the pond would waddle over to his bench. "Hearts can be broken quite easily, but they can be mended. It takes much time, but they can be mended."
The ducks cautiously approached the bench and eyed Tiffy with suspicion. When he threw down more crumbs, they span in a blur of plumage and stumbled back to the pond. Sir Tiffy picked up a bright feather left behind, twirling the solferino down thoughtfully between his fingers.
"Hmm, not much good for an aigrette, but beautiful all the same. Wysin, what did you do with those seeds?"
I looked up. "After Ellamaria left, I tried retrieving them." A twinge of sadness swept over me. "I could only find one. I have searched for hours, but..."
I leapt to my feet. "Sir Tiffy! The white tree in Ellamaria's garden. It is from that very seed? How? Did you..."
Sir Tiffy smiled at me with a twinkle in his eye. "It is time, my friend."
Without another word, I ran towards my little storage shed at the end of the park, my spirit suddenly elated. Bursting through the wooden door, the familiar smell of compost filled my nose. I fumbled furiously in the dark corner, the home of a precious gift long forgotten, and there it was. The white seed, after ten long years, had finally began to sprout.
Grabbing a spade, I scooped up the tiny seedling and headed outdoors.
As I started digging, Sir Tiffy’s words echoed through my head.
"It is time."

Dreamweaver/One Hot Stud
~October, 2009~

07-Oct-2009 05:24:30 - Last edited on 07-Oct-2009 05:24:56 by Dreamweaver



Posts: 1,017 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Well Dream I have to say I liked that, of course its hard to deciede which part I like better. I didn't see any grammer mistakes either, though i'm not the best to judge. Its also not very humerous so thats a bummer. But you can't have all comical writing.
P.S. My beard doesn't fit :(

09-Oct-2009 01:45:41

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12-Oct-2009 07:19:15

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