Act 3, Scene 1
[[The lights come up and the curtains open to a snowy scene high in the mountains. A prop troll runs across the stage holding a sign that reads, “A Hunderd Yeers Latr.” After a minute, a sheep enters from stage left.]]
Pantomime Sheep Back End: Ping, what did you eat earlier? I told you, no mackerel if I had to be at the back.
Pantomime Sheep Front End: Shut up Pong! We're on.
[[The sheep flaps its way across the stage, hotly but ineptly pursued, it appears, by a frail little female troll with a small stick as a weapon.]]
Mutton: Come back here! I'm strong and fierce and a great hunter. You can't escape!
Pantomime Sheep Front End: Actually we elect to run from all trolls called mutton or lamb. It's a well-tested self-preservation thing.
Mutton: I'll get you this time, you fishy ruminant.
Pantomime Sheep Front End: You can't catch us! I mean, me!
[[The sheep dances around the stage, flapping and sliding effortlessly across the snow, as Mutton struggles along behind, getting more and more tired. Finally, Mutton flings her stick at the sheep, but misses and knocks an Audience member in the front row out cold.]]
Mutton: Take that, you dirty beast!
Friend of Audience Member: How dare you!
[[The audience member picks up the stick and throws it back at Mutton, catching her on the forehead. Mutton rolls down the mountainside and off the side of the stage.]]
Pantomime Sheep Back End: Okay, we're done, Ping. Offstage quick. I've got to get out of this thing right now!
[[The Sheep exits stage right, and the curtains close.]]
[[End of Act 3. Intermission to give the cast and audience more much-needed snack time.]]
16-Nov-2007 08:56:32
- Last edited on
16-Nov-2007 09:17:02