It turns out there are two vines that cross the river. A north vine and a south vine. It also turns out that there are two ways to cross the river: heading east over the north vine or a random, lucky chance with the holes everywhere in the maze. Finally, it turns out that you really, really, really want to be on the east side of the river, however you get over there, because you really, really want to cross west on the south vine. That's the whole point of the maze, go west on the south vine bridge. It also turns out that I was on the east side of the river, but crossed back over on the north vine, got lost, ended up on the east side again, tried crossing on the south vine, fell off, got lost, got lost again... and again... and again... restocked... got lost... got lucky, made it over the bridge... got lost (I don't know how, there was nowhere to go)... finally found the vinestalk... spent ten minutes figuring out how to get the roots. And, oh yeah. You really do need a machete to cut your own way through vines, 'cause after the quest rush, you can't count on other people cutting vines for you.
Anyway. Bump.
11-Oct-2007 11:00:58