
Dreamweaver's Assorted Tales

Quick find code: 49-50-691-49415905

Aug Member 2003


Posts: 3,790 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
It is a tiger sky. The sun is sinking low to the horizon, casting a rich orange glow across the heavens, punctuated with striations of grey cloud. I want to stand and taste the air but I am deeply tired. I kick my back legs weakly, but cannot get them underneath me. So I will lie immobile against my mother's back and remember the last time I chased the wind under a tiger sky.
I had been helping my mother track weasels and kebbits for some time. I knew of their underground burrows, and how they would disappear in one place and reappear in another. The holes were beacons to our noses. We would discover them as fast as the burrowers could dig them.
My mother showed me how to chase an animal to ground, while she stood silently over another hole. I would dig and growl and snarl to frighten it out of its refuge until: pop! The critter would emerge right into her waiting jaws. We ate well, even when larger prey eluded us, but I dreamed of the time I would triumphantly offer her my very own kill of a deer or boar. So I had taken to practicing more and more by myself: silently sta<C>lking, patiently tracking, madly pursuing.
Today was full of promise. As soon as I left our den, I smelled the wart-pig. It must have blundered right through our clearing not long since. With nose to the ground and tail out behind me for balance, I traced the pungent trail swiftly through the tangled undergrowth. The scent was getting slowly hotter. I was closing in!

05-Oct-2007 08:16:36 - Last edited on 05-Oct-2007 08:20:24 by Dreamweaver

Aug Member 2003


Posts: 3,790 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Slowing down, I checked the breeze. It was in my face. Good! I was downwind of my unsuspecting quarry. I hunkered down and listened, ignoring the once-distracting flitting of the black butterflies and wheeling birds. All was silent up ahead. I crept forwards, my back flat and low, feeling every inch of the ground before me with my pads. I stopped again and pricked my ears forwards.
There it was! A rooting, snuffling sound came from the bushes ahead of me. I could smell that pig so strongly that it took every nerve to hold myself back, but my mother had shown me time and time again that I had to get closer and I had to be able to see it before I attacked. Otherwise I would not be able to anticipate which way it might run.
I inched silently in towards the bushes, peering into the gloom between the leaves. Movement! I tensed. It was a tail. It had its back to me. This could not be better! My position was perfect. I would present this wart-pig proudly to my mothe-
A terrifying roar ripped through the jungle! Mother! The pig bolted, already forgotten. I was dashing full-tilt back towards the sound. My mother roared again, and this time I heard the snarl of fear within her dreadful cry. I flew through the trees like never before.

05-Oct-2007 08:17:11 - Last edited on 05-Oct-2007 08:20:17 by Dreamweaver

Aug Member 2003


Posts: 3,790 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“Please don’t be hurt, mother. Please don’t be hurt.” My mind was churning. I slipped on the loose earth, sprawling to the ground, but I was quickly up without a thought for myself, even as I felt some blood slide down my left leg. Mother was in trouble. Nothing else mattered but for me to get back!
I tore around the last bend in the well-worn track to our den and stopped dead in my tracks. From my position behind the last tree, I saw my mother sleeping. She was fine! She was just having a bad dream, that’s all. Everything was fine! I took a step forward and then stopped. No. Something was wrong.
It was then that I saw movement. A larupia. But it was walking on two legs! How obscure! The sun caught something for a moment. The light glinted on a smooth, shiny object like a terrible claw that the creature was holding. The… the thing bent over my mother and sliced at her belly with that claw. She didn't move.
Another roar split the air, rocking the very foundations of the jungle. This time it was my own.
Never before had I reason to roar. But that roar came from my very core; my rage, my sorrow and my love. I exploded into our clearing, utterly surprising the two legged monster. I saw the blood-stained sharp object it held and I bared my own. My teeth and claws, sharper then the sharpest rock and stronger then the strongest tree, were in full view for my mother's attacker to gaze upon. It turned and I saw it slowly try to hit me with its claw-like weapon. This was no larupia; it was too slow and it smelled disgusting.

05-Oct-2007 08:17:46 - Last edited on 05-Oct-2007 08:21:23 by Dreamweaver

Aug Member 2003


Posts: 3,790 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The silvery object arched through the air, searching for my head, but I leapt to the side without a care. I was the master here. I made the decisions. My decision was that this filthy creature was to die. Its side was exposed to me so, as soon as I landed, I twisted and jumped again, sailing, to plant my claws in its soft neck. It hit the ground underneath me, flopping helplessly. I felt the power drain from it, as its sticky blood ran through my paws. I snarled and bit at its tortured face, raking and biting as I roared my vengeance; a battle cry of victory.
After its struggles ceased, I remembered why I ran back. Mother! She lay on the ground, blood rushing from her stomach. I refused the truth; no one could take her from me! I pushed my muzzle up against her, willing her to hold on to life and trying unsuccessfully to staunch the flow of blood. Slowly, I felt her start to slip away, further and further. My growls turned to whimpers as I began to face the inevitable. She was going somewhere that I could not follow.
Then I saw it. That horrific claw was embedded in my underside. Red blood coursed freely down my front and lurched me back to reality. Strength slowly started to ebb away from my limbs and I stumbled away from my mother. I fell heavily, just two kebbit-lengths from her. She was so close; I could almost touch her… I would not let her die alone! I crawled towards her, my strength draining as I did so, the world shifting in and out of focus. I finally reached her, and lay against her back, like I used to do when I was young.
Nestled against my mother's back, I pushed my head into her again and again, wanting to feel her warmth, one last time. Again and again, again and again.

05-Oct-2007 08:18:29 - Last edited on 05-Oct-2007 08:21:31 by Dreamweaver

Aug Member 2003


Posts: 3,790 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The tiger sky is fading to black now. My mother's beautiful form is just a silhouette, a soft shadow against the deepening blue of night. Yet her familiar scent fills my mind and I am content. Despite everything, I brought her my first kill tonight, and she would have been very proud. Darkness descends upon me and I embrace it. It is time to slumber together under the fading tiger sky.

~August 2007~

05-Oct-2007 08:20:07

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